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Skylighting LED Project

Torrie's project to decorate the dull skylights in the space. Details here.

Great Wall of Noisebridge LED Panel Project

A beautiful, Times Square style LED Wall (example Emoji video), which will reside in the Hackertorium on the wall that says "American Dream." The wall is being organized by Dana and James with the help of the community. The size of the wall will be modular, expanding as additional panels are added. An example of two 16x32 panels in action was demonstrated at the end of the 10/21 Tuesday meeting using both a web interface and curl.

It will be possible to program the wall from Slack, IRC, Web Interface, Kinect, webcams, etc.

Current Status of the LED Wall

  • Funds raised and given to Mitch.
  • Mitch visited China and delivered 36 panels of p5 16x32 LED's, which are at the space awaiting assembly.
  • Dana and Henner have donated a 40w power supply, Beaglebone Black, Octoscroller shield, various Raspberry Pi 1 & 2, Henner's Pi Shield.
  • Pi interface code hosted on Github by Henner
  • James submits order request for custom Aluminum hardware for building a frame for the panels.

Parts Needed

Cheap LED panels
Mitch will be purchasing panels directly from the seller in China at the start of November and shipping them to the space.

How do I help?

  • You can order more panels
  • You can help us solder and assemble the LED wall as we coordinate a time around the holidays

Amount raised so far

$477 = Total Donations Raised reimbursed to Mitch

Can I see an example of this in action?

https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix 'A library to control commonly available 32x32 or 16x32 RGB LED panels with the Raspberry Pi. Can support PWM up to 11Bit per channel, providing true 24bbp color with CIE1931 profile (but: see Limitations below).'

NYC Resistor has a nice page with a series of projects they've already completed using the Beaglebone + cape + LEDscape.

'I've written the LEDscape "firmware" for the BeagleBone Black that uses the PRU ("Programable Realtime Units") to drive 64 RGB matrices or 32 of the WS2811 LED strips with 0% CPU load. This allows all of the ARM's CPU time to be used for rendering frames into a buffer, which is then clocked out at the high speed 800 KHz rate to the WS281x strips or at a 1 MHz clock to the matrices. This rate allows 544 meters of strip / 64 31x16 LED matrices to be drawn at 30fps. Since the PRU can read any of the ARM's RAM it is possible to change the frame buffer pointer on every frame for easy double-buffering. Brief, disorganized notes on setup for the PRU.'

How can I use this thing?

Add specs on LEDScape, web gui, emoji support, etc.

Basic info on LED's

Using LED's as input