Supercollider Class

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Based on Nick Collins's course work.

Week 1

1. Introduction and Overview

1.1 Obtaining SC3.html

1.2 Getting Started.html

1.3 Getting Around in SC3.html

Week 1 exercise: Explore SuperCollider!

Week 2

2. Sound Synthesis 1: Additive, Subtractive, Modulation

2.1 Subtractive and Additive Synthesis.html

2.2 Mul and add.html

2.3 Controlling Synths.html

2.4 Modulation Synthesis.html

2.5 More Synthesis Examples.html

Week 2 exercise: explore the materials thoroughly, looking up anything you don't understand; create additive, subtractive and modulation synthesis patches of your own

Week 3

3. Sequencing

3.1 Envelopes.html

3.2 SynthDefs.html

3.3 Sequencing.html

3.4 Server-side Sequencing and Triggers.html

3.5 Nested Scheduling.html

Week 3 exercise: Practice creating some SynthDefs (which should have a doneAction:2 in them), and make simple sequences where you schedule Synths over time in an entertaining way

Week 4

4. Interaction 1

4.1 Interaction 1.html

4.2 Graphical User Interfaces.html

4.3 Further GUI Example.html

Week 4 exercise: Mock up a simple prototype GUI that controls some simple sound synthesis. If you're stuck for ideas, make a subtractive synthesizer with GUI controls for the filter. Or convert any of your existing sound synthesis patches for GUI control

Week 5

5. Sound Synthesis 2: Sample-based, Granular

5.1 Buffers and Sound Files.html

5.2 Granular Synthesis.html

5.3 GUI+Loop Example.html

5.4 Granular Bonus Examples.html

Week 5 exercise: Explore processing sound files in SuperCollider; create a simple granular synthesizer with some GUI controls.

Week 6

6. Effects

6.1 Buses.html

6.2 Control Buses.html

6.3 Nodes.html

6.4 Effects 1.html

6.5 Effects 2.html

Week 6 exercise: Build an example patch with a global effects unit (such as a reverb or distortion). You should construct the effects unit using a separate Synth; this effect should be applied to any other Synths (which might use any of the SynthDefs you've built so far on the course). Execution order is critical here and you will need to understand 6.3 to achieve this.

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Extended Resources

Learning links of various quality and availability.