Category:Events Support
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Hosting an Event | Event Support | Checklist | Preamble | Promotion | | V · T · E |
Event Support Documentation: How to create or run events at Noisebridge or related to Noisebridge. |
Event Support Guild supports event organizers to train them in how to run events successfully.
Events INSIDE Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
Step 1: Does the event need a permit?[edit | edit source]
Most events don't need permits. How to tell if the event needs a permit?
1. It has live music or live DJs.
2. It expects up to 49 people or more to stay inside at the same time.
If both of these are true for the event, then the event need a "One Time Indoor Entertainment Event Permit".
Step 2: Prepare for the event.[edit | edit source]
For ALL events (Meetups, Hackathons, etc.)[edit | edit source]
Please see: "Hosting an Event"
For Field Trips By Schools: Field Trips By Schools
For Large (And More Importantly NOISY) Events Inside Noisebridge That Require Permits[edit | edit source]
Please do this additional step: "Getting Permits For Events"
Events OUTSIDE Noisebridge, But Related To Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
1. Maker Faire
3. Pro-Tips On How To Coordinate Any Events OUTSIDE Noisebridge, But Related To Noisebridge
After completing the above steps[edit | edit source]
Please add the events to Noisebridge's Meetup page, and to the Calendar of
Afterwards, please promote the event through social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, facebook, etc.) to promote the event.
Thanks for reading! ^_^[edit | edit source]
Checklist to get ready for more big events[edit | edit source]
- NoiseTable tabling setup with mailing list, literature, etc. on a rolling table suitable for putting out front or taking to other locations like SundayStreets
- NoiseBar setup prepared
- Ashtrays at Back_patio and patio
Pages in category "Events Support"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.