Conflict Resolution Resolution

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Noisebridge Private Chat Channel

Big M members (i.e. Members) assume the responsibility of maintaining a healthy community and from time to time need to discuss threats to that community away from public discourse. This can lead to a feeling of opacity by those not involved in the conversations.

In the interests of transparency, discussions relating to questionable behavior and interpersonal conflicts should be taking place in a venue where people other than Members can partake in the conversation, help when they can and help pull back the curtain for the remaining members and guests as to how decisions are made.

The need to address transparency became apparent after a debacle that resulted in the women of the sewing guild walking out of the space en masse to start a new organization where they can feel safe and that their voices are heard. As a result, it was consensed to bring in outside help with Sensitivity Training for members attempting to solve conflicts in the future. At the same time it was agreed to attempt a new approach to Conflict Resolution that will insure broader agreement about how to handle situations and ensure all voices are heard.

Bullet Points for participation in the (new) private channel:

  • Those involved in discussions of behavior and interactions should all take Sensitivity Training, agree to recuse themselves if the conflict is too close to them personally, and agree to not repost quotes of others or portions of the conversation without the consent of those being quoted.
  • When an interpersonal conflict is brought to the attention of the channel, a group of three participants shall be identified to talk to the parties involved who will break off from the main group and discuss matters among themselves referring back to the main group when needed
  • Among the three interlocutors, diversity similar to the parties involved in the conflict should be mirrored (for example: in recent events, women felt their voices were not heard. Therefore having at least one women among those attempting to address the concerns raised would be of the highest priority)
  • After the resolution of the conflict, a summary of the actions taken (written so as to protect sensitive details) shall be composed and shared publicly
  • Participation in the group by non Members will be limited to no more than 6 non Members who will rotate out of the private chat channel after 2 months
  • Any non Member wishing to be considered for inclusion in the channel must make their wishes known in the #Conflict Resolution Resolution channel on Discord. They will be placed in the queue of rotating 'observers' after being consented to by the existing participants of the channel
  • The group will hone their skills in Conflict Resolution by practicing Restorative Communication among themselves as they conduct their business
  • Serious issues that might require an Asked To Leave or an 86 should be identified and the solutions to the issues shall be determined by the Members in full view and with the inclusion of the non Members in the conversation
  • Since Members retain the privilege to Block new members, it is logical to extend the ability to 86 to a plurality of Members

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