Elements of Image Making

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Elements of Image Making: Alternative Optics, Processes & Techniques[edit | edit source]

Elements of Image Making is a monthly analogue film meet up/hang out/nerd out/freak out. We meet on Sundays at Noisebridge.

UPDATE!!! Lead organizer, Eric, has moved out of state and is no longer hosting this class.

Past Events in SERIES[edit | edit source]

In total layman's terms we will discuss the chemistry of Photography/Cinematography and discuss how you take make your own photosensitive emulsion!!!!

We generally meet every three weeks.

  • Positive Thinking
    • 5/12 reversal developing & DIY dailies
  • Got My Ion You
    • 6/2 Solarization & Reticulation
  • Hand Made Emulsion
    • 6/23 Cyanotype & Silver

Sunday April 13th[edit | edit source]


Building on what we've covered in previous weeks we will move past the negative and embrace the positive. We will discuss reversal processing and making positive prints.

We will trouble shoot some DIY contact printing and hopefully print the negatives from previous weeks.

Sunday March 31st[edit | edit source]


  • Learn to use a bolex film camera!
  • Learn how to hand process film
  • Learn how to use a 16mm projector

We will take a bolex to dolores park/wherever film some stuff and then come back to noise bridge and develop it. If all goes well and the film is dry we will visit our neighbors, Artist Television Access, and project the film.

Hand Processing is back in 2013!!!!!!

RESULTS//[edit | edit source]

Examples of some of the things we have done thus far:

Our first test!

Optical printing and more!!!

External Resources[edit | edit source]

  • Helen Hill's Recipes for Disaster is a zine featuring lots of filmmakers from N. America talking about various direct film techniques. Super Awesome!
  • Film Farm Canadian independent imaging retreat operating for 20+ years.
  • HandmadeCinema.com Interactive concept map about the history, theory and techniques of handmade film.
  • Handmade Film Institute Situated outside of Boulder Co, hosts classes, workshops and retreats in handmade film processes, also features a plethora of technical info on darkroom chemistry.
  • delicious.com/jihalprin List of resources/articles about DIY cinematography; light meter use, optics, sound recording, processing....
  • Scratchatopia Montreal based filmmaker Steven Woloshen's Tumblr. Links/articles/awesome!
  • Antidote for a Virtual World by Ken Paul Rosenthal Comprehensive guide to hand processing reversal film.