From Noisebridge
Revision as of 12:29, 20 December 2024 by Mwillson (talk | contribs) (Updated by creating basic instructions with pictures for new system at 272 Capp for 2024 - Main hackitorium only.)
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You are standing at the AV system projectors in the Hackitorium and classrooms at Noisebridge.

You see a podium, a projector with HDMI ports and an audio speaker.

EXITS: Hackitorium, Classrooms

> Blinkingcursor.gif

Noisebridge provides three areas to present events and teach classes from that offer ways to project video and play sounds.

I want to use the AV system![edit | edit source]

Please select what you would like to do:

I am in the Downstairs Hackitorium[edit | edit source]

The main stage mixer.
  • Display content (visual with optional audio) - HDMI
    • Plug into HDMI cable running from projector
    • use remote to turn on projector
    • Use "source search" button on remote to switch source to the correct HDMI output
    • Ensure your device has the Epson PJ as your selected audio source
    • Ensure amplifier is on, and mixer is on & outputting sound from correct source - currently is "MIC4"
  • Display content (visual with optional audio) - Chromecast
    • Use remote to turn on projector
    • Use "source search" button on remote to switch source to the correct HDMI output - you should see the Chromecast home screen if it is the correct source!
    • In your Chromium-based browser's menu, there ought to be a "cast" or " save & share" option. Use this if you are on Noisebridge's public Wi-Fi, you should see "Den TV" as the available device to cast to!
  • Talk through the PA system with a microphone
    • Ensure mic is plugged into a mic channel on the mixer (currently pictured is one on "MIC3") and that volume is not 0 on that channel
    • Verify mixer is outputting by looking at level lights changing above "master" knob when check-speaking into mic
  • Play audio from my laptop, phone or tablet
    • Use either "display content" option above or use 3.5 mm connection from "Floor Line In" channel of mixer.
Amplifier and Equipment Drawers
Projector Remote
HDMI for projector display
Back of Amplifier
Back of Speakers, as of 12/2024

I am in the Upstairs Hack Lounge[edit | edit source]

  • Instructions TBD

I am in the Upstairs Electronics Room[edit | edit source]

  • Instructions TBD

FAQ[edit | edit source]

What do we have?[edit | edit source]

We currently have an Epson 2150.

Troubleshooting - Downstairs Hackitorium[edit | edit source]

  1. Ensure the amplifier is powered on.
  2. Go to the mixer and make sure it is on and that the volume knobs for "Master" and your particular chosen input are higher than 0. NOT TOO HIGH THOUGH! DON'T BLOW OUT THE SPEAKERS!
  3. Ensure 3/4" cables run from amplifier to each speaker.
  4. Ensure XLR cables are running from top of mixer (output) to back of amplifier (input)

I would like to hack on this system because something is broken or I want to make it better![edit | edit source]

Due to the nature of Noisebridge hacking is always allowed, however we're hoping that with how "locked down" this system is, needless hacking that'll end up in a broken system for future teachers and presenters will be discouraged.

If you feel like you want to help make the A/V setup even better or simply want to understand how it all works, there are other hackers willing to meet up with you, show you the insides of the lock boxes and potentially give you access. To contact us please reach the A/V Guild Maintainers - use the #AV guild channel in Discord!