Meeting Notes 2019 06 18

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These are the notes from the The XXX+nth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: June 18 2019

Note-taker: Sean, Jay

Moderators: Matt Arcidy

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

  • Fundraising Update

On hold till after moving

  • Announcements:
  • Finances:

$176K in da bank.

  • New members:


  • New philanthropists:


  • Consensus Items:

688 Guerrero rolled forward

  • Discussion Items:


Introductions[edit | edit source]

Alice - part of NB community since 2013. Benefits from NB significantly. Gives back by giving legal services on behalf of their firm

Nicole - part of NB since 2014

Sean - 2nd time at noisebridge

Ahmed - cool perso

Jay - taking notes

Robert - circuit hacking mondays every single monday. Bring friends / everybody

Tom - has been around since 2013, studies python and c++

TJ - works in autonomous vehicle industry (part of a company)

Ryan - brought bread. he/him pronouns. Helps out NB. works on VR related stuff in the back. Does stuff.

Michael/mct - excited about the new space.

Asia -

Matt - does electronics and monitoring this wonderful meeting

Gwen -

Jerod - works in the woodshop

Steve - working on ML research, member since 201_

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Ryan: On Monday. Another NBer set up a tour of Human Made for Noisebridge. 2:30 - 5:00pm Monday June 24th. Human Made tour for Noisebridge. Please go by if you want to see the space. I might also… I want people to mention if that time works for them. Corry says 3pm would be the best point. It would just be for Noisebridge. 4pm is a lot of facebook people and what not (or FB friends). Yeah, so, um. Come by, or visit the space. It’s going to be the newest professional style makerspace in the city. They are also non-profit. So. yeah. It should be fun, we definitely want to work with them a bit on stuff, um, yeah.

Matt: anything else?

Nicole: go ahead Ryan

Ryan: there is a high probability that game-bridge will move to thursday so that people can come to the meetings on tuesdays.

Tom: it’s already that way on

Nicole: is anyone willing to take over the stream?

Lady Red: yeah, I’ll do it. Is this the same ? I did last time.

Lady Red: who is the guest? I only see one.

Nicole: There were just three on my screen?

Matt: are there any other announcements?

Ryan: oh. If someone knows more: the bar-bot is working. Please donate to the machine. Get nice drinks.

  • Matt makes a drink*

Ryan: Make me a mai thai please

Matt: any other announcements?

Lady Red: During the meeting, I made a pretty boss portrait of myself.

  • displays the portrait to the space*

Excellence[edit | edit source]

We are excellent. Un til we aren't, and then we should be. And don't harrass people.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Walk in, show up, be here, make a joke, make your mark, do something, do a project, talk to people.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space. Anyone here that has an application in here? No? Ok.

Ryan: anyone want to know what philanthropist is?

TJ: raises hand

Ryan: so, once you walk in the door you’re a general member of noisebridge. As long as you are excellent in the space, you will be respected. Over tiem, you will start to gain trust, and people will want to see you around more. At that point, people might start to ask if you want to be a phinthropist. It’s the next step where you get 24hr access to the space. You donate to the space on a monthly basis, and you help generally open up and close noisebridge if you’re the last person there. You know how to give tours, and are generally an execellent member of the comunity. Donations are $40 starving hacker rase, up to $80 monthly. More is acceptable as well, and would help pay for higher rent.

Matt: That’s technically not part of it.

TJ: Thanks for the information.

Matt: fill out an application, get sponser, come to meeting, and hopefully ….

Lady Red: let’s move on!

Matt: I move to skip membership description because no one applied

Ryan: Excellence section & participation section.

Jarrod: making a change, making a difference.

Ryan: or, if you’re not ablet to be in the space, you can still participate by working on our digital precence. Prevent site from

Jarrod: Bekka used to be our Twitter help desk.

Matt: Any discussion items? We already discussed your dope portrait…. Cool

Ryan: be excellent to each other

Ryan: ummmm, ok, so.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

No Membership Applications. The energy has dwindled from the long meeting.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo. TRUE

Nicole: Someone donated a bitcoin Nicole: We also have noisecoin Ryan: We need to bring it back. Matt: No we dont.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going It isn't. Paused till after moving.

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Steve: like most things that get done at noisebridge, most things are done through do-ocracy. Certain things that you think might require more approval goes through small-c consensus. If you’re going to do something that might piss people off, get permission from those around you. If you’re moving locations, or anything really large, must get approval via consensus at a meeting.

