Noisebridge | About | Visit | 272 | Manual | Contact | Guilds | Resources | Events | Projects | WGs | 5MoF | Meetings | Donate | V · T · E |
Events | Hosting | Streaming | Meetup | Upcoming Events | Anniversaries | Hackathons | External Events | V · T · E |
Noisebridge Events include numerous free classes and other official, Semi-Official, one-off and other events.
How to Host an Event
Want to host your event at Noisebridge? We like seeing classes, workshops, and talks on interesting things! Most of all, we like seeing familiar faces. Please participate in the space and our weekly Tuesday me
Small low-key Lean theorem prover study session. Learn functional programming and theorem proving/program verification with Lean 4. |
etings to check in with folks in the space before announcing a new event. It's good (read this as highly RECOMMENDED!) to add in a link to a wiki page with more information about your event, and a way to contact the event organizer(s). Thanks!
Resources For Hosting Events
- Event Organizer or NB Event Sponsor should read this to attendees before the event: Noisebridge Pre-Event Safety Briefing
- Useful tips for Hosting an Event
- Avoid schedule conflicts: check Noisebridge Meetup page (
- Events Support
Event Calendar
Noisebridge | About | Visit | 272 | Manual | Contact | Guilds | Resources | Events | Projects | WGs | 5MoF | Meetings | Donate | V · T · E |
Events | Hosting | Streaming | Meetup | Upcoming Events | Anniversaries | Hackathons | External Events | V · T · E |
events are haphazardly cross-posted on Meetup, the Discord, and Google Calender here
Some noisebridger's have also started hosting Events from a calendar at, and new (additional) associated gCal.
W: Weekly |
1st 2nd 3rd 4th: Certain weeks |
-2nd: Except certain weeks |
S: Streaming |
event: caution maybe dead |
event: management of space
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, January 19th - Global Game Jam 6PM! RSVP on MEETUP
- Saturday March 8th - Heph Adams Memorial Gathering
- Friday, June 6 - San Francisco Writers Workshop Benefit for Noisebridge, 7-9pm

Tags | Time | Title | Description |
W | 3:00pm | Pico-W Python School Group | Learn Python programming using Pico-W microcontrollers for kids and students of all ages. |
W | 7:00pm | Meetups/Infra | Self-hosting, rough consensus, & running code. Find upcoming sessions on Meetup or in #meetup-infra on Discord. |
W | 7:00pm | Python Class | Learn Python in this free introductory class. |
W | you-o-clock | TRASH NIGHT | Please take out all three large trash bins!! They are on the patio. |
W | |||
W |
Tags | Time | Title | Description |
W S | 7:00pm | Noisebridge Weekly Meeting | (In person & online via Jitsi) - Introduce new people and events, joining, announcements, discussions, and consensus. Come express what you think about what's going on with your space! |
W | 7:00pm | San Francisco Writers Workshop | Free drop-in writers workshop, get feedback and critique! Located on the first floor hackitorium. |
W | |||
2nd 4nd | 6:00pm | Numerati SF | Hacking the Stock Market with AI/ML. Every other Tuesday. Please RSVP on Meetup. |
Tags | Time | Title | Description |
3rd | 3:30pm - 5:30pm | Zinemakers meetup | Monthly gathering of zine and book and comic creators, to share ideas and work on projects. Newbies welcome! Confirm with Meetup |
1st | 7:00pm - 8:30pm | Conflict Resolution | We do our best to address pressing issues, mitigate conflicts, be excellent to each other. |
2nd 4nd | 6:00pm - 7:00pm | Bike Psych! | Time and space to talk about transit related projects Confirm with Meetup |
W S | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | Gamebridge | game development mentoring & coworking meetup for gamedev beginners and indies alike. |
1st | 8:00pm | Woodhacking Wednesday | "Have a woodworking project in mind but you don't know where to get started? This is a good time to come ask questions, get some help, and ideas from other woodworkers. Everyone is welcome..." Confirm dates with Meetup
Tags | Time | Title | Description |
W | 2:00pm - 4 | Lean Theorem prover/programming study meet | An event for people who would like to study/teach Lean theorem prover/programming. |
W S | |||
