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=== Decision Trees ===
=== Decision Trees ===

'''Task''': Labelling
Task: Labelling
Input data types: nominal (or numeric, with conditionals)

'''Input data types''': nominal (or numeric, with conditionals)
Description: A decision tree is something like a flow chart.  It's a tree of decision boxes; you start at the root and, based on your data, follow decisions down to leaf nodes.  At the leaf nodes, you'll typically have a label.

'''Description''': A decision tree is something like a flow chart.  It's a tree of decision boxes; you start at the root and, based on your data, follow decisions down to leaf nodes.  At the leaf nodes, you'll typically have a label.

==== Training ====

Get your data into Weka Explorer by hook or crook, then choose Classifier -> Trees -> J48.  Select the nominal value you want to use as your label in the dropdown.  Make sure you've got cross-validation selected, ideally with 10-fold or so.
Hit "Run" and stand back.  You'll get output like:
(using the iris.arff sample data)
=== Run information ===
Scheme:      weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -C 0.25 -M 2
Relation:    iris
Instances:    150
Attributes:  5
Test mode:    10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
J48 pruned tree
petalwidth <= 0.6: Iris-setosa (50.0)
petalwidth > 0.6
|  petalwidth <= 1.7
|  |  petallength <= 4.9: Iris-versicolor (48.0/1.0)
|  |  petallength > 4.9
|  |  |  petalwidth <= 1.5: Iris-virginica (3.0)
|  |  |  petalwidth > 1.5: Iris-versicolor (3.0/1.0)
|  petalwidth > 1.7: Iris-virginica (46.0/1.0)
Number of Leaves  : 5
Size of the tree : 9
Time taken to build model: 0.03 seconds
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances        144              96      %
Incorrectly Classified Instances        6                4      %
Kappa statistic                          0.94 
Mean absolute error                      0.035
Root mean squared error                  0.1586
Relative absolute error                  7.8705 %
Root relative squared error            33.6353 %
Total Number of Instances              150   
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall  F-Measure  Class
  0.98      0          1        0.98      0.99    Iris-setosa
  0.94      0.03      0.94      0.94      0.94    Iris-versicolor
  0.96      0.03      0.941    0.96      0.95    Iris-virginica
=== Confusion Matrix ===
  a  b  c  <-- classified as
49  1  0 |  a = Iris-setosa
  0 47  3 |  b = Iris-versicolor
  0  2 48 |  c = Iris-virginica
==== Evaluation ====
If you train as above, you're using 10-fold cross-validation, which is a reasonably good evaluation of your training set.  Otherwise, the normal evaluation of labelling algorithms can be used.
==== Application ====
To apply the values you've got out of the above, you want to turn this section
petalwidth <= 0.6: Iris-setosa (50.0)
petalwidth > 0.6
|  petalwidth <= 1.7
|  |  petallength <= 4.9: Iris-versicolor (48.0/1.0)
|  |  petallength > 4.9
|  |  |  petalwidth <= 1.5: Iris-virginica (3.0)
|  |  |  petalwidth > 1.5: Iris-versicolor (3.0/1.0)
|  petalwidth > 1.7: Iris-virginica (46.0/1.0)

Into code in whatever language you use.  This is, unfortunately, a manual process.  However, it's very concise, and generally compact in terms of code.  You can therefore use these decision trees on any computer, no matter how big or small.

=== Naive Bayes Classifier ===
=== Naive Bayes Classifier ===
Line 161: Line 75:
Description: Naive Bayes is a statistical technique for predicting the probability of all labels given a set of inputs.  For instance, let's assume we've trained a naive Bayes system on (color, kind of fruit) pairs.  Then, we can ask it for the probability distribution of "kind of fruit" given the color "yellow."  This will tell us that it's almost certainly a banana or lemon, but it could be an apple, and might occasionally be an orange, etc.  That is, it returns a list of labels with an associated probability.
Description: Naive Bayes is a statistical technique for predicting the probability of all labels given a set of inputs.  For instance, let's assume we've trained a naive Bayes system on (color, kind of fruit) pairs.  Then, we can ask it for the probability distribution of "kind of fruit" given the color "yellow."  This will tell us that it's almost certainly a banana or lemon, but it could be an apple, and might occasionally be an orange, etc.  That is, it returns a list of labels with an associated probability.