As long as nobody objects to it, it passes. If an objection occurs, we chat about it at the meetings.

Matt: Items take a minimum of two weeks ~ can be deferred.

Ryan: How many members are present?

Matt: 1, 2, 3. 4, + Digital

Matt: *explains what a block is* It isn’t a hard stop. It’s a continuation of the discuss

  • Lady Red enters the room*
  • eating bread break while note taker regains internet access*
  • we’re back*

Robert: kick ass, don’t kick each-other’s ass.

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

Matt: Consensus item: Move to 668 Guerrero St. Lease is in the item. 50% increase in space. 7500 sq feet. ADA accessible. Great for equipment. Option to purchase. It’s $4M to purchase.

Alice: The rent increases in 2 year period.

Jarrod: I think we should buy it for $3M, will have to spend $1M to make it better.

Matt: Has an early move in clause. Has an incentive to do this sooner rather than later. $1000 step-up per year. $3500 increase for the monthly rent compared to our current lease. We are currently at risk for a $92k fine which is an incentive to move. Last time no one had issue with the lease itself, but need more information about the permitting issue. We had some emails sent back-n-forth responding to Alice’s request. It’s still a work in progress

Alice: Three topics, 1. 2169 zoning issues. 2. 668 zoning and land use issues. 3. Lease. Will talk about all three, and stop at the end for questions.

We’re still gathering information. Working towards formal document that we will present at the end of the week. Providing an update on where we’re at with that. As a formality, land use group prepares a board memo, but we think it’s appropriate here. The reason why this issue is inter-related... There are conflicting incentives on what position we might take. We have to decide what our use is. Impact fee reported last week was assessed because of the construction permit violation not because of the land use.

We’re still looking at if a rule will save us from the $92k if we move to guerro.

Technically zoning issues are the responsibility of the landlord.

The catch-22 is this: the two primary zonings can be: community use, or PDR. It’s generally devoted to the blue-collar, artistic group of business which are all commercial.

This (commercial) might be the best option for us which allows us to minimize the fees.

Told that by becoming a community facility (increasing foot traffic) increases the fee.

At 668 Guerrero, you cannot have PDR activity. It’s banned, however, you can apply for a conditional use permit. Therefore, the best position we take HERE is PDR, and at Guerro Community Facility.

Provided that we can move and withdraw our permit application ($92k), all is well and ends well (apply for a community use at the new space).

We talked about proposal last week about dissolving NB and reforming it. No conclusion on this --- it’s a high risk and expensive option, 501c status takes a long time, a lot of work, not recommended.

Discretionary permits --- we must remain on the good side of the city.

Focusing on the more interesting subjects at 668 Guerro: Historic use of noisebridge: Tank under 668 Guerro Ryan: They did have an 2016 environmental analysis and read multiple documents and couldn't find any statement about anything being underneath. Because all of those permits were related to tearing down the building. And they just mentioned because it was in residential area, they had to classify the building as hazardy.

Matt: because it’s just a building, and there is no tank?

Alice: Do you happen to know if they did a phase 1 or a phase 2 study? Phase1 is non-invasive ($2-5k)

Lady Red: Last time we were at the building, it was said that phase 1 and phase 2 studies were done.

Ryan: I’ll check right now.

Alice: need to figure out if it has a phase 1 or phase 2 study done.

Matt: is that normal for incoming…?

Alice: One more question for crowd: 668 Guerrero: approval to build 24 apts on that site. It’s an open permit. Environmental hazard preventing this? Why hasn’t landlord moved on this yet?

Ryan: These projects are all… So environmental CQA was closed in 2016, the other two things project profiles were open right after and closed, the last one was closed in 2017, and it looks like they close not on building thing or stopping the demolition, which makes me think that it might be the money issue. They might have those approvals...

Alice: Why would anyone given permission to build 24 apartments in the Mission not go through with it?

Nicole: Mark the realtor said that the owner didn’t have the cash to build.

Alice: Have a use-case to skyrocket the value. Have seen some high prices on Zillow.

Lady Red: that would be two of those apartments.

Alice: Two issues...

Matt (to Alice): Is there a way to find out an answer to your question

Alice: If anyone here is a PI that can look into this that would be great.

  • folks chatting around the table*

Jarrod: a contractor could walk into the building tomorrow and pick this up and work on it.