2nd 4th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm | Advanced Geometry SF | An event for people who would like to study/teach advanced topics in geometry. |
W | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | Python Project Meetup | Come together to complete a comprehensive computer programming project, largely in Python! |
3rd S | 8:00pm - 9:00pm | Five Minutes of Fame a.k.a. 5MoF | Ten 5min talks in an hour, on any topic |
4th S | 8:00pm - 10:30pm | Resident Electronic Music | An electronic music open mic! |
W | you-o-clock | TRASH NIGHT | Please take out all three large trash bins!! They are on the patio. |
Tags | Time | Title | Description |
W | 9:00am - 5:00pm | Hack on Noisebridge! | a good open time for cleaning 'n re-organizing the physical space. Coffee and Donuts on a first-come first-served basis! See #facilities-aka... channel on the Discord |
W | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | Swifty Fridays | Swift language mentoring & co-working meetup All experience levels welcome! |
Tags | Time | Title | Description |
W | 2:00pm - 6:00pm | Free Code Camp | with |
3rd | 2:00pm - 6:00pm | Godot Meetup | Gamedev workshop & networking for users of the Godot game engine. We have two meetups this October: Oct. 19th and an extra one on Oct 26th to hang out with Juan Linietsky, the creator & tech lead of Godot Engine! |
4th | 1:00pm - 3:00pm | Building Guitar Pedals Workshop | Come build guitar pedals or other electronic music equipment! Look for the #pedal-building channel under #events in the discord. Check the Meetup for more info and confirmed dates. |
4th | 4:00pm - 7:00pm | Decentralized Web | Presentations and networking for those interested in building and using the decentralized web. |
Tags | Time | Title | Description |
W | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | Laser Cutter training | Get certified to use the laser cutter |
2nd | 2:00pm - 3:00pm | Fabrication 101 2nd Shop Sundays | class on safety and basic techniques |
W | 5:00pm - 8:00pm | Spacebridge Weekly Meeting | Noisebridge's resident space program. Meetup page |
W | 9:00pm - ??? | Noisebridge Cinema! | Watch a movie and discuss filmmaking! |
2nd S | 2:00pm - 4:00pm | BAHA: Bay Area Hackers' Association | Security Hacking Meeting 2nd Sundays at 272 and via Jitsi |
Other Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces Events
- Queerious Labs is open during limited times, check it's status
- SudoRoom: Women & Non-Binary Coding Mondays 7-9pm
- SudoRoom: Hardware Hacking Tuesdays 7-10pm
CONTACT: If you'd like to contact somebody at Noisebridge regarding these Events or even the Noisebridge Wiki itself, then please send an email message to one of the Board members listed in the Contacts list, e.g., <> or <>
Orphaned Events
These events appear to be dormant or extinct.
- Nix and NixOS Meetup - BI-Weekly gathering of Nix and NixOS hackers to discuss use cases, learning material, share tacit knowledge and work on projects.
- Machine Learning AI and RL Meetup - Weekly gathering of AI enthusiasts discussing cool things happening in the field and ongoing projects / learning tracks
- Self-Driving Flying Car Meetup
- Circuit Launch (under other BACH events): 3rd Friday 5:30pm-8:30pm Robot Build Night & Fixit Clinic
- W 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Noisebridge SQL Class - Wondering why SQL is so popular and used even though it has been around for decades? Come find out @ Noisebridge SQL class! This class is an intro / intermediate level class on SQL—the backbone language to any relational database around. (Church classroom).
- SAT 10:15 - 12:10 Juggling with Judy! Note: next class is scheduled for Saturday June 29th. Attention juggling fans! Judy will be at the 2013 World Juggling Day celebration Saturday June 15th at Ripley's Believe It Or Not Odditorium in San Francisco Fisherman's Warf - free event begins at 1. Come check it out!
- THU 18:00 - 21:00 Privacy Bay - A monthly meetup for Bay Area folks interested in privacy. Meets in Church on the last Thursday of the month.
- FRI 19:00 - 21:00 Anarchy 101 - a class/seminar on what anarchy is and is not, and how it impacts us as individuals and as discrete groups.
