Case Statement

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Noisebridge is a physical space open and welcoming to all, providing infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for anyone interested in programming, hardware, crafts, science, robotics, art, and technology.

Noisebridge is a successful experiment in how people can live, learn and create cooperatively. Radically open and welcoming to all, Noisebridge is a diverse group of people organized around three core practices: (1) be excellent to each other, our first rule of behavior; (2) consensus governance; and, (3) do-ocracy. Our individual people are empowered to act for the good of all.

Noisebridge’s current space—5,000 square feet in the Mission District—is going away in August of 2019. After more than a decade of successful sustainability and growth, Noisebridge must find a new home so we can continue to offer our programs and resources to all, building a better culture for technology and ideas.

Revenues are driven by monthly membership dues and donations. These fluctuate but are at about $12,500 per month, up from approximately $7,000. Annual expenses are at about $125,000. The organization is financially healthy with positive cash flow and has accrued through accumulated surplus unrestricted net assets of more than 50% its annual operating budget. Noisebridge is in excellent health and has proven that its operational model can succeed.

Well developed descriptions of Noisebridge, its programmatic operations, governance and finances can be found at its wiki:

Noisebridge is not only a physical space and shared resources. Noisebridge is the community of people who use the space. Noisebridge has sought to create itself as an open to all community.