
From Noisebridge
Revision as of 18:16, 5 January 2022 by Lxpk (talk | contribs) (→‎Uses)
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Noisebridge | About | Visit | 272 | Manual | Contact | Guilds | Resources | Events | Projects | WGs | 5MoF | Meetings | Donate V · T · E
272 Capp St. | Layout | Parking | Fence | Access | Patio | Entrance | Front | Hackitorium | Stage | Lockers | Stairs | Upstairs | Classrooms | Exits | Roll up door | Bathrooms | Network | Roof | Audio | AV | Construction | Electrical | Print Shop | Elevator | Back hall | Back patio | Fire escape | Plants | Sustenance | Housekeeping V · T · E
You are standing in the fenced patio in front of Noisebridge.

You see Plants and outdoor chairs. To the west is the Gate leading to the Street. To the north is the Roll up door and to the northeast is the Door.

EXITS: Front door, Gate, Roll up door, Plants

> Blinkingcursor.gif

We have a fenced front patio area in our front parking lot enclosed by the Gate fence with our door and garage door.

Uses[edit | edit source]

  • Outdoor events such as classes are taught outside.
  • Growing plants
  • Ventilated area for smelly or smoky crafts
  • Outdoor area for improved COVID safety and social distancing