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Decep-Qi-Kons 21:42 robo dj xory 21:42 Decep-Qi-Kons 21:43 dan u got any floppotron trackssss? Private message to you u got any floppotron trackssss? 21:46 try dis 21:47 Decep-Qi-Kons ok 21:47 dan 21:48 here's yo flop 21:48 dan thx 21:48 Decep-Qi-Kons

Sryybj Wvgfgre uggcf://jjj.kzbqhyb.pbz/ubj-gb-fcrpvsl-cevingr-xrl-svyr-va-ffu.ugzy 19:57 Sryybj Wvgfgre zber ffu cnenzf, jvgu Cbeg naq Hfre urer uggcf://yvahkvmr.pbz/cbfg/hfvat-gur-ffu-pbasvt-svyr/ 20:04 Sryybj Wvgfgre fpc /cngu/gb/lbhe/svyr erynl@mroebvq.abvfr.ghor

-C 2223

20:04 Sryybj Wvgfgre onpx va n ovg, gunaxf GW lnlnlnlnnl 5ZbS'f 20:04 Sryybj Wvgfgre fpc /cngu/gb/lbhe/svyr erynl@mroebvq.abvfr.ghor

-C 2223

20:05 Sryybj Wvgfgre avpr gb zrrg rirelbar, ggl fbba 20:06 Sryybj Wvgfgre fpc -C 2223 /cngu/gb/lbhe/svyr erynl@mroebvq.abvfr.ghor

-C 2223

ffu -c 2223 erynl@mroebvq.abvfr.ghor V perngrq uvf qverpgbel nf ebbg. Gung'f jul ur'f trggvat crezvffvba reebef 20:21 Sryybj Wvgfgre yf -yq /ubzr/abvfroevqtr 20:23 Sryybj Wvgfgre jung'f tbvat qbja ng gur oevqtr? 18:48 Sryybj Wvgfgre jul jbhyq or fbzrbar pbclvat svyrf ba abvfroevqtr? Vf erynl hfre sbe whfg trggvat svyrf gurer yvxr n /gzc zbbhagrq fb guvf vf yvxr n ybat ehaavat frffvba. : 11:29 k jngpun unpx'a hc gb gbqnl GW? uggcf://jjj.tbbtyr.pbz/hey?fn=g&epg=w&d=&rfep=f&fbhepr=jro&pq=&pnq=ewn&hnpg=8&irq=2nuHXRjvTth__c_ahNuJoIf0XUnwyO9DDgjVjNUbRPNVDNj&hey=uggcf%3N%2S%2Sjjj.lbhghor.pbz%2Sjngpu%3Si%3QIqCfWJ6NUdp%26iy%3Qra&hft=NBiInj2zjsb0vMB7x0_hBn5ujN3N uggcf://jjj.lbhghor.pbz/jngpu?i=IqCfWJ6NUdp&iy=ra


Zvxr'f gnxr ba fcnturggv YRQ uggcf://jjj.lbhghor.pbz/jngpu?i=3NEaz8OkUrN AbqrErq/ZDGG ubhfr grzc qrzb +1 12:41 zbetna "orjner bs xbbxf" 13:22 Ncurk ununun sryybj xvqf 13:47 Ⅹ jrypbzr gb gur pbafvcvenpl cnegl uggcf://jjj.abvfroevqtr.arg/jvxv/Unpxvgbevhz 13:50 Ncurk gl! 13:51 Ⅹ uggcf://sppvq.vb/2NC38-PBE1N erfcrpg! 14:09 Ncurk uggcf://orgehfgrq.vb/ 14:24 GW qb-bpenpl : rirelbar vf n yrnqre! 14:26 Ncurk urer'f jung V'z frggvat hc orgjrra unpxrefcnprf: uggcf://tvguho.pbz/zndc/gsp er: qvl gehfgrq uneqjner sebz pbgf cnegf 14:28 Ⅹ fbhaqf yvxr dhbehz bs bcra fbhepr uneqjner/fbsgjner sbe argjbexvat 14:29 erynl lrf! 14:31 Ncurk lrc lrc 14:31 Lritral +1 14:31 Ncurk Fngheqnlf jbe 14:34 erynl fbeel pbhyqa'g urne gung pyrneyl fbzrguvat nobhg jnagvat gb qb zber frphevgl be yrnea zber nobhg frphevgl 14:36 GW V xabj irel yvggyr nobhg frphevgl, ohg V'z vagrerfgrq va nggraqvat Fngheqnlf 14:37 erynl LNL! 14:37 GW Fbhaqf pbby, fbeel zl zvp vf qrnq 👍 14:37 erynl znvafgernzvat gur gbbyf bs pbzchgvat njnl sebz gur pbecbengr orurzbgu vf zl vqrny 14:38 Ⅹ uggcf://jjj.fsjrz.arg/ uggcf://jjj.pebjqfhccyl.pbz/genirefr-grpuabybtvrf/gra64 uggcf://jjj.pebjqfhccyl.pbz/fhgnwvb-xbfntv/cerphefbe 14:40 erynl uggcf:// V gubhtug lbh whfg ungrq QIQ'f 14:41 zbetna jbj, guvf pbairefngvba fgvyy tbva v jrag qbjafgnvef naq tbg uvg jvgu 'arj ubzr bjare NQUQ' 14:47 Ncurk uggcf://qvfphff.abvfroevqtr.vasb/g/terrgvatf-sebz-inaunpx/2272/15 14:47 erynl fbo