==== Training ====

Put your data into ARFF, and load it into Weka.
<pre>=== Run information ===
Scheme:       weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes
Relation:    soybean
Instances:    683
Attributes:  36
Test mode:    10-fold cross-validation
=== Classifier model (full training set) ===
Naive Bayes Classifier
Class diaporthe-stem-canker: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 6 6 6 6  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  20 2  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 7 8 8  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  18 4 1 1  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 15 7  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 10 9  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 7  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 21  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 21  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)


Class charcoal-rot: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 4 6 7 7  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 6 16  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 6 7 7  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 11 11  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 8 8  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  18 4  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 21  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 21  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
Class rhizoctonia-root-rot: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 7 7 2 2 1 1  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 19  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  19 3  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1 1  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 10 12  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  17 5 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 11  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  20 2  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  19 3  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 7  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 21  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 21  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  20 2 1  (Total = 23)
Class phytophthora-rot: Prior probability = 0.13
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 24 26 28 7 1 1  (Total = 95)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 89  (Total = 90)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 31 59  (Total = 91)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 52 29  (Total = 91)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 7  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 21 33 31  (Total = 92)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 88 1 2  (Total = 92)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 8 14  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 8 7  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 89  (Total = 90)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 89  (Total = 90)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  34 1 1  (Total = 36)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 34  (Total = 36)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 34  (Total = 36)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  34 1  (Total = 35)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  34 1  (Total = 35)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  34 1 1  (Total = 36)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 89  (Total = 90)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  19 3  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 20 31 34  (Total = 92)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 89 1  (Total = 92)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  70 7 14  (Total = 91)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  89 1  (Total = 90)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  89 1 1  (Total = 91)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  89 1  (Total = 90)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 21  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 21  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 69 1  (Total = 91)
Class brown-stem-rot: Prior probability = 0.06
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 9 18 17 4  (Total = 51)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  34 12  (Total = 46)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  36 10 1  (Total = 47)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  14 26 7  (Total = 47)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  36 10  (Total = 46)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 17 19  (Total = 48)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 3 18 15  (Total = 48)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 38 8  (Total = 47)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  23 23 1  (Total = 47)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 16 15  (Total = 47)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  25 21  (Total = 46)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 35  (Total = 46)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  36 1 10  (Total = 47)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 1 36  (Total = 47)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 10 36  (Total = 47)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 45  (Total = 46)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  29 17  (Total = 46)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1 1  (Total = 48)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  25 1 1 21  (Total = 48)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 45 1  (Total = 47)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1 1  (Total = 48)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  25 1 1 1 21  (Total = 49)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
Class powdery-mildew: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 4 4 3 5 5 5  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 10 2  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 7 5  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 8 7  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1 1  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
Class downy-mildew: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 3 5 5 5 5 3  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  9 10 4  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 7 7 7  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 15 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 11  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 11  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 7  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1 1  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
Class brown-spot: Prior probability = 0.13
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 28 29 18 9 8 1  (Total = 99)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  58 36  (Total = 94)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 83  (Total = 95)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 83 11  (Total = 95)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  82 12  (Total = 94)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 18 38 37  (Total = 96)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 18 18 52  (Total = 96)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 76 7  (Total = 95)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  64 16 15  (Total = 95)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  28 34 33  (Total = 95)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  84 10  (Total = 94)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 93  (Total = 94)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 93  (Total = 95)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1 1  (Total = 95)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 93 1  (Total = 95)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  49 45  (Total = 94)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1 1  (Total = 95)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  55 39  (Total = 94)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  60 1 1 34  (Total = 96)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  55 34 1 6  (Total = 96)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  57 37  (Total = 94)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  88 6 1  (Total = 95)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1 1  (Total = 95)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  91 3 1 1  (Total = 96)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  89 3 3 1 1  (Total = 97)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1  (Total = 94)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  93 1 1  (Total = 95)
Class bacterial-blight: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 4 8 8 4 1  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 6  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 11  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 18 4  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 7 7 7  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 9 6  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  17 5  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 11  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 18  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  19 3  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1 1  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
