Maker Faire 2011

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Noisebridge booth[edit | edit source]

[1] is May 21 and 22 at the San Mateo County Expo Center. If you'd like to help set up/run the booth this year, please add your contact info below. NB should be getting 12-15 free passes for volunteers who work at least a 4-hour shift. First come, first served!

Mitch will be setting up a huge Hardware Hacking Area again this year. If the NB volunteer quota is full, consider working at HHA - you're free to mill about once your shift is done. The HHA wiki also has good directions to the Faire.

Rikke, Rolf, Sean C, and others will be showing off the BioBoard, our project for the Global Hackerspace Challenge that recently finished. We expect this will be part of the Noisebridge booth but probably on a separate table. If all goes well, we will have a large vat of Kombucha with various sensor probes immersed in it, and showing some live graphs of what is going on.

Projects/Items Displayed in the Booth[edit | edit source]

This is the section where we outline projects, demos, talks, etc. and when/how often they might occur.

If you'd like to bring something to show in the Noisebridge booth, please list it here and contact emprameen at

capacative touch suitcase - a suitcase with LEDs inside that light up when you touch it. -rachelyra

Other Items to Bring[edit | edit source]

  • NB flyers
  • NB stickers
  • NB t-shirts?
  • easel
  • whiteboard
  • trashbags
  • snacks for booth
  • 3 or 4 camp chairs that can be folded up when booth is crowded

Volunteer Sign-up And Time Scheduling![edit | edit source]

After adding your name and time slot, please email me (emprameen AT gmail DOT com) as soon as you can with the following information:

1)  The name (first and last) you want to give to the Maker Faire people when you arrive for your free "credentials"
(as they're calling the passes for volunteers). 2) When you want to start working your 4 hour shift.

Folks who want to help staff the booth: Elise, Adit, Al, Rikke, Stefano, Rameen, Danny Ken & Max, Sean C, Rachel M, Rachelyra

Setup Friday May 20th[edit | edit source]

Setup times for the venue: 10am-8pm

People who have agreed to help with transportation: Stafano, Rachel McConnell, Ken & Max

Can help with setup if needed: rachelyra

super awesome Makers-only programming/reception : approx 2-8pm friday may 20

Planned Transport Cars[edit | edit source]

Stef has offered a truck to transport people and materials. Sean C can bring the focus. Its not too huge, but it holds a lot :).

Set-up Saturday May 21st[edit | edit source]

Set-up times: Saturday, May 21 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Event Saturday May 21st[edit | edit source]

Event Sunday May 22nd[edit | edit source]

Ken & Max Available all day

  • John Gentilin around 12:00 for rest of the day, friend of Ken & Max
  • Rubin - Available after 2ish, greeting someone at SFO around noon.
  • Rachelyra, not sure when but much of the day.

Take down Sunday May 22nd[edit | edit source]

If you have a car that can transport projects, please state so

  • Ken & Max can help with a car if necessary
  • Rubin - I've got a bike and some panniers

Members with Booths at Maker Faire[edit | edit source]

"Going to Maker Faire with another group? Let us know where you'll be!"