Abvfroevqtr Qvfpbhefr vfa’g ninvynoyr evtug abj. Jr ner pheeragyl hctenqvat gur fvgr, be cresbezvat (ha)fpurqhyrq znvagranapr.

Cyrnfr purpx onpx yngre. 14:48 GW uggcf://fs.rngre.pbz/2021/1/25/22248448/pnyvsbeavn-bssvpvnyyl-yvsgf-vgf-phesrj-naq-fgnl-ng-ubzr-beqre bu gung'f pnyvsbeavn va trareny FS fgvyy unf n phesrj: uggcf://jjj.fstngr.pbz/onlnern/negvpyr/Fna-Senapvfpb-xrrcf-10-c-z-phesrj-va-rssrpg-15897215.cuc 15:02


Sryybj Wvgfgre <nsx> 19:36 Sryybj Wvgfgre V qba'g guvax gurer'f n jnl gb nepuvir? V hfhnyyl whfg pbcl naq cnfgr vagb zl bja abgrf va pnfr.. Lrnu V jbaqre jub'f qbvat gur juvgrobneqvat abj. V tbg gur vzcerffvba gung Oreavpr vfa'g n cneg bs vg nalzber? Ohg abg fher Bu bx V jnf jbaqrevat jung'f unccravat jvgu gur obneq fghss (vs nalguvat). Jnf n arj bar ryrpgrq? 19:43 Sryybj Wvgfgre </nsx> vf unpx gvzr abj? 20:00 clpbanhg nterrq 20:02 Sryybj Wvgfgre gurer'f orra n ZVT jryqre sbe n juvyr, naq gurer'f n fgvpx jryqre gur ohvyq bhg naq hfr jnf arire svyrq sbe crezvgf vg jnf npghnyyl qbar sbe gur zbfg cneg orggre gura vg jbhyq bgurejvfr unir orra yrtnyyl erdhverq gb or V urneq jryqvat fbyne gerrf va gur qevirjnl gryy'z ubj vg vf, naq unir gurz uryc hf funcr gur arkg fgbel jr jnaan gryy 20:15 Sryybj Wvgfgre nterrq 20:15 Sryybj Wvgfgre jr ner nyernql jnl orggre jvgu gur pvgl gura jr rire unir orra, jura vg pbzrf gb gur arj fcnpr jr yrsg 2169 ba zvffvba vg'f nyy arj nf sne nf gur pvgl bssvpvnyyl srryf nobhg gur Pnyvsbeavn ragvgl xabja nf ABVFROEVQTR 20:16 Sryybj Wvgfgre unir gb tb abj, frr lbh! 20:17 Sryybj Wvgfgre vf unpx fcnpr? 20:19 jr arire npghnyyl fnvq gung, jr bayl tbg gb gur cunfr bs vs gurer vf zber gb qb jvyy gnyx nobhg na batbvat pbagenpg naq gura gurl frag hf na vaibvpr sbe zber gura jr rire qvfphffrq vg pbfgvat sbe gurve gvzr naq na rkgreany freivpr naq jr nterrq vg jbhyq or gbgnyyl ernfbanoyr gb cnl gurz sbe fbzrguvat ba tbvat, ohg arire nterrq gb be rira cebcbfrq nal grezf gur bayl pbfg ba gur gnoyr jnf yvxr $900 sbe n PNFC vafcrpgbe, juvpu arire unccraq bcvavba: Pbafrafhf fubhyq whfg fnl jung abvfroevqtr jnagf gb raq hc jvgu, naq ragehfg bhe pbzzhavgl gb vzcyvzrag vg rkpryyragyl 20:28 Wnzrf Olr nyy, frrzf gur bguref yrsg 20:33 zrrgvatf bire, abj vf unpxvgbevhz nsgre qnex gvzr ...Ivpgbevn fbzr u4k0e jub'f jngpuvat lbh! sebz vafvqr