- 20:00 - 22:00 Noise~ Wed - Graphical media programming with Max/MSP/Jitter
- 19:00 Tahoe-LAFS - Occasional meetup of users and/or developers of the Least Authority File System.
- 14:00 - 16:00 Android Developer Support Group - Meet up with other app developers in the library for a lightly structured knowledge-share.
- W 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm Songbridge Music Making Tuesdays - Beginner-friendly music making and mentoring meetup with Ableton/GarageBand/Logic tutorials for beginners and peer collabs. (Noise Square Table).
| 3rd || 1:00pm - 5:00pm || TOOOL-SF || locksport meetup of The SF Chapter of the Open Organisation Of Lockpickers. |-
OrphanSed as of 2017-10-31:
- (Wednesday) W 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Build a Solar Lab Kit with SpyCamp - Starting June 14th to August 16th, at 2:00pm sharp Natalie (errcat) will be leading a solar charger kit lab for kids! Friends and family are invited to come with their kids and build a solar charger along side kids from SpyCamp. Kits are sold at the door for 20 dollars for whoever wishes to participate (5 dollars from each kit are donated to Noisebridge).
- (Wednesday) alternating monthly 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Cyberspectrum: Software Defined Radio Meetup in the Hackatorium(new): A place to learn and exchange ideas about SDR. Presentations on concepts, mystery signals, hardware/software and cool applications. Event alternates monthly between SF and the South Bay.
- (Wednesday) 1st Wednesday of every month, 7:30-9. with Software; Art() Present your personal and expressive art made with software/hardware of your own making and get feedback and critical dialogue from fellow artist/technologists. ON HIATUS TILL OCTOBER! [Last updated August 2, 201S7].
- (Wednesday) W 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm - Career Change: How to kickstart your new career in web development
- (Thursday) W 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm The Go group meets up on Wednesdays and Thursdays to play.
- (Sunday) W 3:00 pm Go - Playing of the Go board game. On nice days we often take the boards to Dolores Park and play there.
- (Sunday) W 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm .impact Workathons in Turing classrom. Work on projects that will help humanity & beyond.
Removed Open event listings as the hours already say that and it makes the list take up more space and harder to read on screens and printouts.
- W 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Noisebridge is open!
- W 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Open We are open Friday evenings!
- W 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Noisebridge is open! Come hack and we may stay open later
- W 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Noisebridge is open!
Proposed Future Events and Classes
- (TBD): Audio Show and Tell Let's meetup this November 19th, Sunday at noon in the Hackitorium to share our audio projects for an hour! Bring your project/art, hardware or software ...if interested contact and confirm you can attend
- (TBD): Sound Science A potential monthly lecture/demonstration series on the little known science behind sound reproductionTopics to include: Transducer Physics(speakers and mics), Room Acoustics, Signal Path and Cabling,Loudspeaker design 101, Music Production Tips for Big Sound, and How to make a small system sound SHUGEEach session to include hands on projects like making speakers from stuff lying around, Non-Newtonian bass monsters, and ez speaker mods for anyoneIf interested contact the new guy-> MattLong8 at gmail dot com, 805 four five three - six zero nine seven
- (TBD): Modular Synthesis a bi-weekly (or monthly) group devoted to modular synthesizers> workshop will include modular sound synthesis styles and techniques, a study of different modules and their functions, ie voltage controlled oscillator, voltage controlled filter, low frequency oscillator, envelope generator ect and how these modules interact with each other, what control voltage and triggers are..... as well as one on one time for each student with the modular, which is a 60 space large format Moog style modular synthesizer with big knobs and 1/4 jacks including performance and other awesomeness by Douglas. contact Douglas at greenshoos at gmail dotcom
- (TBD): VideoHacking a weekly video/video art devoted hacker group, including experiments in the 3D vr realm...if interested contact
- Wednesdays at 21:00 Brewing Bridge - Malakkar Proposal: Learn how to make your drinks fun AND antibacterial, using yeastThis will be recurring if enough interest or need is presentAssociated items - what to do with brewing leftovers, and brewers sample hour, etc.
- (TBD): Probability - Weekly probability study group based on Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory by Al Drake
- (TBD): Mandarin - Learn or practice Mandarin, all levels. Also currently on hiatus. Get on the mailing list.
