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"Only as good as you make it"

Weekly and One-off Events[edit | edit source]

If you are unsure of whether a class is meeting be sure to check the Noisebridge Announce and Discuss Lists.

Tuesdays[edit | edit source]

15:00 - 16:30 System Administrator Study Group

16:30 - 18:30 C and the Assembler on Linux

18:30 - 20:00 Linux.BSD.UNIX Open Learning and Hacking in Turing: Hands-on learning. Feel free to come early if you might need extra assistance. No experience necessary or expected.

Wednesdays[edit | edit source]

18:00 - 20:00 Linux Discussion

To Be Decided[edit | edit source]

System Recovery (Fie: Failure is Eminent)

 Devoted to recovery and backups of Data.  Either weekly or bi-monthly.
 Your system recovery plight put to the test!  Not sure whether this is a class, a roving group activity, or 
 just a straight challenge.  If you don't have any form of recovery, perhaps this will inspire you to do so. 
 Will probably open this up to the internet communities at large if it goes well for the space.
 *Data: Files, partitions, drives, operating systems, non-unix
 *Privacy:  Local area network, encryption schemes
 *Architecture: Portability and dependencies
 *Interactivity: gui? web? cron? output?
 *Scripts and existing tools
 *Cleanliness of code and notation
 *Create a web flyer

=Bash= for Noisebridge SysAdmin Class Start playing with Bash Scripting by using the following tools:

Gitorious[edit | edit source]

Gitorious is a good place to start connecting with a Git service that has a web interface which is itself also free software (unlike Github). Accounts are gratis and provide the best option for learning Git outside of class and our usual terminal interface.

Note: Of course, nothing is stopping you from just ssh'ing into any git server like you usually would. You can also install your own git server on your own computer. You can even set up your own Gitorious server.

  1. Create a repository and readme.
  2. Upload a file.
  3. Search for code you like or could improve.
  4. Fork something someone poorly wrote, improve it, and push it back to them.

This will give you the basic, visual understanding of how version control works and why we use it.

Pastebins[edit | edit source]

Pastebins are where you should always post your code rather than writing it by hand, which is sloppy and error prone. Plenty of Pastebins include syntax highlighting where you'll be able to fix common errors just by realizing you forgot a closing paren or double quote. Gist is a pastebin provided directly by Github. The paranoid types can find plenty of secure options via google searches.

Common use of pipes in Linux[edit | edit source]

This example is for looking for specific installed packages and applications on your system.

$ apt-cache search linux

Returns a lot of stuff

$ apt-cache search linux |more

Allows you to see 'linux' Debian packages gradually using the 'more' pager

$ apt-cache search linux |more |grep 'kernel' --color=auto

Allows you to gradually see 'linux' Debian packages associated with the term 'kernel' which will be highlighted.

$ apt-cache search linux |more |grep 'kernel' --color=auto| sort -M

Allows you to gradually read 'linux' Debian packages associated with the term 'kernel' after it is sorted by timestamp. Notice how the highlighting is gone? Anything else missing as we get more specific?

Basic Commands for Bash Scripts[edit | edit source]

Feel free to expand this with ones you find helpful as well for basic bash programming

sleep (number of seconds)

$ sleep 2

Print a blank line for readability and double spacing

$ echo -e "\n"
$ printf "\n"

Clear the screen of output

$ clear

Building Linux from source code on Debian-based GNU/Linux systems[edit | edit source]

The Debian family includes GNU/Linux distros like Ubuntu, Mint, and Trisquel.

  1. Get the build requirements:
    su -c 'apt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev'
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev
  2. Download the Linux source code from the Linux-libre project. The source tarballs from should be avoided if possible, because it includes proprietary binary blobs, which violate your four essential user freedoms.
  3. Extract the source archive:
    tar xf linux-libre-3.4.38-gnu.tar.bz2
  4. Enter the directory with the extracted source code (and make edits to the source if you wish):
    cd linux-3.4.38
  5. Create or edit the build config file:
    make menuconfig
  6. Build the kernel and package it into deb files (if you don't intend on debugging, set the INSTALL_MOD_STRIP variable to 1 to remove the debugging symbols):
    INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make deb-pkg
    (On a laptop or desktop, this step can take between 20 minutes to several hours.)
  7. Go up one directory:
    cd ..
  8. Install the deb package files you created:
    su -c 'dpkg -i linux-*.deb'
    sudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb
  9. Reboot to load your new kernel:
    su -c 'shutdown -r now'
    sudo shutdown -r now


for Improving this Section=

This wiki is built on Mediawiki. I highly recommend installing a USB version of it or something like so you can edit, expand, and this page while offline. Thanks!

Include photos and descriptions of community linux machines, live cd's, and other relevant things at nb.

Should Android get talked about here as well?

Add section on testing old hardware.

Add links to Noisebridge coding efforts and related dev classes