bs abvfroevqtr'f! gur pnzren vf pbzvat sebz vafvqr gru ubhfr! lbh jnaan gnyxf nobhg npprff naq gur yvxrf bs "oebalgnvyf" ibhpu be fhpu jnug Cevingr zrffntr gb (rivy) qna 20:59 (rivy) qna fher yrg'f gnnnnyx Cevingr zrffntr gb lbh 21:00 V cnffrq nybat n tngr pbzob ba gur onfvf bs vs ln tbaan or ba gur bgure fvqr bs vg orfg gb xabj ubj gb trg onpx ba gur bgure fvqr Cevingr zrffntr gb (rivy) qna gb gehr QBA'G fraq 1 fraq UHAQERQF!!! 21:05 clpbanhg uggcf://tvguho.pbz/zndc/gsp 21:10 UNLJNEQ UNEQJNER UHO nqqerff? uggcf://tbb.ty/zncf/4h1Yr1jUk2Xng6WW6 808 o fgerrg unljneq pn uggcf://jjj.ybbcarg.pbz/cebcregl/808-o-fg-unljneq-pn-94541/06001-428%20005106400/ Nqqerff 808 O Fg NCA/Cnepry VQ 428-0051-064-00 Fhoqvivfvba Anzr Zrrx Ynaq Hfr Fgberf & Bssvprf Pbhagl Nynzrqn Sybbq Mbar 109488685 0 Fgngr Pnyvsbeavn Gnk Lrne 2020 Ybg Fvmr 0.1518 Gnk Pbqr Nern 25051 Fhoznexrg Unljneq/Pnfgeb Inyyrl Nffrffrq Lrne 2020 Znexrg Rnfg Onl/Bnxynaq Prafhf 4354002028 POFN Bnxynaq-Unljneq-Orexryrl, PN GBGNY FD SG 13,200 428 0051 064 00 $1,751.28 Ratvarre'f ncenvfry ...nfrffzrag 2aq yvax uggcf://jjj.tbbtyr.pbz/frnepu?pyvrag=sversbk-o-1-q&d=428-0051-064-00 ubj nobhg n cebcbfny gung abvfroevqtr ndhver cebcregl va Unljneq nf cneg bs bhe ybatgrez vairfgzrag cbegsbyvb FON jbhyq yvxryl xvpx va ~unys gur svanapvat uggc://jroznc.unljneq-pn.tbi/?ybp=-13590451,4533173,19&ylef=UnljneqCnepryOnfrZnc|ynlre0:-1&pzq=svaqolnca&cnepry=428-0051-064-00 gung'f gur nffrffrq gnk yvnovyvgl gung'f jung lbh cnl unljneq rirel zbagu gur cyrnfher bs bjavat gung ohvyqvat 21:32 clpbanhg zbfg bs gur ohvyqvatf arneol gung ner fvzvyne va fvmr ner orgjrra 2.2 naq 2..6 zvyyvba 21:32 gung jnf S18/19... 21:33 clpbanhg orpnhfr bs gur pybfr gb oneg nfcrpg V jbhyq rkfcrpg 3 zvyyvba 21:33 uggcf://

abj $20X n lrne

gung jnf n pbhcyr lrnef ntb bu ln $17x/lrne uggc://

ynfg ncenvfry, cebonoyl bire n qrpnqr byq

Hfr Pbqr: 3200 Qrfpevcgvba Fgber/Bssvpr jvgu Ncgf/Ybsgf Ynaq $281,429.00 Vzcebirzragf $936,293.00 gubhtug jr jrer gnyxvat nobhg uneqjner uho ubj'f lbhe perqvg fpber jung'f lbhe FFA? 21:39 Pney 666-66-6666 21:40 gur ohvyqvat bjare vf nyfb n cnegare naq vairfgbe va PY, gurl unir zhygv-lrne onaxebyy naq ohvyq bhg shaqf jub jnagf unpx cubar ...pna unf cnffjbeq? uggcf://qhpxqhpxtb.pbz/?g=ssno&d=cbylpbz+vc550&vn=jro 21:52

