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Neurotech | NeurotechX | Neurotech Tuesdays | DreamTeam | Consciousness Hacking | EEG | Edit

DreamTeam is a neurohacking and artificial intelligence experimentation group. Discuss your dreams and other applications of neuron-monitoring devices.

Meetings[edit | edit source]

Wednesday 8pm

online meeting

Hardware[edit | edit source]

Code[edit | edit source]

Some set game code hosted here: https://wiki.journalclub.info/


File:Plex.txt data acquisition for neurosky mindwave - starting to shape up ...

Polyhedrons and Perceptrons

Upcoming Field Trip[edit | edit source]

(rescheduled ... will try to make it out next week - September 2nd) http://www.meetup.com/NeuroTechSF/ on August 26, 2015

Literature & Other Resources[edit | edit source]

see DreamTeam/Reading for a comprehensive list of topics and articles of interest

Video: The Open Source Neuro Tech Revolution // OpenBCI Founder Q&A + Live Demo | Consciousness Hacking SF

Video: 31C3 - Open BCI DIY Neuroscience Maker Art Mind Hacking

Video: Simple SSVEP-based BCI game "The Maze"

EEG Data Analysis tutorial with Marijn van Vliet and MvV github tutorials

Neural Code Converter (see below May 2013 for previous)

dreambank - UCSC

Electronics of EEG -- mind bending thought experiments

Nonlinear Dynamics in EEG Analysis: Disappointments and Perspectives

CHAOS! -> http://collections.infocollections.org/ukedu/uk/d/Jh0699e/4.html

  • Is the EEG a strange attractor? Brain stem neuronal discharge patterns and electroencephalographic rhythms

https://web.archive.org/web/20160527131933/http://sulcus.berkeley.edu/freemanwww/manuscripts/id1/88.html (Archived Link)

  • Strange Attractors that Govern Mammalian Brain Dynamics Shown by Trajectories of Electroencephalographic (EEG) Potential

^ nice graphics ... more on chaos-based models at http://sulcus.berkeley.edu ->

  • ("Neuroscience" link on sidebar yields many publications from that lab]
We use nonlinear mapping and multidimensional scaling into 2-space to identify itinerant chaotic trajectories
through sequences of nonconvergent attractor ruins in the attractor landscapes of brain state space.
The attractors are created and modified by reinforcement learning based on classical and operant conditioning.
Neural modeling includes demonstrations of the neural mechanisms that ensure in all cortices the stability of
neural populations that supports rapid and widespread state transitions by virtue of small-world and scale-free
network architecture. Neocortex is unique among cortices in maintaining global self-organized criticality,
in which the critical order parameter is the global level of neural synaptic interaction that everywhere locally
is homeostatically regulated by neural thresholds and refractory periods.

cellular automata and non-linear dynamics -> https://theory.org/complexity/cdpt/html/node4.html

chirp! Chirp animation.gif

Currently hacking the OpenBCI EEG powered by TI's ADS1299.
G. Tononi 'In Search of Sleep Function'
interactive data visualization in Python
Lucidity Institute
On the predictability of epileptic seizures
ROC curve review
Free book on digital signal processing
MPIwithPython solid intro
pyeeg whitepaper
reading on the Hurst exponent, nice pictures
EEG in focal epilepsies
We've been reading some papers the past two weeks on the TrueNorth processor.
If you're interested in getting involved with the IBM led research group, apply here.

Electric Fields of the Brain: The Neurophysics of EEG, 2nd Edition, Paul L. Nunez & Ramesh Srinivasan
Rhythms of the Brain, Gyorgy Buzsaki
Bradley Voytek UCSD
Voss et al., Induction of self awareness in dreams through frontal low current stimulation of gamma activityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEbyITI13zg
Voss et al., Measuring consciousness in dreams: The lucidity and consciousness in dreams scale

Puzzlebox repo/tracker
EEG Data Repository

GDF Standards:
GDF/Biosig paper
GDF Data Standards
Tobi Project => BCI Standards

European Data Format:

Other Groups[edit | edit source]

Free course on Exploring Neural Data Cognitive Technology Group -- UC-Berkeley

IBVA Port[edit | edit source]

Sucessfully built and ran IVBA source (Aug 11, 2013). Key steps below.

1. Root directory of application must be /Developer/Examples/IBVAV4F5Apr12all
2. Installing Xcode 3.2.6 on Mountian Lion and don't try taking shortcuts... 3.2.1 crashes on run-time when trying to load the project.

Data[edit | edit source]

We have 650MB of data taken from party (Aug. 10, 2013).. Where to upload?

Events on the Horizon[edit | edit source]

Let's have an excellent installation to bring to Toor camp. Recursive reentry?

Events beyond the Horizon[edit | edit source]

NeuroGaming Hackathon, May, San Francisco

HackYourPhd, SudoRoom, Thursday 7/25

(Old) Meeting Notes[edit | edit source]

(still meeting regularly, just lax about taking/posting notes lately. Here's some minutes from our first few meetings ...)

March 17, 2017[edit | edit source]

Discussed findings from XTech Conference [1] which led to a demo of hypnosis.

July 15, 2015[edit | edit source]

In addition to hooking someone up to the OpenBCI and measuring voltages from grinding the jaw, a new Facebook page for the group was created: [2]

March 26, 2014[edit | edit source]

Notes from March, 26 Meeting. Discussion of dark mind hacks - to be identified and squelched. Infiltration, dissruption, the agent provocatour, etc etc...

