Creme Brulee

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It's a workshop! it's on the 20th of December! Perfect for Christmas and impressing that family that never forgave you for getting into nouveaux California cuisine.

Day one: To arbitrarily pick a time let's say 2pm. We'll cover infusing, straining, blending, baking and so on, working in batches. I will also subject you to some of my philosophy of cooking and probably demo some truffle making, including a water ganache. (This is good for getting the vegans to forgive you for making tasty desserts they can't eat.) There will be additives for a second batch if you want to learn flavors.

Day two: Burn, motherfucker, burn. Where motherfucker = an evenly applied layer of white sugar.

There will be a materials charge, I haven't figured out exactly how much. Trying to see how I can get minimize that.

There will be a cap between 6 and 10 people. Possibly closer to 6. it's a small oven.


cooking with blowtorches is perfectly suited to the space. Rigel

I am up to help and also bringing a blowtorch - ian (verbal)