Tastebridge 1.0

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Tastebridge 1.0 has been replaced by Tastebridge 2.0.

Tastebridge is a food hacking group originating in the http://noisebridge.net Noisebridge hacker community in San Francisco, California, USA. We focus on traditional high quality food preparation combined with today's scientific knowledge and current technology. One of our major goals is to bring the slow food movement to the home and make it more easy and reliable, as the Governator says “sexy”. Our projects encompass artisan food and beverage culturing such as kombucha and soda pop brewing, yogurt making and of course preparation of various dishes from all different parts of the world. One of our major focuses is design and collection of equipment which would help with above mentioned activities. We are interested in building free open source incubators, dehydrators etc. We are looking forward to promote our activities in the communities in different part of the world stimulating their development in the direction of local sustainability.

Sincerely Yours,

for Tastebridge,

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

For more details, please sign for our discussion list

Tastebridge mailing list groups

Activities within Tastebridge

Beer Brewing

Promotional Events and Parties

Cultured Drinks Brewing Program

Cooking Classes

Recipes and Manuals and also articles and books


[Noisebridge Distilled]

Direct Disaster Response to Japan

Food Hacking Base CCC Summer Camp 2011

Hack-mobile status Hiatus

[Noisebridge del Chiapas] status Hiatus

Mushroom cultivation

Coffee Roasting 101

Temporary hosting

091 Brew Masters

Past Parties

[Thanksgiving Party]