- (TBD): Movie Night! - Thom wants to build community through nerdy sci-fi! (+Bill+Ted+Excellence++) (how about a Friday hacker movie night? -Carl)
- (TBD): Introduction to the AVR Microcontroller - Jeff and Mitch are planning an introductory class for people wanting to make cool projects with AVRs.
- (TBD): Basic Chemistry Lab Techniques
- (TBD): Cuddle Puddle for the Economy - Stress-hacking with informal massage exchange.
- (TBD): Milk and Cookies - Come read your favorite selections out loud With Milk and Cookies (and yeah, probably beer too).
- (TBD): Processing Workshop 2 - Scott is interested in teaching this, and is busy thinking about what, where, when, why, and how.
- (TBD): Hack your Hardware -- We call BS on "no user-serviceable parts inside"
- (TBD): Homebrew Instruction Class - The Wort (pt 1/3)
- (TBD): Trip to Shooting Range - Field trip to a shooting range, to shoot guns Express interest at Trip to Shooting Range
- (TBD): Surface Mount Soldering Workshop - Learn how to solder cicuits with small surface mount parts Mitch Altman and Martin Bogomolni and others will show their tricks Mitch will bring hackable kits that uses surface mounts for you to solder<-YES! (mattlong8 at gmail dot com)
- (TBD) - Locksport and LockpickingTuring
- (TBD) - Version control tutorial
- (TBD) - Foreign language learning for rocket scientists - I'm near-native (fool people when I try) in (French and) Japanese, and a pro trans/terpreter and will share my shortcuts (skill-order, vocab, speed/articulation, translation≅grammar) No expertise on tonal languages if you know how to remember tones or how tone-sandhi interacts with speed and/or how nuances of speaker attitude are expressed in them (what we do with rythm/inflection/sentence-intonation and stress in Eng., and with particles and ??? in e.g. Cantonese) please chime in or call me (415-608-0564) so I can convey your wisdom [also looking for a from-scratch Arabic partner]
- (TBD): Getting started with Arduino
- (TBD): Distributed Databases
- (TBD): Node.js Beginners Session - Interested in learning about Node.js? I amMaybe these guys want to teach it:
- (TBD): CNC Mill Workshop - Who wants to make stuff on the MaxNCMill?
- (TBD): Math & Science Help - If you would like some math, science or engineering help, I'm down to lend a hand.
- (TBD): Cyborg Group / Sensebridge - Work on projects like artificial senses Someone needs to lead this!
- (TBD): OpenEEG - Brain techHas historically met on Sundays, at the behest of interested parties.
- (TBD): Programming for Poets - Gentle intro to programming using Processing
- (TBD): World Builders & Simgineers - Work together to create a beautiful & open virtual world & platform.
- (TBD): PlunderBridge - Metal detecting, detector technology & treasure hunting expeditions.
- (TBD): Ruby Mining - Ruby on Rails basics, interactive working group
- (TBD): MoinMoin Wiki - MoinMoin Wiki (details see there)
- (TBD): Noisebridge Fundraiser 2013
Past Event Proposals
- (TBD): Scrum Club - I though I'd test the waters and see if anyone was interested in a noisebridge scrum club details are here if inturested hit me up twitter: @theabcasian, facebook:
Past Events
- March 9, 2024 - The Immigrants Fashion Show, 7PM-11PM
- March 4, 2024 - Ice Music Soundbath meetup, Downstairs Hackitorium, 6PM
- Feb 29, 2024 - Leap Day Party 2024 feat. "Sons of the Earth and the Sky" film series episode 1 premiere, Downstairs Hackitorium, 7PM
- time flies
- Sunday Streets on july 10th, Valencia
- Punk Rock Show Feb 12, 2022: A bunch of awesome bands played at 272.
- October 12, 2022 6:30PM Pre ROS Con Meetup Featuring delegates from OpenCV and ROS robotics.
- San Friend Disco July 29: A musical and visual 7-10 pm afterparty following a Delores Park picnic.
- June 21, 3:30pm - 4:30pm 80 engineering students from Barcelona are coming for a tour! (Lizzard to host)
- NB14 Kickoff: Friday, April 1: Noisebridge's 14th anniversary party, HackComedy & Stupid Hackathon 8 kickoff.
