Digital Security and Tactics For (and By) Anti Authoritarians

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Digital Security for and by Anti-Authoritarians Flyer
Exploit Code Not People

March 12th 2010, 6pm-9pm[edit | edit source]

Digital Security and Tactics For (and By) Anti Authoritarians is an one night attempt to share information and skills on digital security, tools, and news between an anti authoritarian tech and activist community. It will be a 3 hour meeting with presentations on basic digital security practices and tools from

  • Ringo of Olympia Hackbloc presenting on basic computer security, privacy, encryption, and anonymity
  • overview and use of Tor by Jacob Appelbaum,
  • tentative report back from Elija of,
  • and a discussion of next generation tools for activists by Elliott Madison, arrested in PA during the G20 action for allegedly using twitter.

Digital Security and Tactics For (and By) Anti Authoritarians is part of 8 days of Anarchy that happens every year ( that coincides with the Anarchist Bookfaire put on by bound together books (, and the BASTARD (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research and Development) Conference ( . You can check the respective sites for more information related to those events.'s mission is to research, create and disseminate information, tools, and tactics that empower people to use technology in a way that is liberating. We support and strengthen our local communities through education and action. We strive to learn from each other and focus our skills toward creative goals, to explore and research positive hacktivism, and to defend a free internet and free society! <>