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Noisebridge is a creative technology community for excellent, do-ocratic, consensus-based collaboration.

Excellence: Be excellent to each other is the guiding principle of Noisebridge. Wikipedia uses a somewhat similar rule, which they call "the fundamental rule of all social spaces. Every other policy for getting along is a special case of it." Unlike Wikipedia, Noisebridge takes a positive approach, and avoids the practice of officially enumerating the myriad potential special cases; "be excellent" is enough.

Do-ocracy: Doing excellent stuff at Noisebridge does not require permission or an official consensus decision. If you're uncertain about the excellence of something you want to do, you should ask someone else what they think.

Consensus: We make official Noisebridge decisions by consensus, which means the willing consent of all of our members. Decisions are typically made at our weekly meetings or via our online management venues, and items proposed for consensus are announced at least a week in advance to give everyone time to hear about them. Conceivably, members could block by proxy if they are unable to attend or if they wish to block anonymously.

The Prologue

Are you new to Noisebridge? Have you been coming here for years?

Either way, you should really read up on what we're all about. Lots of this stuff is the basis for what we do.

Noisebridge is a physical space open and welcoming to all, providing infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for anyone interested in programming, hardware, crafts, science, robotics, art, and technology. We teach, we learn, we share. With no leaders, we have one rule: "Be excellent to each other".

Read on for answers to some frequently asked questions, or navigate to find out more about us.

Excellence.png Do-ocracy Poster - DO IT - 2018-08-11 revision (small).png Consensus.png NoisebridgeMeetingPoster.fw.png

Governance and Goals: Vision, Do-ocracy, Consensus_Process, Meetings, Community_Standards, Board_and_Officers

Nuts and Bolts: Hours, Visitor_advice, Getting_In, Getting_Here, Resources

Conflict and Concerns: Safety, Conflict_Resolution, Mediation

Our Name: A "noise bridge" is a piece of electronic test equipment that injects noise into a system to see how it responds, so you can fix or improve it. Such a device is often used in RF electronics.

What can I do here? Meet techie, arty, and crafty folks, take a class, teach a class, use the power tools and electronic labs, build something out of stuff on the hack shelves, use our library, surf the web, and so on.

Getting Here: Noisebridge is close to the 16th & Mission BART station, and the 14 Mission, 33 Stanyan, and 49 Van Ness-Mission Muni buses. The 22 Fillmore and 12 Folsom Muni buses are within a couple blocks.

Do I need to be a Member? You don't need to be a Member to participate in Noisebridge in any way. All are welcome! Noisebridge is also a great place to hang out and work on projects. However, if you spend a lot of time at Noisebridge and you're not donating, you'll be expected to contribute in some other material way to the space and the culture surrounding it.
There are two "more officially involved" ways of participating at Noisebridge: Philanthropy and (capital-M) Membership. Philanthropy is a role for people who wish to contribute financially to Noisebridge, who care about maintaining the space, and would like to have 24 hour access. (Capital-M) Membership is much like Philanthropy, but also involves things such as having a role in the official governance process at Noisebridge.

How do I become a Philanthropist or Member? Come around Noisebridge, get to know people, become trusted by the community and the existing Membership. Read the wiki pages on Philanthropist and Membership.

Meetings are usually every Tuesday at 8pm at the 2169 Mission space and streaming via Jitsi. Meetings are mostly for organizational purposes.

Any time is a good time to introduce yourself. Come on up and have a refreshment, tell others about your interests, or ask people what projects they are working on.

Where can I find out more? The wiki is at https://www.noisebridge.net. The “Noisebridge-discuss” email list (and other lists) at https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo.

Events, workshops, classes! Every week there are lots of activities at Noisebridge, planned and otherwise. Check the wiki for upcoming events, workshops, and classes. And feel free to add your own!

Noisebridge is a fairly open and permissive space, and the equipment (unless otherwise marked, or on a member shelf) is open for public use. Safety first! Feel free to come to Noisebridge to work and play on your project, or help others with theirs.

Noisebridge has lots of space available as a community resource for individuals and organizations to use -- please use it!

Can I leave my stuff here? Noisebridge is open to the public, so use your judgment when leaving valuables here. Noisebridge is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Avoid leaving your bicycle here overnight. The daily storage shelves provide a space to leave your things for the day. The lost and found box is located on top of the shelves. Members can leave items on their labeled member shelf for an extended period. Please label any projects left here with your name, email, and the date. Putting your project into a box labeled with your name is best.

Noisebridge | About | Visit | 272 | Manual | Contact | Guilds | Resources | Events | Projects | WGs | 5MoF | Meetings | Donate V · T · E
Manual (c) | Visitors | Participation | Excellence | Do-ocracy | Consensus | Standards | Outreach | Operations | Cleaning V · T · E