June 19, 2013[edit | edit source]

Meetup@TechShop, 2013/06/19

May 15, 2013[edit | edit source]

"journal club" discussion to better understand a technical report from NeuroSky - see DreamTeam/Reading#Current_Discussion

May 8, 2013[edit | edit source]

a small group studied data from the MindWave device and hacked on code to handle (so-called) "timestamps" more realistically ...

May 1, 2013[edit | edit source]

Present: Johny, Daglan, John, Thomas, Aly, Jade, Dan, Kevin, Rohan

Recorded: https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/File:SampleEEGdata20130501.txt
Understanding dreams via EEG readout
Nightmare or not classifier, a good place to start
delta 1-4Hz
theta 4-7Hz
alpha 6-12Hz
low beta 12-15Hz normal focus
mid beta 16-22Hz high focus
high beta 22-24Hz anxiety muscle artifact shortcoming of eeg
peak freq marker of stress

Rohan will look up information on EEG

There will be a burning man device that will be controlled by an EEG headset

Brain-o-cate --> interactive video game focused on teaching children about the brain

Zeo headband EEG made for sleep

We like more sensors and high data quality and comfort

Computational neuro science on coursera

Signal localization

  • Grid array sensor
  • Seizure localization 164/256 sensors on the brain, 1/2" apart
  • 32 channel EEG on the surface to get a picture
    • ElectroCap has cap with 64 sensor places

EEG correlate for REM

  • States

http://brainstorms.puzzlebox.info/ LEDs on the HSNPs

  • Glow different colors by brain state

Convert brain waves to audio spectrum

  • MIDI tones, 4-8Hz offset ==> induce activity
  • Musical Insturment Digital Interface
    • Feeback loops
    • Would have to compensate for delay between the reading device and audio device

Classify audio waves via brain monitoring

What is the difference between vision/hearing and dreaming or thinking on music in the brain?

  • dtMRI - detects neuronal activity, by neuron strands

Thermal infrared camera to monitor blood-flow in the brain

IR cameras to measure full specture, rather than stricly amplitude Could construct a small array of infrared sensors -- more economic

Project Ideas[edit | edit source]

Send EEG data recorded during the meeting

  • Guess who was wearing the device
  • See Attached

Rohan has 9 months of EEG data from Hymalayas

  • Has built a meditation classifier from raw Neuro Sky data

Dan would like to have real-time display, in form of LEDs on cap, that reflects EEG data

  • Feedback loop between two people wearing LED caps

Brian with badasslighting and dept of spontaneous combustion

   host open night in W Oakland, teach welding, art, construction
   steel walk-in structure with neurons and synapses of LEDs in acrlyic tubes
   0.3W LEDs all over the place
   raspberry pi
   flame effects for quiet mind
   "processing" python tool to mix RP with picture
   looking for a developers to workout the details of nero-data to brain lights
   American Steel, Mandela and 20th, open house
   Contact Brian if interested @ 415-509-2100/bkrawitz@gmail.com

Johny wants to convert brain data into music

  • translation technique
  • dream sounds outside the HSNPs

Space craft does ambient electronic music

Max Queue is an astronaut headed band

Background[edit | edit source]


[Neuro] Coming soon to Noisebridge - The Dream Team bfb at riseup.net Wed Apr 24 18:00:00 UTC 2013

   Previous message: [Neuro] Neuro Digest, Vol 31, Issue 3
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Hello Noisebridge!

We shall meet on Wednesday, May 1, at 6:30, because we're all stars! Python class is over, now let's put that good know-how to work on some maths and science stuffs. There may also be comestibles, just this once.

Come down to the 6:30 share-a-thon. Discuss your dreams and other applications of neuron-monitoring devices. I want to investigate lexical dream content and brainwaves of people all over the planet, starting with Noisebridge. Thus far, I have an EEG device and a semi-incomplete research facility (HSNPs).

To get up to speed with what I've been looking into read on. And all you varied neuro-hackers out there please do go to the brainliner.jp site, it's amazing.

I've attached a copy of a sample data set taken while writing this message. Also attached is a screen shot of the GUI that the python scripts create. The scripts run great on Debian. The dongle that comes with the device has an antenna to pick-up the WiFi transmissions from the device. It opens the right sockets, makes a few hand shakes, and promptly peaces out. Neurosky purports the device will give a good signal up to 10m. It spews ~500 measures per second.


This is the EEG device. Specs included.


And here's a link to Yukiyasu Kamitani's landing page with ATR, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International. He's head of the Department of Neuroinfomatics, and lead reacher on the publication below. They are working on predicting dream sequences from EEG and MRI data taken while asleep.

http://www.cns.atr.jp/dni/en/members/kamitani_e/ http://www.cns.atr.jp/dni/en/publications/

Kanitani and others are open-sourcing a good bit of their work. See git hub repository and standardized repository for sharing neuro-data below. They're set-up to run in Mat Lab, but w/e.

Really, go to brainliner and then giggle crescendoing into mad-scientist roar.

http://brainliner.jp/ https://github.com/ATR-DNI/VBCCA

And finally, to pass on a message from a friend, because it's open in my browser and seems appropriate. https://raw.github.com/videlalvaro/gifsockets/master/doc/mybrain.gif

See you Wednesday.