Class bacterial-pustule: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 3 8 8 3 3 1  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 13 9  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 12 5  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 7 7 6  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  13 9 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 7 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  2 11 10  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  18 4  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 17 5  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 18 1  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 15  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  18 4  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1 1  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  14 8  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 10 2  (Total = 23)
Class purple-seed-stain: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 5 6 6 7  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 8 7  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  13 9 1  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 10 10  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 1 12  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 1 10  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 1 10  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 6  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 21  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12 1 1 1  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
Class anthracnose: Prior probability = 0.06
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 3 3 3 8 18 13  (Total = 51)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  22 24  (Total = 46)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 45  (Total = 47)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 34 12  (Total = 47)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  34 12  (Total = 46)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 14 14 14  (Total = 48)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 14 14 14  (Total = 48)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 32 3  (Total = 47)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  22 20 5  (Total = 47)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 20 11  (Total = 47)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  33 13  (Total = 46)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  25 21  (Total = 46)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 45  (Total = 47)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 45  (Total = 47)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 45  (Total = 46)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  40 6  (Total = 46)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 6 40  (Total = 48)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 35 1  (Total = 48)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 31  (Total = 46)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  25 21 1  (Total = 47)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1  (Total = 46)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 39 1 1  (Total = 48)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  7 1 39 1 1  (Total = 49)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  18 28  (Total = 46)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  23 23  (Total = 46)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  37 9  (Total = 46)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  23 23  (Total = 46)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  23 23  (Total = 46)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 1 1  (Total = 47)
Class phyllosticta-leaf-spot: Prior probability = 0.03
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 4 9 8 3 1 1  (Total = 27)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12  (Total = 22)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  10 12 1  (Total = 23)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 11  (Total = 23)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 10  (Total = 22)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 6 6 6  (Total = 24)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 1 8 7  (Total = 24)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 7 1  (Total = 23)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 9 3  (Total = 23)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 9 8  (Total = 23)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  17 5  (Total = 22)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21  (Total = 22)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 21  (Total = 23)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 21 1  (Total = 23)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  11 11  (Total = 22)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1  (Total = 24)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1 1 1  (Total = 25)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1  (Total = 22)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  21 1 1  (Total = 23)
Class alternarialeaf-spot: Prior probability = 0.13
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 4 19 41 31  (Total = 98)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  59 34  (Total = 93)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 10 83  (Total = 94)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 41 52  (Total = 94)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  82 11  (Total = 93)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  12 21 31 31  (Total = 95)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  19 26 25 25  (Total = 95)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  54 39 1  (Total = 94)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  43 44 7  (Total = 94)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  31 32 31  (Total = 94)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 92  (Total = 93)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 92  (Total = 94)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 92 1  (Total = 94)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  81 12  (Total = 93)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1 1  (Total = 95)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1 1  (Total = 95)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1 1  (Total = 95)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1 1 1  (Total = 96)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  82 11  (Total = 93)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  82 11  (Total = 93)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
Class frog-eye-leaf-spot: Prior probability = 0.13
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 14 34 32 15  (Total = 98)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  64 29  (Total = 93)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 11 82  (Total = 94)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 55 38  (Total = 94)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  82 11  (Total = 93)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 28 30 31  (Total = 95)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  24 24 23 24  (Total = 95)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  49 44 1  (Total = 94)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  45 43 6  (Total = 94)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  36 29 29  (Total = 94)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  88 5  (Total = 93)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 92  (Total = 93)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 92  (Total = 94)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 92 1  (Total = 94)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  27 66  (Total = 93)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  89 4  (Total = 93)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  25 1 2 67  (Total = 95)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  27 11 56 1  (Total = 95)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  89 4  (Total = 93)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  28 65 1  (Total = 94)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  28 65 1 1  (Total = 95)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  28 63 3 1 1  (Total = 96)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  90 3  (Total = 93)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1  (Total = 93)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  91 2  (Total = 93)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  91 2  (Total = 93)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  91 2  (Total = 93)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  92 1 1  (Total = 94)
Class diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight: Prior probability = 0.02