- NB14 Hackday: Saturday, April 2: Stupid Hackathon 8 jamming day & workshops.
- NB14 Finale: Sunday, April 3: Stupid Hackathon 8 Demo Night & NB14 Finale & Music Show.
- NeurotechX GDC 2022: March 24 Noisebridge is hosting a Neurotech in gaming party for GDC. Host: User:Pyconaut
- MNT Reform: Friday, March 4, 6pm-8pm Hosted by TJ Melanson with Lukas F. Hartmann coming all the way from Berlin, Germany via Jitsi.
- The Beat Frequency: Oscilator Vol. 1: March 4 8pm-11pm Noisebridge's electronic musicians will perform.
- August 14, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Art opening party for sailorhg's beautiful circuit hacking mural! There will be cookies shaped like electronic components! Mural is upstairs; eating and drinking on first floor outdoors only.
- August 21, 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm HackComedy! Comedy night run by Victor! Donations welcome! Details to come.
- Blender 3D Animation and Design class|Blender 3D Animation and Design class]], Blender Class teaching the basics of 3d design and animation. Sunday, February 23, 01:00: [[
- Road Rash 2|Road Rash 2]], Friday, February 22, 2019, 19:00 -- Come play Road Rash 2 with the Noisebridge Gaming Archivists live on NGALAC or watch us online at Friday, February 22, 19:00: [[
- Global Game Jam 2019, Friday, January 25, 2019, 5:00pm to Sunday, January 27, 2019 5:00pm -- Friday, January 25, 17:00:
- Global Game Jam 2018, Friday, January 26, 2018, 5:00pm to Sunday, January 28, 2018 5:00pm -- Friday, January 26, 17:00:
- Noisebridge 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition and Ball, Saturday, September 09, 2017, 10:00am to Sunday, September 10, 2017 5:00pm --; and Tuesday, September 12th, 8:00pm for the special guest event -- Saturday, September 9, 10:00:
- Noisebridge picnic-potluck gathering 1pm-3pm, Bring #{food, drink} whatever you want to share, potluck style! All Noisebridge folks and friends are welcome! Let's leave from NB 15min before or meet under the palm trees, South-East corner of Dolores Park near the Playground (20th & Church) in San Francisco, CA 94114: Saturday, June 18, 13:00:
- Noisebridge picnic-potluck gathering 1pm-3pm, Bring #{food, drink} whatever you want to share, potluck style! All Noisebridge folks and friends are welcome! Let's meet under the palm trees, South-East corner of Dolores Park near the Playground (20th & Church) in San Francisco, CA 94114: Saturday, May 28, 13:00:
- SF Amateur Mathematicians, Differential Geometry and Wide-Angle Photography with Chad Fong. In Church Room. See Meetup page. SF Amateur Mathematicians is a math club open to everyone interested in learning more about math. Topics and talks generally assume some collegiate mathematical background. Thursday, February 25, 19:00:
- HackTheLeft,
Hack the Left is an anticapitalist hackathon, going on for the entire long weekend of February 5th-7th at Noisebridge. This is an experiment to see what happens when you get a bunch of leftists in a room for a weekend with the intention to advance liberatory and anticapitalist projects using technology. This includes software projects like Tor and Signal, art projects like the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project and Men in Grey, hardware projects like mesh networks and signal jammers, and tools for rad organizations like Anti Police-Crimethink Project and Food Not Bombs. It's clear that there's a huge amount of opportunity for liberatory technology. It's up to us to build it.
Sunday, February 7, 11:00:
- Hackathon participants should be able to get into Noisebridge by its 11:00 AM opening hour, if not earlier, for both weekend days.
