Ada Lovelace Day

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Ada Lovelace Day is important to Noisebridgers and we like to celebrate it.

  • ORIGINS: Ada Lovelace Day was started by the [Ada Initative] which closed in 2015 but their site still has tons of DIY resources pertaining to inclusive tech including:

2022[edit | edit source]

PROPOSAL: Noisebridge should host an Ada Lovelace Day in October.

Proposals to improve Noisebridge. Edit

2012[edit | edit source]

In 2012 the party is at Wikimedia Foundation:

We're going to gather at Noisebridge around 4PM and then go over to Wikimedia around 4:30 for the 5PM party start.

This year we got her a Code Hero Alpha with an AI avatar of her as a present.

Any other ideas for art or things about Ada's fans at Noisebridge to take to the party?

Radical women's hacker circle ideas?

Contact with ideas or questions.

This is part of a 3 day Ada Lovelace Festival of sorts with Monday being Gamebridge Unityversity 2nd anniversary and Wednesday being Bay Area Unity User Group 1st anniversary: