Meeting Notes 2014 01 14

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You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary. These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Kevin; Moderator: Jarrod.

  • Madalynn becomes a Member of Noisebridge
  • 2 bannings discussed
  • Several consensiis made (Audio stream, process to handle amendments, contribution to Noisebridge)

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Cleaning day coming soon to Noisebridge
  • Makerfair coming up, Norman will help to make sure that Noisebridge has a good presense there. Comming up in May.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • The name of the applicant, the week of their application, and their sponsors.
  • Ron Week 2 - 2 sponsors
  • Arie Week 3 - 2 sponsors
  • Kate Week 2 - 1 sponsor
  • Madalynn Week 4 - 2 sponsors
  • Douglas Barton Week 4+ - 2 sponsors

Madelynn's Membership[edit | edit source]

Will you help solve issues surrounding women at Noisebridge? Without being heavy handed? No interst in being heavy handed. Want to be an ally for anyone to reach out to if they have concerns. Can you explains consensus? Proposal on wiki, 2 weeks discussion, can block/stand aside, When can you imagine yourself blocking a proposal? I have never before felt in a position to block since I've came to Noisebridge. Believe in discussion first. Block any of 3 proposals. $1000 for t-shirts. Renew the lease. Anti-harrassment policy. No, have concerns with spending $1000 given current financial state. Any issues with Anti-harrassment policy? No, witness a decrease in harrassment incidents since policy in place. Would you make donations as a member? ??? Any concerns with Madelynn becoming a member?

CONSENSED[edit | edit source]

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Ban Dante[edit | edit source]

Scribbled over bathroom mural Aggressive when asked to leave (twice) Why is Dante behaving the way he is? Mental issues? Drugs? More information before asking to leave? maybe he's just a jerk seems perfectly lucid Will come back for discussion next week. Dante should not come to Noisebridge until the meeting next week.

Ban Dan[edit | edit source]

Pattern of verbal abuse against Al, repeated and getting more aggressive. A safety issue. Dan has asked Al to leave in the past. Al asked Dan to leave. Dan left and Al did not. Al has said things that are untrue. Dan "melted down" at meeting last week. Dan feels verbally abused by Al. Dan alarmed with Al's impact on Noisebridge psyche env. > Did not swear, did leave just after Dan left. > When some raises a safety concern, should disregard >> Dan empathizes with Als safety concern Dan helps on polyglotte, could not harm a fly Sometimes people just don't get along, cannot ban people because you do not get along Witnessed Dan instegate when lockers going up, Dan's behavior inappropriate. Should apologize. Dan apologizes for his meltdown at meeting last week. Dan feels provoked. Dan has a pattern of escalating conflict. Should be resolved. Mediation? What is the minimum level of civility for Noisebridge to feel safe and secure. Outbursts like at lastweeks meeting frighten people. Norman and Madalynn volunteer to mediate. Will come back for discussion next week. Dan should not come to Noisebridge until the meeting next week.

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

Contribution to Noisebridge[edit | edit source]

TEXT: It is the responsibility of all users of Noisebridge (guests, Members, and Associate Members) to contribute to Noisebridge as they are able. An individual's contribution should be proportionate with that person's use of Noisebridge and its resources. A reasonable monetary contribution from a member or associate member may be $80 per month, but it is each person's responsibility to determine what contribution is reasonable for them. Affirmation does not need consensus > Reduces confusion Should address the credibility of the initial proposal that abolished member dues Noisebridge needs memberdues to survive > the rate at which we are losing money is the lowest that it has ever been > membership dues are not a large protion of Noisebridge's income

Consensed with 3 stand asides[edit | edit source]

amendments during consensus process[edit | edit source]

In order to validly pass the consensus process, proposed consensus items will be written down on the Current Consensus Items wiki page the day of the meeting they are introduced. Only this exact wording of the proposed consensus item can be consensed on at the next week's meeting. Any change, even small ones, to the wording will be considered a different and new consensus proposal and will require another week before it can be consensed on. The spirit of this proposal is to prevent changes (small or radical) to consensus items being made and consensed on without notice to the larger community. Amend: In order to validly pass the consensus process, proposed consensus items must be recorded on the Current Consensus Items wiki page before 24 hours have passed after the end of the meeting in which they are introduced. The text so recorded should exactly match the text discussed during the meeting. Only this exact wording of the proposed consensus item is elegible for consensus at the next week's meeting. Any changes --- even small ones --- to the wording will be considered a different and new consensus proposal and will require another week before it can be consensed on. The spirit of this proposal is to prevent changes (small or radical) to consensus items being made and consensed on without notice to the larger community.

Proactivly deferred to next week[edit | edit source]

Audio Stream Meetings[edit | edit source]

TEXT: That the Tuesday Meeting be streamed in audio when possible, with the aim of encouraging online involvement. By the consensus of those present, the meeting may be limited to those in the space for privacy reasons. The responsibility for streaming will be that of the secretary. Privacy concern, will preclude some from participating

> let's make it easier for the people that we like to participate

> audio only, streamed and not persisted Should be at space to participate in meeting

> Some people cannot, EX sick, too many KMs away, How will thoes tuning in participate? IRC, troll-proof conference call? Could try this without consensus

> More likely to happen if consensed More people, more noise

> Have seen this run well in the past with 200+ people consensus decision

> Zakim a good solution? collecting donations to purchase a phone to make the conference call

Consensed with 3 stainding aside[edit | edit source]

(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • Tom
  • Madalynn
  • Norman
  • Shawna
  • Mike
  • Recis
  • Dan
  • Daneilla
  • Melissa
  • Kevin
  • Michael
  • Ron
  • Charles
  • Monad

Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Eclair's work on the sidewalk > painted over >> painted over paint needs to be removed >> city will have suggestions of how to remove We should look into what should be done as per City regulations What effort has been made to contact the artist? > Has been contacted on Facebook >> Has not responded If Eclair doesn't claim responsibility should be reprocussions