- How to Start a Startup MOOC Lecture Viewings, We would get together to watch the lectures together and conduct discussion and networking afterwards. Sunday, September 28, 17:00:
- Noisebridge Party Setup, Volunteers will be preparing the space for Saturday's show. There are no scheduled conflicts; you might be asked to move multiple times by someone pushing a broom and assembling a raised stage simultaneously. Friday, August 15, 17:00:
- Noisebridge "______ the Bridge" Party, a summer fundraising party for Noisebridge, which YOU are invited to! Saturday, August 16, 16:00:
- Bay Area Hackers' Association Meeting, Jon Callas presenting on Secure Communications, Privacy, Counter-Surveillance. Sunday, August 17, 14:00:
- Wednesday, May 22, 7.00 pm: Instructables Build Night - Bare Conductive, Instructables will supply Bare Conductive paint pens and pizza. Come experiment with the paint and post some Instructables. This is a FREE event.
- December 20, Thursday, 20:00 - 22:00 - 5 Minutes of Fame - Following up on its triumphant return in November, 5MoF is back with another showcase of lightning talks & other good stuff, with your host Sir Danny O'Brien! Details TBA
- Tuesday Feb14th, 18:00 to 20:00 ZiP MegaZine releases its inaugural issue with My Noisy Valentine Zine Release Microparty in the Noisebridge cafeFor more info follow this link.
- Wednesday, Jan30, 20:00-22:00 ZiP meeting for zine-makers & others with an interest in printing & self-publishingThe meeting 1/30/13 is our first since mid-2012We plan to hold them regularly from now on at this time (Wednesday 8pm)This meeting will be informal & will probably take place in the printing/lasercutter area of the hackerspace.
- September 11th 14:00 to 17:00 - The San Francisco Chapter of the Open Organisation Of Lockpickers and Bay Area Hacker's Association present a joint meeting on locksport
- August 4, 7PM, Thursday - Bob Zeidman will be giving a talk on video games and intellectual property, hosted by TheMADEHe will also speak about IP infringement cases.
- August 9, 6:30PM, Tuesday - Make:SF - Chris Jefferies will speak about the wireless sensor kit he is developing and we are brinunderstanding and using computersging back our all star soldering kits.
- April 13th, 19:00 - Kombucha fermentation class with BioBridge
- April 7th, 20:00 - Noisebridge: In-Depth Our monthly lecture and round tableThis month's speaker will be Aragorn! his lecture will be "Anarchism & technology: An unbridgeable chasm"
- April 4th, 20:00 - Camp KDE PartyCome and meet part of the KDE North America community and get a quick overview of this year's Camp KDE conferenceThere will be beer
- April 3rd, 16:00 - NoiseCaching: Meet-up to build some geocaches, and talk about making geocoinsThen we'll head out to find some local caches and place caches we madeMore info about Geocaching here
- March 20th, 19:00 Hack Politics meetup -- the first meetup to figure out how we in the hacker community can effectively mobilize and create meaningful change in these interesting times
- March 12th, 12:00-18:00 - Noisebridge Hackathon! Second Saturday Hackathon is a casual monthly event dedicated to working on the space or relevant projects and building community This is a great time to get feedback or help on any projects you have been considering that center around the space, culture, and infrastructure of Noisebridge You can also help with existing projects and find out ways to get involved.
- March 10, Thursday, 19:00 - Group Grammar Clinic - Church Classroom - Donations gladly accepted - A clinic for grammar and writing evaluationPlease bring your web/social or technical writing for us to evaluateBring your laptop as well Collaboration groupware possibly provided(Please suggest groupware software to use if you wish)Constructive feedback from other group members is encouraged so that this clinic is a group process- Facilitator: Owen (
- March 9th, 20:00 - Ferment and filter a mash! fermentation logs
- Sunday, August 22, 19:00 CLUB-MATE DROPOFF AND TASTING PARTY Nick Farr will be in town to drop off Club-Mate ordered by San Franciscans!
- June 5th, 12:00-19:00 - NoiseBridgeRehab - Help make the space more usable and accessible! Noisebridge needs your help!
- June 5th, 16:00-20:00 - Science For Juggalos - Science Fair in front of the Warfield Theater teaching magnetism to Juggalos
- June 6th, 15:00 - AVC Meetup - Entrepreneurial bonding & matchmaking
- June 9th, 21:00 - Your liver supports Noisebridge - Come to Elixir @ 16th & Guerrero anytime after 21:00 and drink, drink, drink! 50% of tips go to Noisebridge
- February 27th, 20:00 - Hacker EPROM - Noisebridge's first prom! Nice tie and a (robot) date requiredWe will have a DJ and punch.
