NBC 2009Mar29
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Sensebridge Meeting March 29, 2009
People[edit | edit source]
Eric, Skory, Mike, Peter, Matt, Rachel Denise, Bat, Ted, Nag, Nana, Nabil, Sarah, David, Mikolaj, Daniela, Mike
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Eric - compass vibro anklet with Skory, engineer, works on sensors
- Skory - compass vibro anklet
- Mike - remotely operated vehicle telemetry stuff
- Peter - here to see what people are working on
- Matt - wants to work on "eyes on the back of the back"
- Rachel - working on vest with distance sensors in the back - to sense through touch what is behind you. Wants more help! Progress so far: thought work, testing of motors
- Denise - UCSC, works on device which goes on glasses and clarifies consonant noises for Deaf people
- Bat - no tech background, botanist, visiting friends here
- Ted - has been working on compass belt project
- Nag - from Seattle, hangs out with PNA hackbot (?) people - also working on compass belt, wants GPS input to them - two belts, one points to house, one to mountain, so can "triangulate" location.
- Nana - happened to be here. Did map making.
- Nabil - she's here because we're all really cool :-). Also, likes to make her brain do cool stuff.
- Sarah - a rocket scientist. Designs space robots for a living.
- David - made Arduino powered breathalizer - but tells you how much more to drink for desired level :-)
- Mikolaj - has thing which shines light in north direction. He got this group started.
- Daniela - artist. Interactive art, with sensors, especially things which sense the invisible.
- Mike - starting new "science & engineering huddle on Thursdays at 7pm", basic material design things, ground loop issues, etc. Design from concept to finished product.
Show & Tell[edit | edit source]
- Choker - show your heart beat
- Ring - show noise levels / wifi levels with lights
- Persistence of vision fan
- persistence of vision weed wacker
- Demo of compass anklet
- troubles with 2-axis magnetometer
- signal filtering / using an accelerometer
- maybe position just below the knee?
- Stepper Motor battery charger, powers light, totally silent ("science of vision flashlight"), also has field power supply
- Infrared goggles - your eyes ARE sensitive to infrared, so if you block everything else your eyes will adapt (if things are really bright in IR - need to be outside)
Batteries[edit | edit source]
- Eric will come around with group order form for sparkfun batteries later
- orders from: Eric (assortment+charger), Skory (2+charger), Rachel (2+charger), Mikolaj (2)
ORDER SUMMARY: Status Product Qty Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item in Box PRT-00731 Polymer Lithium Ion Batteries - 100mAh 2 $13.90 Item in Box PRT-00726 LiPoly Charger - Single Cell 3.7-7V Input 3 $50.85 Item in Box PRT-00339 Polymer Lithium Ion Batteries - 1100mAh 10 $107.60 Item in Box PRT-00341 Polymer Lithium Ion Batteries - 860mAh 1 $8.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal $181.30 Shipping and Handling + $11.35 ----------------------------------------------------- Grand Total: $192.65 Skory + Rachel owe 2*10.76+16.95+11.35/4 = $41.31 Mikolaj owe 2*10.76 + 11.35/4 = $24.36
- could also use AAA batts - for convenient replacement
Cybernetics Meetup[edit | edit source]
- 54 people have expressed interest on meeting.com for "cybernetics"
- we are a subset of that, we're trying to build stuff - if you're into that, then show up. Eric will draft something and send it to meetup.
Daniela's project[edit | edit source]
Daniela has a project - zero gee. Uses "maximis B", a graphical programming language. Building a "crystal ball", which will float, and use magnetic sensors. It will go in parabolic flights. She's in a group of 20 artists all working with sensors. The crystal ball will create sculptures in software - and those sculptures will eventually be built. Recommendation: play with ferrofluid.
Eyes in the back of the back[edit | edit source]
- Rachel plans to cut up a T-shirt
- plans to use motors/vibrators as the display
- 1 dimension: just a line across your back, which responds to stuff "behind" it (need narrow sensors)
- discussion of doppler radar (pound30 sensors, a few years ago), LIDAR, ultrasonic sensors, etc.
Armature Ideas[edit | edit source]
- Umbrellas? - google maps inside your umbrella
- Displays inside your shoes?
- top of foot
- things in the holes in Crocs (there are already plastic things which pop in and out)
- Stripper Boots - heels have lots of room for stuff!
- goddess project has done this - minimal websurfing?!?
- Piercing to hold electronics
- Off the back of glasses
- Something built into a phone to help Aspbergers with facial recognition
- Build something into a cast?
Discussion on compass armature[edit | edit source]
- much discussion of the proper place to wear the vibro-compass
- corset
- anklet
- bracket
- belt
- design to be resized at least a little - then quite flexible in actual location...