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(Created page with ' ; noise.asm -- just fooling around :-) ; mct and leif, ; Sun Feb 19 19:08:13 PST 2012 ; ; Build with: ; ; nasm -felf32 noise.asm ; ld -melf_i386 -o noise …')
(No difference)

Revision as of 20:14, 19 February 2012

; noise.asm -- just fooling around :-)
; mct and leif, ; Sun Feb 19 19:08:13 PST 2012
; Build with:
;       nasm -felf32 noise.asm
;       ld -melf_i386 -o noise noise.o
; Run with:
;        ./noise | aplay

global _start
section .data
section .bss
        var:    resb 1  ; one bye variable
section .text
        ; f(x) = (x >> 10 ^ x>>((x>>13)%4)) % 256
        _start: mov esi, 0
                ;int 3 
                mov edi, esi
                shr edi, 13 ; edi := x >> 13
                mov eax, edi
                mov bx, 4
                div bx  ; dx := (x >> 13) % 4
                mov eax, esi
                mov cx, dx
                shr eax, cl   ; eax := x >> ((x >> 13) % 4)
                mov edi, esi
                shr edi, 10   ; edi := x >> 10
                xor eax, edi
                mov [var], al
                mov eax, 4      ; sys_write
                mov ebx, 1      ; stdout
                mov ecx, var    ; buffer
                mov edx, 1      ; length
                int 80h         ; syscall
                inc esi
                jmp .loop