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 3 1 1 1 8 7  (Total = 22)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  8 3  (Total = 11)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 3 14  (Total = 18)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 16  (Total = 18)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 4 5 7  (Total = 19)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  3 1 1 14  (Total = 19)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  6 3 3  (Total = 12)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1  (Total = 17)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1  (Total = 17)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16  (Total = 17)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1 1 1  (Total = 19)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1 1 1  (Total = 19)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16  (Total = 17)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1 1  (Total = 18)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1  (Total = 17)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1 1  (Total = 18)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  16 1  (Total = 17)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16 1 1  (Total = 19)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 16 1 1  (Total = 20)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 13  (Total = 17)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16  (Total = 17)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16  (Total = 17)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16  (Total = 17)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 16  (Total = 17)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
Class cyst-nematode: Prior probability = 0.02
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 4 7 6 1 1  (Total = 21)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 3 8 6  (Total = 18)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9 7 1  (Total = 18)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 15  (Total = 16)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 15  (Total = 16)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 1  (Total = 16)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 15 1  (Total = 18)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 1  (Total = 5)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 15  (Total = 16)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  15 1  (Total = 16)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 15  (Total = 16)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 15  (Total = 17)
Class 2-4-d-injury: Prior probability = 0.02
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 3 3 3 3 3 3  (Total = 22)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  5 5 5 4  (Total = 19)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 17  (Total = 18)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  17 1 1  (Total = 19)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 17  (Total = 19)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 17  (Total = 19)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 17  (Total = 18)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 1  (Total = 5)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
Class herbicide-injury: Prior probability = 0.01
date:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  4 4 3 1 1 1 1  (Total = 15)
plant-stand:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9  (Total = 10)
precip:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
temp:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  9 1 1  (Total = 11)
hail:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
crop-hist:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  5 5 1 1  (Total = 12)
area-damaged:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  5 1 1 5  (Total = 12)
severity:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
seed-tmt:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
germination:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
plant-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9  (Total = 10)
leaves:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9  (Total = 10)
leafspots-halo:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  5 1 5  (Total = 11)
leafspots-marg:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 5 5  (Total = 11)
leafspot-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 5 5  (Total = 11)
leaf-shread:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  9 1  (Total = 10)
leaf-malf:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9  (Total = 10)
leaf-mild:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
stem:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9  (Total = 10)
lodging:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
stem-cankers:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
canker-lesion:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1  (Total = 4)
fruiting-bodies:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
external-decay:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
mycelium:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
int-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1  (Total = 3)
sclerotia:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
fruit-pods:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 9  (Total = 12)
fruit-spots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1 1 1 1  (Total = 5)
seed:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
mold-growth:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
seed-discolor:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
seed-size:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
shriveling:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 1  (Total = 2)
roots:  Discrete Estimator. Counts =  1 9 1  (Total = 11)
Time taken to build model: 0 seconds
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Summary ===
Correctly Classified Instances        635              92.9722 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances        48                7.0278 %
Kappa statistic                          0.923
Mean absolute error                      0.0096
Root mean squared error                  0.0817
Relative absolute error                  9.9344 %
Root relative squared error            37.2742 %
Total Number of Instances              683   
=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===
TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall  F-Measure  Class
  1        0          1        1        1        diaporthe-stem-canker
  1        0          1        1        1        charcoal-rot
  1        0          1        1        1        rhizoctonia-root-rot
  1        0.003      0.978    1        0.989    phytophthora-rot
  1        0          1        1        1        brown-stem-rot
  1        0          1        1        1        powdery-mildew
  1        0          1        1        1        downy-mildew
  0.837    0.008      0.939    0.837    0.885    brown-spot
  1        0.003      0.909    1        0.952    bacterial-blight
  0.9      0          1        0.9      0.947    bacterial-pustule
  1        0          1        1        1        purple-seed-stain
  1        0          1        1        1        anthracnose
  0.85      0.008      0.773    0.85      0.81    phyllosticta-leaf-spot
  1        0.049      0.758    1        0.863    alternarialeaf-spot
  0.714    0.007      0.942    0.714    0.813    frog-eye-leaf-spot
  1        0.001      0.938    1        0.968    diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight
  1        0          1        1        1        cyst-nematode
  0.875    0          1        0.875    0.933    2-4-d-injury
  1        0          1        1        1        herbicide-injury
=== Confusion Matrix ===
  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  <-- classified as
20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  a = diaporthe-stem-canker
  0 20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  b = charcoal-rot
  0  0 20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  c = rhizoctonia-root-rot
  0  0  0 88  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  d = phytophthora-rot
  0  0  0  0 44  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  e = brown-stem-rot
  0  0  0  0  0 20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  f = powdery-mildew
  0  0  0  0  0  0 20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  g = downy-mildew
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 77  0  0  0  0  5  6  4  0  0  0  0 |  h = brown-spot
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  i = bacterial-blight
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2 18  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  j = bacterial-pustule
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 20  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  k = purple-seed-stain
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 44  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |  l = anthracnose
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  0  0 17  1  0  0  0  0  0 |  m = phyllosticta-leaf-spot
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 91  0  0  0  0  0 |  n = alternarialeaf-spot
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  0  0  0 22 65  1  0  0  0 |  o = frog-eye-leaf-spot
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 15  0  0  0 |  p = diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 14  0  0 |  q = cyst-nematode
  0  0  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 14  0 |  r = 2-4-d-injury
  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  8 |  s = herbicide-injury
==== Evaluation ====
==== Application ====
To turn this into something useful, you'll need two pieces of code.  The first is a Bayesian evaluation implementation, the second is something to parse the above output into data your Bayesian implementation.

=== Support Vector Machines ===
=== Support Vector Machines ===
Line 1,075: Line 135:
Input data types: numeric or nominal
Input data types: numeric or nominal

Description: k-Means clustering allows you to take a set of feature vectors and decide which group of feature vectors to associate it with.  In a fruit-market universe, this will cluster all the "round, red, dense" things together, separate from the "orange, round, dense" things.




=== Technique ===
=== Technique ===
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