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Discord is a multi-channel voice and chat application that is great for continuous voice, video, screen sharing, and live streaming conversations. At Noisebridge, we use it for most public conversation.


Join our Discord

Click https://discord.gg/GtpDdX5 this link to join, where you'll find a #hackitorium channel for general chatting.


Note: you will be unable to join Noisebridge's discord server while connecting to the internet via Noisebridge's wifi or network.

The discord server is accessible on Noisebridge wifi if you've already joined. However, due to

  • Discord banning policies,
  • Noisebridge's on-again/off-again use of "community server" mode,
  • and the fact that we've banned discord accounts that joined-from/last-connected from Noisebridge's network,

Discord denylists Noisebridge's IP for account joining the server.

Linking here

Other Hackerspace Discords

Other Discord servers

If you want to join an uwu discord server, you can join it here: https://discordserverlists.com/uwu-discord/

Discord Weaknesses

  • Discord is closed-source
  • Discord is not encrypted
  • Discord collects and stores all your data for 2 years or more according to their privacy policy.
  • Read more about Discord on their Discord Wikipedia page

Discord IRC Bridge Bot

Also testing https://www.npmjs.com/package/discord-irc as a bot to connect #noisebridge (irc.hackint.org) to noisebridge discord #irc

You'll possibly see a x-discord-irc "bot" in a #irc channel, you can chat either in irc or discord and the messages will be relayed.

discord-irc (x-discord-irc "bot") config.js

  // Bot 1 (minimal configuration):
    "nickname": "x-irc-discord",
    "server": "irc.hackint.org",
    "discordToken": "PRIVATE_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN",
    "channelMapping": {
      "#irc": "#noisebridge"