Robert: problem with investors?

Steve: Is there anyway / reason why we can’t just straight up directly ask the landlord about the reason why they haven’t moved on the apartments?

Alice: Don’t record somebody without their consent.

Alice: Points of leverage? We need to engage in some back-n-forth with the current landlord. Our backup option is the current space. The way we can protect that is making sure we don’t do anything that alienates the landlord. If we have other spaces that we can re-ignite discussion with that would be useful.

Alice: Need to figure out why 24-unit apartment is allowed.

Alice: *Wishes Tyler was here*o fit

Lady Red: Oh he’s remote? Great.

Alice: We can't get locked into this lease if we don't have the conditional use permit. There are very limited uses that are even available to apply for. It is a conditional use that is permitted in an R3. However that can take up to a 6 month period to do and to get that, and it’s possible that we don’t get that at all. If we enter into an agreement, and do not get approved, that would be really bad. The trick is in the dates. 99% of my job is to define terms.

Contracts are drafted with defining terms, so when you drop a term into the contract. Commencement date and rent start date are important to get right (early access date, and rent date). Want to break it out into three dates: rent start date, commencement date, ?

Alice: landlord controls the permit process. We would have to put time-limits on when this would be completed.

Alice: Someone like Jarrod can go in and do analysis on what might need to be done. If there were no restrooms, the commencement date would be the start date to do this, and agree that the rent-date wouldn’t start until that work is completed.

Alice: Need a termination option in the lease agreement.

Alice: Construction can begin before the use-permit exists.

Alice: There are a lot of other comments to the lease that we would bring up in a second phase. The landlord controls the draft and has chosen a form that favors the landlord in so many ways that you can’t even think straight. The whole thing has to be re-written to benefit the tenant of the lease. There is no way to even modify the language, so we have to prioritize on what things we want.

Alice: The right to sublease, the right to terminate the lease, etc. needs to be added in & considered. That’s the 2nd phase, and I recommend that we review the draft. ….

I’m not in charge of that process, so go ahead.

Matt: Pause and ask for questions?

Alice: Oh! Yeah, I was going to jump to business.

Ryan: I have a comment on phase 1 environmental analysis, but I’ll want until after questions

Matt: ok

Ryan: I’ll be quick. There is no evidence of hazardous materials or storage but, the subject property is located in the “mayor zone”. Has imported material from the 1906 earthquake. Any disturbance of 50 cubic yards requires more investigations, site management, and reporting to 2022A of the health code. Does not have access to the phase 2.

Alice: That’s crazy that that’s the reason

Ryan: Liquefaction zone. Ground water is 10ft below. It’s an unstable area, but we’re even further into the mayor zone right now.

Jarrod: has worked in projects like this. 50 cubic yards is a real thing.

Matt: This might be why they didn’t build in that location.

Jarrod: It’s just the engineer going to that plant….

Alice: it’s worth the money

Lady Red: that wouldn’t stop them from building that apartments?

Jarrod: no

Steve: Given that everything is said so far, the first question: The consensus is up to date, right? Given everything Alice has said: who thinks that it’s the great idea, anybody?

Alice: Last week we had a lot of back-n-forth that we cannot sign everything in the draft work. … I think it’s the current consensus item.

Matt: direct response. To be very specific, we agreed on stuff last week.

Alice: no one is going to read that today.

Steve: let me rephrase my question. What you said makes me feel like this is premature?

Alice: You are wrong, because it’s a great idea to do as we learn more to… We are not in the position to sign the lease today, so there couldn’t be a position to sign the consensus today.

Steve: ok, cool. I have one final question. What makes guerrero better than staying here?

Lady Red: It’s bigger.

Steve: …

Lady red: Have you been to the place? HAve you watched the video of it?

Steve: No, I haven’t.

Alice: Are there any other questions?

M?: Do we want to form a smaller committee to authorize this forward?

Alice: Tyler has taken on a significant amount of responsibility here, but has not built a committee around him to advice. I think that’s a very good idea. For governance ideas, the board should make a decision.

Matt: The board need to do a consensus decision, it’s a problem.

Alice: There are fundamental problems with the governance of Noisebridge. We de-facto seem to use a board governance Officers seem to possess significant responsibility over the …. Board needs to approve the lease, but if we want to proceed as member-managed we would have to do a different thing

  • hands fly up*

Lady Red: currently president of NB, considering some kind of NB bylaw that address this dual issue. Current bylaws is 100% board-run. Considering by-law, but it’s complex. We operate by consensus, but every 4-years we bypass it, e.g. the reboot.