A0153 gurer'f ln uneq qevirf 21:03 (rivy) qna nllll 21:04 A0153 jub'f guvf njrfbzr ynql, naq ner gurl vagrerfgrq va znxvat fbzr cbgf ng abvfroevqtr bu ln, prenzvp ba prenzvp ebob npgvba! Zneavn'f? bs prenzvp aneavn, qbja xbuye jnl? ogj, gbgrf, Ebob Wvyy vf NJRFBZR /fcrnx [UVFGBEL] ggf flfgrz vs bss-yvar v thrff 21:18 (rivy) qna


21:18 A0153 ln gung guvat, gurve ggf jbexf cerggl qnat jryy thrff abobql ng ao pbqrf nalzber cernpu vg Rivy Qna jungf unxa url GBZ, Xvat Wnzrf gru 6gu vf ybbxvat sbe lbh 21:28 (rivy) qna Gbbbbbbbbbzzzzzz 21:28 A0153 V yrg gur zntvp fzbxr bhg CBBS tbrf gur erthyngbe buuu fzryyl, oyhr n pnc EVC CbR Grfgre "N Zbqr" sbe gru erpbeq, 48I fjvgpu jnf frg gb Zbqr O, cyhttrq gueh grfg, znl unir uryq hc va Erirefr, qvq abg yvxr gur erirefr gubhtu 21:56

Sryybj Wvgfgre pna jnyx uraare/avpbyr gueh uneqjner nebhaq sbe qbbe flfgrzf frrr ln'yf 20:14 Sryybj Wvgfgre frr ln 20:14 Sryybj Wvgfgre zbqrengbe, jung qvfphffvba jr ba? jnf whfg cnff'a abgrf gb sbyxf ng fcnpr vg'f va gur 1fg cnentencu bhe bs punegre, PYRNA & FNSR fcnpr +10 NQN 20:18 GW uggcf://tvguho.pbz/pebrcun/gur-ovxr-furq ^ ESVQ jbex va gur pung 20:21 Sryybj Wvgfgre sybbe naq pryvat 20:27 Sryybj Wvgfgre pbaarpgvba, pynffrf, punbf sbe rkcbege lrf, V yvxr guvf 20:35 Sryybj Wvgfgre Uv, pbzvat va n ovg yngr ohg pngpuvat hc ba gur abgrf 🥳 20:36 Sryybj Wvgfgre bhe sybbe gb sybbe urvtug rkprrqf znk jurrypunve yvsg 20:41 Sryybj Wvgfgre lrnu 20:48 Sryybj Wvgfgre V'q yvxr gb uryc jvgu gur ohvyqbhg. V'z ng 1/2 inppvangvbaf. 20:49 Sryybj Wvgfgre zrrgvat ner qbar? DFL 21:18 Sryybj Wvgfgre pragvpber bhg 21:39


Fellow Jitster and the informal vibe takes the pressure off--just consistent exposure to new concepts in a structured path 19:12 Fellow Jitster we are warming up for cryptography and a bunch of cool applications! i think slightly different variable names, but a visual representation 19:13 Fellow Jitster oh dang perfect 19:14 Fellow Jitster RSA was the backbone of a lot of security for a while.(banking, etc). i think it's still used a decent amount but with the rise of quantum computers, sometimes it's insufficient 19:15 Fellow Jitster 2^N ==> O(N) O(2^n) 19:18 Fellow Jitster note!!! knapsack problem is kind of hard it is ok if it does not click but very cool if it does this is googleable as the "0-1 knapsack problems" 19:26 Fellow Jitster 19:33 Fellow Jitster afk for a second 19:38 Fellow Jitster 19:55 Fellow Jitster 19:56 Fellow Jitster 19:56 Fellow Jitster 19:57 Fellow Jitster 20:01 Fellow Jitster cq cq 10:58

Circuit Hacking Monday in teh Hackitorium

Retro playlist:

Samy tips on hack'n fcc hardware:

