5MoF/2016/12 01
Put your name and title of your presentation - additionally a link if anyone wants to learn more.
(we have 10 slots only!)
1. Lee - Bootlegging luxury watches for fun - SteeleNivenson
2. Luke Iseman and Heather Stewart - "DIY shipping container homes." boxouse
3. Lizzie - Stepping through the linux kernel with GDB
4. Jonas - ESP-LISP - an interactive lisp on 2USD esp8266 ("arduino++") wifi-computer, jsk - https://github.com/yesco/esp-lisp
5. Ruth - "Project documentation: why it's important, where to dump it, projects I've documented"
6. Steve Phillips, CrypTag: Encrypted, taggable, searchable cloud storage + Secure mobile and desktop apps for activists, journalists, and you => Data privacy for every Internet user
7. Robert Harris, Algebranch: a tool to manipulate mathematical expressions without paper.
8. John - The Bayview BOOM: Teaching underprivileged teens to build a hardware product. BayviewBOOM
9. Cameron Hejazi - Credsign: Permanent, Free Speech on the Ethereum blockchain
10. Mitch - ArduTouch Arduino-compatible Music Synthesizer kit
FULL - Add your talk to next week's 5mof