Anti Surveillance Fashion Show

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Note: This page is about an event that has already happened. It took place on a historic day. | Edit

See the video:

Noisebridge is proud to present Anti/Surveillance Fashion Show at the upcoming Maker Faire in San Mateo. Anti/Surveillance is a runway show exploring the uses of wearables for surveillance, and for hiding from surveillance. We are currently accepting submissions for participation in the show.

Constantly under the lens of the camera, fashion is a natural form in which to explore the relationship between surveillance and culture. How are we watched? How do we watch? How do we present ourselves to the eyes of the world? At Maker Faire 2010, May 22-23, we will be presenting Anti/Surveillance, a runway show that explores the role of and our relationship with surveillance in our society.

The show will be in the Tesla Theatre on Sunday May 23 at 3:30 PM.

We have submissions covering the range from playful to practical, wearable work that explores the boundaries of surveillance -- some Anti and some Pro!


May 7th, 2010: Last date to submit work for inclusion.

May 9th, 2010: Notice of acceptance will be sent out no later than end of day.

May 14th, 2010: Items must be received by this date. Your acceptance letter will have a shipping address, or if you are local to the San Francisco Bay Area other transportation arrangements can be made.

May 23rd, 2010: Show will be presented at Maker Faire in San Mateo.

June 4th, 2010: All projects will be returned to their owners as soon after the show as possible, and no later than June 4.

The show is being produced by Jonathan Moore and Rachel McConnell. Contact us at for more information.