Talk:Donate or Pay Dues

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The recurring donations link is the wrong link

Stupid button doesn't link right.

Alt text

--Rubin110 16:40, 7 August 2009 (PDT)

WePay is no more. Perhaps we should remove the link from this page.

Bfb (talk)

Changing Noisebridge's Bitcoin Address[edit source]

 Hash: SHA1
 Hey all,
 Patrick O'Doherty here. As per Danny's email to nb-discuss
 we're looking to change the Noisebridge Bitcoin address to facilitate easier exchange of BTC for USD, as Noisebridge has a need for cash monies.
 The new address for the Noisebridge wallet is 1KxVgNmPdTyePLw27iixbH9yrRhNH7UfdK
 It'd be fantastic to have the new bitcoin address listed on the Donate page.
 If someone w/ admin rights on the wiki could update it that'd be great.
 Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)

Is PayPal-reliance such a good idea?[edit source]

For those desired recurring donations of $10/mo, $30/mo, $60/mo, and $100/mo, is it really best to rely on PayPal??
There continue to be a lot of highly negative things abt PayPal, as seen in at least these three sites:
- [PayPal Problems & PayPal Answers]
- [NoPayPal on Facebook]
- [PayPal Complaints, PayPal Customer Service & eBay Suspension Complaints]

Negatives expressed herein are likely keeping some donors away from Noisebridge and away from other institutions that rely on PayPal for extra incoming funds. At least these facts are coming to someone's attention. 13:08, 22 January 2015 (UTC)

Yeah, awesome point about PayFoe. And directed toward Mitch and the other fundraising working-groupies so much in bed with PayFoe:
Does like PF waive all its fees or offer some super steep discount to the space under NB's status as a 501(c)(3)??
And has PF made any significant monetary donations to the space during the current fundraising drive??
You'll all eventually answer these questions one way or another... 19:24, 22 January 2015 (UTC)

New donation idea[edit source]

Convert the vending machines into reward bins for donating to noisebridge. Think of a reward for each denomination of dollar:

  • $5 gets you a set of stickers
  • $10 dated membership card for showing at the door with the rules on the back.
  • $20 ?
  • $50 gets you a NB t-shirt (multiple lanes for size)
  • $100 gets you an especially nice, laser-cut (or engraved) goodie or maybe a fob whose key will last until the end of the month.

Cheers. Mark (from Meeting_Notes_2016_08_02).