5MoF/2017/05 18

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& Maker Faire Soiree

Setup starts at 7:30, and talks at 8pm, you're welcome to come by and check out teh space anytime before hand as well. If this your first time you might take a look at Getting Here

RSVP available at https://www.meetup.com/noisebridge/events/239320807/

Since Maker Faire starts the following day, we thought this would also be a nice time to have the space open for new folks in town that would like to see the space. So you're invited to stay for more after 5MoF or show up fashionably late for a tour of the facilities and giant frick'n lasers.

This is a FREE event, donations are greatly appreciated https://donate.noisebridge.net/projects/5MoF


Presenters[edit | edit source]


2. Simbridge (Alex)

3. AR Music Visualization and Creation @kleptine

4. Announcing LeapChat: Ephemeral in-browser encrypted chat (User: Elimisteve)

5. Noisebridge: Up Close And Personal (@mister_name)

6. Mobility Scooter Cruise Control (@ Zach Reed)

7. Psychoanalysis of AI (User:Kocosman) (kocosman.com)

8. Ultrasubjective Space (@tks) (www.teamlab.art)

9. Using Technology to Unleash Creativity, Matthew Foer, matthewfoer@gmail.com

10. Compact Subsonic Electro-Acoustic Transducer, Matt Long, mattlong8 ... Gmail.com(device available for use during party)

11. [teh end] ()