CNC Mill Workshop

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OK, let's play with the MaxNCMill?

Workshop is scheduled for Friday 1/15/2010 at 6 PM. (Note that the mill is LOUD and it is highly unexcellent to run it during presentations or other things where people want to talk.) Friday is a good time as it's "shop class" night anyhow, so people should be expecting loud noises from the shop. Turkshead 22:16, 2 December 2009 (PST)

Let's start with the basic toolchain for isolation-routing of PC boards. It's pretty similar to engraving once you get the GCODE.

Depending on your interest, RTFM about DXF or Eaglecad (PCB) or both at MaxNCMill.

  1. mct (both)
  2. erik swedberg (both)
  3. Shannon (both)
  4. Moo (both)
  5. Justin (both)
  6. terpsichorean (both)
  7. Jonathan (both)
  8. name here (DXF/PCB)

You should show up with gcode ready to run, preferably verified on your own copy of AMC2/Axis. If you haven't already, read up on EMC2/Axis control software here:,english/

If you want to try milling a PCB, I'm going to make you get your own .01 cutting tool as they are super-fragile. It's only $11, see MaxNCMill for how to get one from Small Parts/Amazon.

I spotted a big stack of copper-clad PCB in the electronics area, hopefully we can use some of that.

Otherwise bring your own material: scrap acrylic is perfect. A plastic called "Gravoply" is good for signs -- you mill off the top layer revealing a colored layer underneath. TAP plastics has it but doesn't sell it retail (they want to charge you for the engraving service).