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Projects | Concepts | Proposals | Art | Spacebridge | PFA Template V · T · E

Noisebridge Projects, the wonderful things Noisebridgers work on.

We haven't done a thorough list of projects yet so this list is quite incomplete but we'll add more of the things Noisebridgers work on or have worked on or would like to work on as Concepts. It helps to share photos and documentation about how various projects have been useful to people, so if you have some, share those at the bottom of the page.

Project Lifecycle Stages

Many projects get their start as concepts which get turned into proposals to gather feedback before being done by do-ocracy or consensus and becoming construction projects or to-do-ocracy task list items.

Parking Projects and things at the Space

If some object or project is appearing non-functional and appears to be without stewardship, a parking ticket may be downloaded from [here], printed, & placed upon it with a date added and reason for the ticket. The owner of the project/object then has 30 days from the date of the ticket to claim the project or else it is free game to remove from the space.

Doocratic Project Lists

The Projects_CMS is a new project that aims to help organize and manage Noisebridge community projects. Please use and/or contribute to it!

Many buildout and infrastructure projects are being documented and worked on via Github as part of the doocratic task list. There is a Doocratic Thursdays event to get together in person and online to work on various projects, and the list is discussed during meetings.


Looking for a class to join to learn the skills that you need for projects? Here's our list of events, many of which are recurring classes!

Project Concepts

Want to see all the proposed project concepts? See the Concepts page and comment or add ideas of your own.

Where to Present Your Project(s)

  • Five_Minutes_of_Fame is an event that encourages project sharing with 10 5 minute talks in an hour every third Thursday of the month. Sign up on the wiki page to present your project at the next 5moF!

New Projects

  • NoiseCurtain
  • Send something to space (or more likely to a really high altitude via balloon)! Maybe we could run a server on it so we can communicate with it and score a "First X in space" accomplishment. Really what I want is to build something to take this sort of picture. (edited)
  • Gadget to help you remember when you lost something in your house, and where
  • Windmill, a 500 watt power output windmill project.

Ongoing Projects

The Noisebridge BBS

Projects that are under construction or complete but still being worked on and added to.

  • BBS: A Noisebridge BBS!
  • 'WIP Title: Add a bunch of LEDs to the hackitorium and make them (and Flaschentaschen) sound reactive to make shows/performances even more impressive.

  • SpaceJam: Adding a Discord bot for letting people know whether the space is "open" (i.e. inhabited).
  • Hacker Passports: Hacker stamp books for your hackerspace travels around the world.
  • (Add yours here)

Ongoing project areas

  • Flaschen Taschen: A pixelated bottle wall with its own software protocol for networking graphics to it. People continually experiment on new graphics interactions and build new ones or add on to make it bigger.
  • Hackstations: Noisebridge has workspaces of various types to facilitate different creativity and crafts.
    • Sewing Station: A complete sewing workspace for crafting with fabric including machines, tables, tools and fabric.
    • Shop: A dirty shop area for wood and metal cutting. Operational and being reorganized.
    • SparkleForge: A clean shop area for laser cutting and other hot crafting tools best kept away from flammables like wood. Being reorganized after 272 move.
    • VRBridge: A VR Cart powering a 10x10x10 holocube for roomscale mixed reality with greenscreen padding and safety screen walls.
    • GNAR: A music lab.
  • (Add yours here!)

Completed Projects

The award-winning Flaschentaschen

Projects that are built and operational and not being further modified at NB.

  • Phonebooth Gate Entry: Type the secret code into the phone booth and gain access.
  • Art: Numerous art projects decorate Noisebridge, including:
    • Noisetable
    • Flaschen Taschen:A pixelated bottle wall with its own software protocol for networking graphics to it.
    • Wall Art: Murals and art of all kinds decorating Noisebridge.
  • Grow Bucket by Ruth: grow plants in your apartment. Contact: Ruth Grace Wong
  • Hackathons: NB hosts many hackathons where many projects are produced and documented!
    • Stupid Hackathon: The Stupid Ideas hackathons produce the most useless projects imaginable.
    • Global Game Jam: Many games get created every year based on a theme every January.

Past Projects

Projects that ran their course and aren't currently active.

  • Spacebridge: Launching DIY payloads high above the Earth.
  • Sensebridge: Noisebridge cyborg group making sensor feedback devices to make the invisible visible.
  • NoiseTor. "The Noisebridge Tor Project is a group of Noisebridge members who want to create more Tor nodes." More info: see NoiseTor and
  • add more here

Photos, Videos and Writing about Noisebridge Projects

Many of our projects have been documented in photo, video and writing. Some of them have been featured in the press or won awards. Feel free to past anything about Noisebridge projects here.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.