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What is Crypto Cnight?[edit | edit source]

Every Friday night, 6pm onwards! A cryptography teaching & learning session at Noisebridge, run by participants. Probably will have some kind of hands on component, too.

Bonus points for tweed coats and bubble pipes.

Topics[edit | edit source]

Please list topics here you want to cover.

Peter is interested in:

  • Some history of cryptography in the 20th century (those who... history... repeat it... etc)
  • Some general review of common cryptosystems (I'm familiar with some, but there are many...)
  • What makes a good S box?
  • Hands on examples of differential and linear cryptanalysis?
  • I'd be into trying to give a talk on ECC, as that would motivate me to really sitting down and figuring that shit out.

Jonathan is interested in:

  • cryptographic protocols
  • randomness and it's real world implementations. For instance how good are the generators on smart cards?

People and Backgrounds[edit | edit source]

If you are interested, leave your name here. Please also indicate roughly the background you have in 0) crypto, 1) mathematics, and 2) programming.

  • DavidMolnar, graduate level in crypto, ok but spotty in math, decent but not great at programming
  • PeterYoungmeister, some knowledge in crypto, BA in math so decent but rusty, and almost no programming.
  • erin, undergrad crypto, grad math, programming
  • JonathanMoore, basic crypto knolage, not so great math, good/experienced programmer
  • ian, undergrad crypto, grad math (but rusty), experienced programmer