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Revision as of 02:42, 27 July 2022 by Hummingbird (talk | contribs) (add contact info)
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Overview[edit | edit source]

VALENCE // OXYTOCIN is a Burning Man Art Project created with a combination of laser cutting, 3D printing, projection mapping, carpentry, and more. As part of our fundraising, we are organizing a series of workshops that teach and give demos on skills listed above. Join us for a fun & educational weekend, learn a bit, and go home with some OXYTOCIN swag!

When and Where[edit | edit source]

When: August 13 and August 14, 2022 from 1PM-5PM.
Where: Noisebridge

Agenda[edit | edit source]

There will be 2 series of tours and workshops each day.

  • 1:00 PM: Check-in
  • 1:30 PM: First series starts
  • 3:30 PM: Second series starts

Each series includes:

  • Tour of Noisebridge
  • Laser cutting: watch and learn how to operate a laser cutting machine, then laser cut your own necklace!
  • Projection mapping: watch and learn how to run projection mapping on different objects
  • LEDs: learn about how to program sound-activated LED lights
  • 3D printing demo: watch and learn about 3D printing
  • Carpentry: TBD
  • Crafty: we will be doing some cutting and sticking! And necklace making!

What to bring[edit | edit source]

  • Depending on the number of attendees, we may have time for people to laser cut their own designs. If this interests you, please bring a USB drive with your file in .ai, .svg or .dxf format

Cost[edit | edit source]

This is a free event. Donations are appreciated to help support the OXYTOCIN project and Noisebridge.

The OXYTOCIN project was born from our shared belief in the importance of physical and emotional intimacy, coupled with a sense that finding it is sometimes harder than it ought to be. When people connect inside of OXYTOCIN, it gently comes to life, tuning the environment to the people inside. The structure rewards the connection by evoking sensation (auditory, visual, and somatosensory); enhancing but not distracting from the authentic human connection. It is OXYTOCIN's first time on playa, and your donations is greatly appreciated to make it happen.

Noisebridge is solely supported by individual donations by its users. You can donate through PayPal on our site or in the donation bins at the front of the space. If you use Noisebridge regularly, set up a regular donation. A $10-$40 monthly subscription is a great way to ensure Noisebridge stays around. You can also become a member, which means you can take part in decisions about Noisebridge -- but you don't have to be one to use our space.

Covid Policy[edit | edit source]

Masks are optional but recommended indoors for this event.

Event Support Needed[edit | edit source]

  • Noisebridge tour guide
  • Carpentry teacher
  • Builders

Contact User:khimaros and User:Hummingbird on Slack if you're interested in helping out!