- February 24th, 19:00, Wednesday - Joris Peels, of Shapeways, and expert on 3D printing, will give a talk and demonstration at Noisebridge!.
- February 23rd, 18:00 - Cleaning day - Come and help clean Noisebridge, because everyone loves a clean hack space.
- February 12th, 21:00 - visit from Steve JacksonGame designer Steve Jackson, founder of Steve Jackson Games, will visit Noisebridge.
- January 27th, 18:00-20:00 - Circuit Bending Workshop - Beatrix*JAR (contact Gian Pablo for more info)
- January 27th, 20:00-22:00 - Circuit Bending Performance - Beatrix*JAR - "Celebrate a night of new sound that will change your idea of music forever!"
- January 25th, 19:30 - Bag Porn - What's in your bag?
- January 20th, 19:00-21:00 - Bay Categories & Types - Categories, monoids, monads, functors and more! Held in the Alonzo Church classroom.
- January 20th, 19:00 - User Experience Book Club SF - Our book this month is "A Theory of Fun for Game Design" by Raph Koster - (meets in Turing)
- January 21st, 20:00 - Five Minutes of Fame - Monthly set of lightning talks on diverse topics
- January 22nd, 17:00 - Cleaning Party - Come help clean up Noisebridge! Awsum fun!
- ...January 14th,16th, and 17th 1:00- ??? Build Out day for kitchen/bathroom/laundry bring yourself and a good attitude, learn a few things as well
- January 15th, 18:00 - CNC_Mill_Workshop - Learn to use the CNC mill for 2D engraving and circuit board routing
- Thursdays 17:00 American Sign Language - Learn how to talk without using your voice (or just come chat in ASL)click to reschedule
- November 18th, 19:30 - Dorkbot
- November 19th, 18:00 - Mesh meetup
- November 19th, 20:00 - Five Minutes of Fame
- November 20th, 18:00 - Loud Objects Noise Toy workshop.
- November 20th, 20:00 - Performance by Loud Objects, (featuring Tristan Perich and Lesley Flanigan) and Jib Kidder.
- 2009-11-05 - Server Sky presentation: Internet and Computation in Orbit by Keith Lofstrom
- 2009-11-05 - Mesh meetup
- 2009-11-02 - French book club meeting to discuss Une Si Longue Lettre
- October 1st, 18:00 - Mesh wireless meetup
- October 1st, 19:00 - Bay Area Categories and Types
- 2009-10-03 Year 1 Open Hacker House
- Friday: CrazyCryptoNight - Discussion of cryptography for beginners through experts6-???
- Sunday : OpenEEG Hacking Sundays, at 3-5pm.
- Monday: German - Learn German, all levels7pm beginners, 8pm advancedRSVP 24 hours in advance for the benefit of the instructorEvents ran May-November 2009Currently on Thursdays at 8Get on the mailing list.
- Tuesday: Haskell/Haschool - Learn Haskell with Jason Dusek 6PM - 7:30PM, from May until we're all experts.
- Wednesday: Adobe Lightroom - Become a more organized photographerWeekly class (mostly held off site).
- Thursday: Professional VFX Compositing With Adobe After Effects - Taught by Aaron Muszalski7:30PM - 10PM, most Thursdays in May & June & ? (click through dammit)
- 2009-09-17: Five Minutes of Fame 3D Edition
- 2009-09-17: Mesh wireless meetup
- 2009-08-20: Five Minutes of Fame One Dee Edition
- 2009-07-16: Five Minutes of Fame Zero Dee
- 2009-07-02 - 2009-07-05: Toorcamp
- 2009-07-01: Noisedroid meeting to discuss location logging on Android platform (and other stuff too, I'm sure)
- 2009-06-30: Powerbocking class
- 2009-06-30: "Suing Telemarketers for Fun and Profit" (Toorcamp talk preview)
- 2009-06-28: "Meditation for Hackers" (Toorcamp workshop preview)
- 2009-06-18: Five Minutes of Fame
- 2009-06-15: Eagle Workshop Session two of the Eagle CAD workshop.
