Computer Programming Study Group

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Currently on hiatus!
The Computer Programming Study Group is a meeting where folks can bring programming questions, issues, and problems (in any language) and learn and receive help in a group setting.

  • WHEN: On hiatus/not meeting. Was Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 PM in the Hackitorium.
  • ORGANIZERS: Travis Briggs (tmoney on Discord).

Welcome![edit | edit source]

Currently on hiatus, see the Python class

The Computer Programming Study Group, also known as CoProStuGru (nobody calls it that), is a completely free meetup focusing on improving everyone's skill in computer programming. We will focus on tackling real problems and questions that you, the attendees have. Sometimes there might be short lectures in order to kickstart discussions. We'll also try to have some exercises where folks can work through problems briefly on their own, so you might want to bring a laptop (not required).

The Computer Programming Study Group, also known as CoProStuGru (nobody calls it that), is a completely free meetup focusing on improving everyone's skill in computer programming. We will focus on tackling real problems and questions that you, the attendees have. Sometimes there might be short lectures in order to kickstart discussions. We'll also try to have some exercises where folks can work through problems briefly on their own, so you might want to bring a laptop (not required).

Intended audience[edit | edit source]

The Computer Programming Study Group does not require or assume any background knowledge in a specific programming language or programming in general. We intend to cover a wide range of topics, and not everyone will be an expert in everything we discuss, nor will everyone necessarily have the required background to understand the nuances of everything we touch on. That's okay!

The idea is that we learn from each other and get a feel for what tools, technologies, programming languages, design patterns, architecture and services are out there and explore them. This meetup won't make you proficient in any particular language or technology. Rather, you will get a broad overview of tools and techniques, and hopefully get a foundational answer to some of your questions.

What to bring[edit | edit source]

Although definitely not required, it's probably helpful to bring a laptop. That way you can lookup things we discuss on your own, and potentially run code samples. A laptop will also be helpful if and when we do any group or solo exercises.

And of course bring your questions and areas of difficulty that you're working through in your own projects!

Conduct[edit | edit source]

This meetup follows the Noisebridge Anti-Harassment Policy, the Noisebridge Conflict Resolution Guide and the Social Rules.

Relation to PyClass[edit | edit source]

The CoProStuGru evolved out of the weekly Python class, which is on hiatus. The goal was to focus more on specific topics of interest to people, across different programming languages and including topics that don't fit into any specific language. This study group has a broader scope than the Python class. That said, many times we might be revisiting material (lectures) that were original taught as part of PyClass.

As of Oct 21 2024, this meetup is on hiatus and the Python class has returned!

PyClass lectures that may be included[edit | edit source]

In some meetings, we may start with a PyClass lecture, or run one on request. Here is the most up to date list of the lectures.

If you need access, please come to a meeting!

Further questions, announcements, discussion[edit | edit source]

Please see the #comp-prog-study-group channel on Discord.

Free to all - please donate to Noisebridge![edit | edit source]

This meetup only happens because the Noisebridge community provides a space for it to exist. Maintaining the space and broader community is difficult and thankless work. The meetup is free, but if you want to help the community pay rent, please consider making a donation today.

Recommended Donations: $15, $50, $200+ Recommended monthly donations: $10, $20, $40, $80+ / month