Meeting Notes 2018 06 26
Noisebridge meeting 2018-06-26
Meeting Notes are at; help us take notes!
Moderator: r Note taker(s): rebecca
Give us money! Access patreon donation numbers programatically - We have 80 patrons pledging $1488.84, keep donating!
Introductions (name, pronouns, deets)[edit | edit source]
r - they/them - its a secret! the details are secret!
james - - writer, chillin, writing my stuff, glad to be back here
michael - he/him/his - started returning to NB over the last couple of weeks after years of absence, been talking with Ryan about buying some sort of boat for a thing
frank - he/him or they/them - been involved with looking at the tech about data communications, now blockchain
jacob - - building various things w/ micro controls, LED lighting, laser cut things; probably going to teach a class on all of them this summer
rebecca - she/her - teach laser cutter, ai, functional programming (haskell), type theory
lydia - any pronouns - bring my daughter here who loves this place messing around w/ computers, making robots, orange plastic fabric; i do electrical things and putting together lighting systems
ryan - he/him - i help run the VR setup in Church, like working on helping other people w/ projects at NB
dany - he/him - working on book scanners and FPGA's
participation[edit | edit source]
rebecca: come and hack on stuff while being excellent. incl noisebridge itself. get in by ringing the bell during open hours. get an 30day rfid eventually, or eventually philanthropist or member with 24 hour access.
james: follow the conduct policy [the anti harassment policy], and in general be excellent to each other
safe space[edit | edit source]
rebecca: the safe space policy is posted on things around the text, black text on yellow paper; we want everyone to be as comfortable and welcome as possible: no harassment, no monopolization of time, be considerate of conversation content. if you are not considerate in these ways, you may be asked to leave. If you are in a situation where you need assistance, you can go to (posted around the space) and request assistance from someone on the #space-guardians noisebridge slack channel anonymously or non-anonymously
announcements[edit | edit source]
frank: ethereum+etc group study and occassional invited speakers, initial session 9 July
ryan: in san jose 26-27-28 June is sensors expo, i'm going 27-28, if there's any types of sensors you want me to look into, let me know. MCUs, audio sensors, low energy wireless. i'm @pyconaut on slack.
Philanthropy[edit | edit source]
<explanation omitted>
No new philanthropists.
Membership[edit | edit source]
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No new members.
Consensus[edit | edit source]
June 15 2018 - Lady Red - Equipment fund refill - Noisebridge shall move 5000$ from the general fund to the equipment fund in order to refill it Consensed!
Discussion[edit | edit source]
james: i heard about the Saviors, and thought it'd be nice to have them over for pizza as a thank you for supporting noisebridge for all this time. what think?
dany: there was also talk of reaching out to people who stopped doing it