- 2009-06-13: RoboGames 2009 Noisebridge had a booth staffed by vounteers, great fun!
- 2009-05-21: Five Minutes of Fame
- 2009-04-27: EagleCAD workshop -- learn to use this CAD tool for printed circuit board design
- 2009-04-16: Five Minutes of Fame April showers & flowers edition
- 2009-04-11: RFID Hacking weekend workshop (this event moved from the original March date)
- 2009-04-05: First aid and CPR class Learning how to not only not die, but also reduce scarring!
- 2009-04-03: Sudo pop 2PM and onMaking the first batch of a Noisebridge label yerba mate-niated rootbrew, gratis and DIY
- 2009-03-26: OpenEEG Hacking first meet up for this new group: 8 pm
- 2009-03-19: Five Minutes of Fame
- 2009-03-12: OpenBTS and GSM talk by David Burgess
- 2009-02-14: Open Heart Workshop Valentine's Day blinkyheart soldering party!
- 2009-02-13: time_t Party to celebrate 1,234,567,890 since the Unix epoch.
- 2009-02-09: Spanish learning at 8:30
- 2009-02-05: PGP Key Workshop
- 2009-01-31: Locksport and Lockpicking
- 2008-12-27: 25C3 Chaos Computer Congress in Berlin
- 2008-12-20 & 21: Creme Brulee Workshop on creating a french dessert, with bonus propane torch.
- 2008-12-17 20:00: Machine Learning Birds-of-a-feather
- 2008-11-24: Circuit Hacking Monday circuit design workshop
- 2008-11-21,understanding and using computers 7pm:Milk and Cookies -- David Molnar hosts Milk and Cookies at 83CBring a short 5-7minute thing to read to othersBring a potluck cookie/snack/drink if you likeDavid will bring milk and cookies.
- 2008-11-17, 7:30pm: Basic Bicycle Maintain - Rubin and rigel hate it w8:00 pm to 10:00hen we see a bike that isn't maintainedScreechy chains and clacking derailleur can go to hellBasic bike tune up, sharing the smarts on simple things you can do at home to make your ride suck a whole lot less.
- 2008-11-16, 5:00pm: RepRap Soldering Party - help assemble RepRap! RSVPs required on wiki! adi
- 2008-11-16, 3:00pm: Oscilloscopes - Learn how to use this versatile tool to test electronic circuits Maximum 6 slots, please sign up ahead of time! dstaff
- 2008-10-31: Halloween Open House - NoiseBridge's own PPPC threw an awesome open house/halloween galaPost pictures if you got 'em!
- 2008-10-25: Soldering Workshop and Pumpkin Hackin' - Learn to solder for total newbies (or learn to solder better!), including surface mountAdditionally, carve your halloween pumpkins and enjoy some experimental pumpkin pie and/or soup.
- 2008-10-07: (tuesday before meeting) - Etch a circuit boardI'll be trying a photo resist etching and a basic printed mask etchingThis is step 1/3 for a project called "annoying USB thingie" which will execute pre-defined keystrokes by sneaking a tiny USB dongle onto a victim^h^h^h^h^h buddy's computer.
- 2008-09-13: Processing Workshop — Learn this very easy-to-use programming language! - Processing Workshop Report
- 2008-02-16: Brain Machine Making Workshop: Our first hardware sprint!
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Pages in category "Events"
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- User:Mcint
- User:Mcint/header
- Meet-Up with iFixit
- Meeting Notes 2011 05 10
- Meeting Notes 2011 05 17
- Meeting Notes 2011 05 24
- Meeting Notes 2011 05 31
- Meeting Notes 2011 06 07
- Meeting Notes 2011 06 21
- Meeting Notes 2011 06 28
- Meeting Notes 2011 08 02
- Meeting Notes 2023 06 20
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- Milk and Cookies
- Mitch FR UK DE NL Tour 2015
- Mitch UK DE Tour 2014
- MNT Reform
- Modern Inventors Meetup
- Modular
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- Nanaloop Tutorial
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- Noisebridge 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition and Ball
- Noisebridge Gaming Archivists
- Noisebridge Koruza event
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- NoiseBridgeRehab
- Noise~ Wednesday
- NOPE - Toorcamp 2016