Meeting Notes 2024 12 17

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These are the notes from the The 791th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date 2024 12 17
Note-takers Mark, [your hacker name here]
Moderators Mark
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Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Fundraising Update:
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New associates:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Ask people to share their name, access needs, and preferred gender pronouns what they do at noisebridge
Mark - note taking, moderation, play my games
Cynthia - used to come around a whole lot, asking for help with my phone. Hackers apply
David - game designer, part time hacker, happy holidays!
Michael K- old time noisebridger
Josh - not here because its not a prime number meeting
Melissa - [not here's friend, first time at NB! Checking it out! Interesting stuff here!
Loren - treaury things
Daniel - I made mead for people!
Wheezy - play fall ball!
Zachy - cyborg that occasionally walks around. usually on weekends. work in SJ. Want to host an event at NB, on like January 18th/19th maybe? Decentralized Web meetup!
JD - I do all kinds of stuff!
Cloud - [insert intro here]
Blue - I build walls now I guess, and make friends!
Elle - Sewing, fundraising, writing, etc
AJ - prospective new member, sorry for all noise!
ASHER... mostly hardware and some software. would be interested in working on some distributed networks.  recently i've been testing with python selenium 

Angela - applying for associate membership. electronix and electrical stuffs. been coming to noisebridge for over a decade.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Happy new years and Merry Chistmahanakwanzuka to you!

We want to do a Christmas Eve day potluck, early afternoon. Check Discord thread about that!

New Member happy hour after this meeting tonight! Stay and hang out!

January 3rd is prospective next New member happy hour. Still need to verify.

Spacebridge won an Awesome Foundation grant! BIG HAPPY!

JD - when we last left our heroes... We got a city funded architect to help us with our issues. We want them to help us pull permits for the various work we have to do. -Fire wall & door, 1-hour rating, so that we don't have to close off upstairs. -Woodshop Wall -Electrical work? Front Door : We seem to have our paperwork in order to get that 10k grant for that job. Any job done with that - electronic openers, weatherproof commercial RFID reader, etc, we want. Need to rebuild sidewalk in front of the space. Claiming that we have parking on what is the front patio area.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

What does that mean? Please see our page on excellence!

Excellence is trying your best to be the best version of yourself, do-ocratically. Clean up after yourself. Be aware of people using different tools at different times.

Doing lots for noisebridge is not a free pass - one must not be an asshole.

Brief Kudos[edit | edit source]

Recent examples of excellent behavior, say 3, unless the passion moves you.

Ken for doing all the woodshop wall work! And Ron and Blue for helping.

To Loren and Mark for continuing to excellently host meetings!

To Brian B for doing a lot of diligent organization/cleanup/fixing work in electronics and music rooms.

Judy for Writers workshop stuff and being excellent in hosting people at noisebridge and doing other stuff around the space.

Anonymous hacker who found Elle's earring and left it at the door of sewing.

Daniel for making the Mead!

Guilds[edit | edit source]

  • What are guilds - briefly describe (much like the previous section on "Excellence")

New Members/Associate Members[edit | edit source]

What are they? Is anyone trying to become a Member or Associate Member? If not move on. No long discussions.

  • Daniel - applying for Big M Full Membership. Mark associate member sponsor. Loren sponsors for Full Membership.

Wheezy - he contributes a lot!

Mark - he made the door access system

Elle - you commute from SJ? Any plans to live in SF?

Daniel - not immediately, but NB is special and I love coming here.

  • Ang3la - Applying for Associate Membership - hacks on all sorts of stuff! Former Sudoroom member. Loren sponsors.

Angela is approved. Formalized after last week we tentatively approved it.

  • claps*
  • Blue -- confirmed associate membership -- checking off the list
  • AJ -- sponsored by Ken.

Likes to clean the space. Wants to teach classes. Could help with the arduino classes possibly? I like making things! Few kind of radical things I'd like to build (in the realm of communications).

I'd like to give folks a beginning course in electricity and electronics.

E: Do you have much experience with maker/hackerspaces outside noisebridge?

The activities, but not necessarily spaces themselves. I do a lot of gig work, greatly varies, but typically fixing peoples systems, and going to data centers and repairing things.

M: What kinds of activities can we expect you to potentially be doing at odd hours that we would be granting you access to?

And What kind of situations should do-ocracy be applied vs consensus.

Mark blocks. Holding for now while we get to know AJ a bit. Advises he read wiki more and get to know more Members.

3 new NB Wiki accounts have been created for new/prospective Members!

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

We have a thing that needs to be done ASAP: end of year email/appeal letter! We are looking for very short personal stories of noisebridgers at noisebridge for this letter! Please contribute!

The doc for contributing/commenting is here:

Talk to Elle, if you aren't sure what to do, but also keep an eye on/chat in the fundraising channel in discord! Deadline for commenting/contributing will be Thursday evening

Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if new people are present.

Consensus Items [edit | edit source]

Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.

City Committee '24 - 2nd Week of Consensus

No one blocks. Radio Silence.

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

(discussion item) 0: [topic][edit | edit source]

From/Raised by: Orbologist Seeking: decision/outcome/advice On topic: dump run / cleaning out people’s forgotten stuff

We are buried here. Much like in my own space. We need to get a lot of stuff out of here that is unclaimed. Need to figure out a way to do that that does not make people upset. Trying to give people warning that I'm going to be doing a dump run.

Mark - please let me know when to tag at-everyone

(discussion item) 1: [topic][edit | edit source]

From/Raised by: Elle Seeking: decision/outcome/advice On topic: Sewing Items purchasing update

We want to get some other stuff not previously.

Like lockers for instance. Do we need consensus for purchasing and installing?

Loren - may be a chance good use case to try out a new locker system of some sort.

Should the lockers be outside in the public space (upstairs hackitorium)?

E: One concern of outside the room lockers, is people maybe storing food in their lockers. We don't want people getting in the habit of storing food stuff nearby sewing stuff. Bugs could possibly get from food-containing lockers into the material/fabric containing lockers and infest.

Michael K - suggested cantilevered locker system with moveable lockers potentially, so you could have high ones that can be easily pulled down, and vice-versa. ADA accessible and other good benefits

E: Other thing is we want to buy cranks for the skylights in the building.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]