Alice: Unless, it’s something we want to follow for our corporate purposes.

Lady Red: Currently the way it’s been is that the board vote just kind of follows what the members think is best.

Matt: That’s not true. Not all are the members. But practically, the board follows where the consensus leads, but technically...

Steve: My impression of the separation is… There needs to be a legal body that handles legal decisions. But practically we let the membership decide. Is that right?

Matt: DR. It’s kind of incorrect. NB has a board because it needs a board. We have members that are kind-of like .

Steve: DR. Do the

Lady Red: You don’t need to say DR to each other (lol).

Steve: So the board has the legal power?

Matt: Absolutely.

LR: the members are in the bylaw.

Alice: I was trying to create some efficiency by….

  • spicy conversation breaks out* Hmm~

Nicole: ok, so our current lease is up on aug 31.

Alice: strategy: develop meaningful alternatives to 668 to enter negotiations. We draft a lease that we can sign that protects us. That way, we can pursue both avenues (current and 668). Keep relationship with current land-lord positive. We do not want to enter into another arrangement where we have conflict with the city.

Mark (remote): Will the re-drafts of the lease as we work on it here this week and the near future be posted publicly, on, say, Discuss?

Nicole: You mentioned if you would happen to come from another place, what suggestion would it be to file the SSPs?

Alice: That’s the process that Tyler has described, need to get that info. Identifying spaces is important. Did not expect lease drafted this way when we stopped looking for alternatives.

Matt: *addressing Mark’s remote question*

Jarrod: The question I had when we opened up questions… What I am proposing for 668 guerro, we move in under current existing use

Alice: move in or occupy? Or just construction. We have possession and occupation.

Jarrod: do construction with the intent of being a workshop in the space

Alice: occupation would be under a separate use or no? Jarrod: we would have a workshop in a ???

Someone from the computer (Tyler): What are you suggesting is impossible … They will just rent it for someone else, like any other property in SF.

Alice: my view is commercial use is no-longer available. 1. Rent it to residential tenants, or 2. Rent to noisebridge.

Tyler: They rent is as storage recently.

Alice: How much money did they make from that?

Matt: ...

Alice: the alternative is that we enter into a lease… because it is an R3 we have greater security at guerro than the current location. If we’re not granted a permit (for the new location), we need to start construction.

Tyler: Wasn’t Jarrod’s proposal was reconstructing the proposal.

Jarrod: I didn’t finish my question. The question was: if we were able to bare minimum thing (workshop in the space). Primary use: workshop. Accessory use: assembly. From my understanding, that would not require authorization use.

Alice: Even under the non-commercial use?

Jarrod: Can we move in as a workshop, and submit another permit for further updates in the space.

Alice: All of this is great as a strategy, but what it assumes that we sign a lease that is not conditioned on any positive outcomes at all. Your proposal requires continual updates. Both options have no protection unless we add in a termination clause.

Tyler: Alice! The intention of the lease was for us to grab the … of the NB. That option was given us to draft for us to draft as we intended. They were expecting us to probably give it a hefty reliant.

Alice: We’re aligned because I’m just saying this is the first round of proposals that include these essential items, and future version will redline details. Do you not agree while entering into proposals that we have options?

Tyler: I do agree it’s important to have alternatives. At the moment, it’s just the only alternative with the current location.

Matt: There are options, we didn’t like the storage, month-to-month rent…. It’s hard to get 4-month review.

Mark(remote): I thought there was a termination clause already? “In the unlikely event that City Planning disallows the Tenant’s use because Tenant’s use is not compatible with the current RH- 3 zoning, the Landlord agrees to release Tenant from their Lease obligation on the final date that City Planning gives Tenant, after Tenant has exhausted all their appeal options”

Tyler: we can’t wait 6 months on Guerro. We could wait, sure, but they would…

Alice: To clarify we wouldn’t be involved in binding the agreement but we would …. It would verify with the ...

Tyler: right, that was the intention from the get-go. Where do we have to get to from the legal-graph perspective to be good on that front? That we have to option to leave if the zoning doesn’t work out.

Alice: So the process of negotiating the complex legal document is in line with what’s in the market. So again the document will have an effective signing date, and the commencement date will… Three new items for lease:

Effective date. Commencement date. Rent start date. Needs a termination clause, with a deadline.