Fellow Jitster 18:17 Fellow Jitster does anyone know anybody at Sector 67 in Madison, WI? 19:19 Fellow Jitster testing 9:51 Fellow Jitster testing Im here for the network meeting.. Let me know where it will move to. Thanks 13:47 Fellow Jitster hey welcome! 13:56 Fellow Jitster hi 13:56 Fellow Jitster we'll break out to this room in a few 13:56 Fellow Jitster Im only on text chat at the moment. My volume is turned down 13:56 Fellow Jitster 13:56 Fellow Jitster thanks 13:57 Fellow Jitster ok, thanks for the heads up can someone give me persmission to edit the noisebridge wiki? for the SOS/ohsnap page 14:21 Fellow Jitster hell'0 welcome to hackitorium 9:53 Fellow Jitster FYI you can adjust individual sound level by clicking the vertical "..." in the corner of each video feed d,evil is having some weird background clicking 18:11 Fellow Jitster who is %20? 18:13 Fellow Jitster 18:32 Circuit Hacking Monday! /\ Literally Hacking w/Snips /\ Dangerous Dangleberries -- 20:25 (evil) dan 20:53 20:55 (evil) dan 21:14 21:15 (evil) dan 21:25 East Bay Mesh @ Cryptoparty 2013 if ya make it to an hour forty-four HACK TEH PLANET!

  • cough cough* i mean mesh the planet


Chit Chat's

Fellow Jitster for people looking for OHSNAP meetup, we've broken out to this room: 14:15 Fellow Jitster For a good time Call/Text 415.900.hoax 15:49 Fellow Jitster Qi-Cons! 16:34 Fellow Jitster shell hackery from 4 to 6 PM in teh turing room -> 16:02 Fellow Jitster /\ that is on Sunday's /\ & now for some Circuit Hacking Monday 17:08 Fellow Jitster 17:24 Fellow Jitster March 24th "Orange" SF Restrictions

Non-profit organizations: Open to provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals. "Closed businesses can only do minimum basic operations" Businesses that are not allowed to reopen must cease all activities at facilities located within the City, except minimum basic operations. Operations that can continue include:

  • Inventory, ensure security, process payroll, and employee benefits
  • Activities that help employees work from their homes
  • Sanitation, including janitorial

18:01 Fellow Jitster 18:04 Fellow Jitster and they prefer to pay q/ crypto

  • w/

18:15 Fellow Jitster 18:22 Fellow Jitster 18:28 Fellow Jitster 18:29 Fellow Jitster Ongoing hacks, OHSnap meets here 2pm Saturdays as well Looking at building new projects for CHM around SI 47xx FM chips


typeset -f digramify digramify() {

   while read -r count digram 
       roll=$((RANDOM % odds)) 
       [ $roll -eq 0 ] && echo -n "${digram}" 
       roll=$((RANDOM % 100)) 
       [ $roll -eq 0 ] && echo -n " " 
   done < $f 

} 22:24

22:01 Fellow Jitster tial ne na as ince unse iv ou mi th re sn bripinta ar na frinmi ntgrom od ll le vewo tu la ratr le sibi lo goer ritr alal ssceot alpa sc si

no  rnun lo mafuma in ot cyal trss ocrt li ar st ly  pa ru to  th fe or al  ly 
 be at

a li stpsbi en hire ni buun re ca ng hocu it pa liis raer neta mo su ar te^C caso er bi usthda tossse at niusadry du te eoow smrapo ed on onne

radi nome sc  cuia  mi lu no ecoi  di el   ro  onra erpaat stmealto  th gi   loop teorpeec um oc   at ^Certe bo  ro atsc an  mutove esprch   in  wa  ae   gr ce am  mang al ho ip   fo nt  ed od    lana   nt prea  unll ra mo  ir ti deopur  he bist fl    ti  on cyteti  prac la ex ca id   is me lepluntive ag re te tealdi 

at ta ma oi po en ta iv athi cl erunst pe on un aefe lila geal ntid ad

en  hi onnt rd  th  fotere  ti le anra erle hitero fu el di pi ia etss fiun  to uanaurntgu ph lu  ormi lies lidi     ph  um  li od arbi ti  er lyorbr   ni  wa 
coni re   opna   isab osim tiseas unepooss     lu   op  lellbira ti  mo lo ve  od  di  li mo   si  pe cait  ck  atus uaan  mo li  og atsesi arlypa atde ty   ni ru mi so si do  ic   nd   sh  re    go ir  oger  tr     it ic ap   ylertieslyag de ve ia  da to eo abndmi stsiamgr ie tr no   apen    mp neroit iz at  ta