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Meetups / Infra: 2025 | Template | Pad | Jitsi V · T · E

We discussed dtrace, dtrace conf, surprising sys-call efficiency of rust against macOS ls, Fermi estimates of computers & commands run. Lively meeting, mainly regulars.

About[edit | edit source]

Host: Loren Scribe: Loren & Justin

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • [name] - [background]. [goals for meetup, or interests to explore]
  • Loren - [missed background] - Some news item, TBA, and conference this week to sign-up for
  • Greg - Free software, self-hosting - Interested in what others have to say. And "Lean Therome Proving Language"
  • Kevin @mrname - Likes computers, Dev Ops, Programming, AI, Music - Need a support group, not sure what he's doing
  • Doug - Like computers. Currently in one step forward, two steps back mode.
  • Justin - IT Mgt, Dev Ops, Web 2.0, Intereactive stuff (projection), Film, Video, Dance - Here to learn about infra. to support and help maintain as needed. Also would liket o get set-up to properly support opening/closing, custodian/porter roles for the space.
  • Cynthia - Early noisebridger, bg. in Medicine and private practices - FOI workshop in 2020, letter from NB to FBI for it's records in 2013.
  • Zuri - Co-founder at QA Automation Startup (agents), new transplant to SF - BAE Systems, defence industry, back in UK: cyberthreat detection.

Comments, Open Discussion[edit | edit source]

Dtrace Conference[edit | edit source]

Dtrace Conference, recommended by Loren Linux: MacOS: and MacOS / BSD

Asides[edit | edit source]

Greg Rust OS programming

Anecdote from job interview programming questions, strace, debugging.

Loren Lineage of Mac cmd line tools.

Doug What is rust? A compiled language? Loren/Greg: Yes, compiled, safer memory management and access, strict and expressive typing. Manual garbage mgt., tracks lifetimes of objects to manage unsafe behavior. "Static garbage collection" at combile time; objects dropped when they go out of scope.

Loren Tristan Thume

  • Take 2m to Skim through. 1-3m to read your favorite section.

"...through the zoo to show you the toilet"

Calca & Soulver calculator apps

Zuri What's the purpose of this meeting?

Loren: NB Infrastructure (we occasionally get to), open-source self-hosting, etc.

Lesson or Demo[edit | edit source]

  • Read aloud: NA

Questions, Discussion, or Coworking[edit | edit source]

Questions[edit | edit source]

Justin (Justin will dig through Wiki to answer these, or ask again, or ask around)

  • Does a Network & Infrastructure (graphic) map exist?
  • SNMP?
  • Ping/Uptime/Status monitoring?
  • Backup systems?
  • Outbound IP traffic obfuscation? Need for it? Plausabile Deniability?

Loren: Monkeybrains, Wireless ISP and IP provider for the NB space.

"Enduring Hosted Services"

Justin: Do we have ?

Loren: We're personally monitoring various services, e.g.: metrics endpoint someone may be running.

NB Systems are "robust because we don't make long dependency chains."

Justin: If Loren and Mark dropped out, would anyone else be able to effectively manage infrastructure? What documentation exists for even who the current maintainers and are? How do we map and guage various volunteers current, ongoing, or waning interest in infrastructure projects (infrastructure broadly defined as things most visitors at NB rely on daily) ?

[Conversation interrupted - Trash day!]

For next time[edit | edit source]

Possible TODO[edit | edit source]

Ideas / Proposals[edit | edit source]

Justin[edit | edit source]

EtherPad self-host enabing plugins like Wikitext parser

Embed Etherpads in MediaWiki:

Import and Export WikiText from Etherpad (plugin)

Local mesh-network or near field coms, to connect those present in the physical space? Discuseed at 11-25-24 meeting, Who's In The Office

Consider also: Bridgefy messaging App and SDK (Signal protocol included)

Standing Issues[edit | edit source]

Discord blocked from our IP range. J: Can outbound network traffic obfuscation solve this? L: Probably not an issue of scale that folks would devote time/resources to solving it. See no other practical reason or application for IP layer security at NB [paraphrasing]

Readings & Exercises[edit | edit source]


Past sessions[edit | edit source]

2024[edit | edit source]

2023[edit | edit source]