Jarrod: All of that sounds perfect. But my question is not being…

Alice: Tyler has invested more effort and time into this than any of us. Formidable that he has gotten us to this point. It’s frustrating, but we have to do this the right way if we can. Want to acknowledge where Tyler is coming from.

Matt: Yeah, Tyler, I have warned you, if you remember. Tyler: Yeah, I’m little bit emotional about the physical withdrawal (?).Strategy of applying for construction permit is viable

Alice: I'm not saying it’s not viable. But we don’t think the city is going to go with it.

Tyler: I think that, umm,

Alice: We’re not commercial. Taking a position that is stretching reality, and we have to have a long term focus on this.

Tyler: I agree with that, I just think we should apply with this facility, it just might not fit with us. Only 8 years in NB...

Alice: NB is currently zoned very broadly. We’re entering into a new world of R3’s. Think suburban moms calling in all the time.

“Laughs and comments”

Alice: No one’s going to nickle-and-dime us about where we are currently because lot’s of things are allowed here. Who are the tax payers in the city? The suburban moms with 311 on speed dial.

Ryan: Yeah *laughs*

Jarrod: I think they would not let us have a hackerspace near their apartments.

Alice: would they rather have a 24 building apartment near them?

Jarrod: They would rather have a “JK sword” building that can never change.

Lady Red: you’re saying we can move in under the current use?

Jarrod: I think we can find out, but … That doesn’t protect us.

Steve: *mumbles something*

TJ: have we considered re-re-starting our searches for other houses? Hedge our bets?

Matt: That’s exactly what we are talking about and depends on XYZ.

Ryan: I do want to mention talking to number of people like sudo-room, but 100% in with holding. Mitch is about donating.

Michael: What would the specific next steps be and who would take those on?

Alice: it’s actually perfect. Does anybody want to discuss … There are 4 main points that need to be revised (see above list). I noticed like the date to be defined out, and like termination. And one of those comments that need to be drafted, I think people need to see how those comments look like. The comments release. The markup, or whatever it is.

Michael: ...

Alice: Turns out you can’t. The landlord chooses the form, and we work on it.

Michael: do we have someone who is going to..?

Matt: I was going to say basically people are step up to do things. (Alice: “yeah”) Out of everyone spoken close to this subject so far you are...

Alice: I’m external to noisebridge. There needs to be an internal person who is the point-person. Tyler’s skillset is finance, but thinks his skillset is wide enough to do this as well.

Tyler: has negotiated a lot of legal documents before. Familiar with redlines. Would be happy to be a point person to communicate with you, Alice. (Alice: “yeah”)

Matt: Does anyone know about the actual representation of the (something).

Ryan: Like in the space?

Alice: Not proposing a legal-heavy lending. Looking for someone who enjoys heavy technical documents. Calling all English majors.

Mark (remote): what is wrong with “the Landlord agrees to release Tenant from their Lease obligation on the final date that City Planning gives Tenant, after Tenant has exhausted all their appeal options”? Isn’t that more favorable to us than an exact date?

Alice: a few weeks ago, someone was asking me to take full responsibility.

Steve: Want to be on the board?

Alice: that’s not allowed. Someone at the firm signed-off on me being here.

Michael: *asks a question*

Alice: the only reason when I add an agreement with my commercial clients. Even if I am drafting all the language from scratch, the client says that’s in my words. I’m just asking for someone to kcik start.

Matt: I just want to clarify. The draft shouldn’t be where a person says yes/no. It should be ….

Lady Red: you can always talk to us.

Alice: any questions that I need to address.

Matt: there were remote questions? *addresses Mark’s question*

Alice: I haven’t read all components of the lease.

Alice: Trying to get the initial terms to have li…. Extract language like that into an email. They believe it’s commercial-enough.

Matt: Do you think it’s commercial right now?

Alice: This termination clause might be OK.

Matt: So you would like those clauses with financial impact…

Mark(remote): my point is, I think I see all 4 of your points already addressed in the letter of intent. I don’t see what we are missing. We have effective date, commencement date, etc...

Alice: What I like to do, when I mark up a PDF, I use Adobe….


  • Laughs around*

Alice: Mess with it, change it. I just want you guys to get started with it, change it. Warned the partners that this is down-the-pipe. It’s a heavy lift. Need to agree on the fundamentals.

Michael: How long? How many pages?

Matt: …

  • This meeting is over or not - minor discussion*

Matt: *pushes away from the table on rolly chair*

Jarrod: 2 or three accessible bathrooms. Going to have to dig out concrete. Hopefully don’t need sewer lateral. Will come in under $50k.

Matt: That’s a lot.

Jarrod: would have to be done as soon as we move. Want bathrooms that people can access.

Nicole: Can we just…. Can we....

Matt: ...

Jarrod: This is after...

Michael: We shouldn’t have a moving cost?

  • Alice and Nicole say goodbyes*

Ryan: that is more than likely anywhere… most places… there is going to be a pretty substantial move-in cost. That is one of the benefits of staying here.

Jarrod: But it will be great. Because we will have nice bathrooms and the space feels better for everyone. It’ll be money well spent.

Jarrod: functional entries. Make space better for everyone in our community.

Jarrod: We’re talking about paying $92k impact fees.

Matt: That’s 30% of our bank account.

  • Lady Red exclaims*: My portrait is done.
   Backstory: Lady Red has been listening to the meeting while working on a tablet hooked up to a macbook.

Nicole: Would it be possible to add another bathroom? Jarrod: Yes.

Tyler: Jarrod, does $50K include 2 bathrooms and ….

Jarrod: Yes ….

  • Short exchanged discussion between Jarrod and Tyler*

Jarrod: the expensive parts are the bathrooms. It’s a simple project, but expensive.

Ryan: can someone look into if there are any contractors that work with non-profits or community spaces.

Tyler: We are the pro-bono contractors.

Ryan: Exactly!

Matt: Sorry, err, we do have somebody

Jarrod: This is so far ahead of us.

Matt: financial decision relies on knowing all costs. If we don’t know, it comes out of our savings. If it’s 3 grand extra per year, it has to come out of somewhere if we don’t increase our revenue.

Tyler: Somebody threw in Bitcoin...

Nicole: That pays our first month’s rent!

Ryan: We should be reaching out through bitcoin… *stops*

Matt: There is a question of the total cost of moving. I think we need to sufficiently carry out the first 2-3 years.

Michael to Matt on the side: Thanks for doing stuff.


Matt: I will text nth right now.

Jarrod: … We just wanted to get an estimate from you.

  • folks are using the auto-bartender iZac* :o
  • Matt and Jarrod are chatting business*
  • Lady Red checks out iZac*: Is it working?

Ryan: It is working, some might be out.

Nicole: I just can reach out to the contractor. I just need things like parameters.

  • Nicole and Jarrod chatting further briefly*
  • Lady Red distributes ice cubes*
  • Tyler is closing the call*

Nicole: Thank you Tyler

Steve: Are all the members that were here still here?

Jarrod: the room felt good about proposal.

Ryan: We consensus on moving this item to next week.

Jarrod: Actually, let’s consens this… I don’t see why it needs to go till the next week.

Nicole: next week alice’s partner will be coming to the meeting. Expert on planning development. Should have a little more information. ...

  • Alice, Matt, and Lady Red are discussing the next week meeting and board meeting*

Matt: Sorry to be annoying, but technically there needs to be a consensus.

  • Discussing what to choose as consensus for this meeting*

Alice & Jarrod agrees: We don’t have consensus today.

  • Matt agrees*

Matt: That’s it. Thank you everybody. Ryan?

Ryan: *Gives feedback* Short announcements and events. On Monday, Humane, another Noisebridger organizing tour event for other noisbridgers on Monday. From 3 pm to 5 pm on June 24th, Human Brain (?) for Noisebridge. Kerry says the 3 PM would be the best time. 4 PM will be with a lot of Facebook friends. So, visit the space, it’s going to be the newest professional stylist space, they are also non-profit. It should be fun. We definitely want to work with them on staff.

Gamebridge is moving to Thursdays @8pm-11pm in Turing Classroom and Artbridge(art class) is to start up again, separately on Wednesdays @8pm, same place?

Alice: Will anyone taking over the stream? You just need to go to the … and turn on your microphone.

  • Lady Red agrees to do that and Nicole thanks him*
  • Proceed to discuss something on their live stream screens*

Matt: Are there any other announcements?

Ryan: Oh. If someone knows about … please donate over to the Noisebridge and get nice drinks.

Docs ether: Note: stream was full ...

Discussion[edit | edit source]

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]