Expedited Consensus

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Expedited Consensus is a pattern for time-sensitive consensus proposals that seem to need to be implemented faster than the usual 2 week process. It has been used so far for signing the lease and authorizing building improvement decisions related to it, as well as authorizing a laser cutter fume hood purchase deal that was time-sensitive. This is a draft language template for re-using this concept in the future.

When to use expedited consensus[edit | edit source]

  • When a decision needs to be made in a timely manner that can't wait 2 weeks. Eg. Signing a lease along with building improvement decisions that go with it.
  • When a decision is implementing an already ratified decision and just formalizing the final execution of that decision. Eg. Purchasing a final elevator installation after approving the building of the elevator in general and comparing alternatives.

When not to use expedited consensus[edit | edit source]

  • When there's nothing time-sensitive about the decision.
  • When no prior general agreement exists about the decision being made such that it at least reflects small-C do-ocracy consensus.

The basic idea[edit | edit source]

  • An expedited consensus proposal is introduced at a meeting specifying what action is being authorized, who is authorized to execute the action and how long Noisebridgers will have after being notified of the intent to execute on the decision to consider last minute alternatives and block it.
  • An expedited consensus can become a final concensed decision and executed on after notifying membership via channels and waiting an expedited waiting period.
  • The authorized executing decision makers (the board, an officer, a working group, etc.) indicate they are ready to pull the trigger to do the final deal, notify all Noisebridge channels that the final decision is pending member consensus or blocking, and wait a specified period such as 24 hours.
  • If nobody blocks during the expedited notification period, they can execute on the purchase or improvement.

The Lease Authorization Example[edit | edit source]

The following is the concensed lease authorization proposal:

Amendment to Special Lease Decisions Consensus Item from 3-6-2018
Real-estate decisions decided by board ratified by 24 hour notice special member consensus

Modified from 2018-03-06 consensus which worked to get a lease. https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Consensus_Items_History)

Adds "building improvement decisions" to the list of decisions which board can initiate.

Real-estate decisions are time-sensitive and require an accelerated consensus process:

1. The board officers of Noisebridge may enter into loan agreements, building purchase negotiations, lease negotiations and building improvement decisions in the interest of acquiring a suitable building to be our permanent home. This authorization lasts until a permanent home has been secured, or until Noisebridge has either renewed the 2169 Mission St lease or signed a new lease and any related building improvement decisions are completed at which time the measure will be ended by a 24 hour Consensus.

2. The Board Officers shall keep a log of non-sensitive information stemming from the authorizations above to be published as a “note” on the #the-board, a Noisebridge wiki page, and the Noisebridge discuss mailing list, at a minimum interval of every 2 weeks.

3. In the event that a purchase, lease or building improvement decision is required in under two weeks, a special meeting may be called with at minimum 24 hours notice to form a special consensus on the lease, building improvement or purchase decision. The meeting will occur at Noisebridge and provide a mechanism (e.g. Google Hangout) for remote participation. A link will be provided to remote in the 4 channels described above and the pad.riseup.net/p/nbmeeting notes.

Ryan: Authorization should last a bit longer than the moment of a new lease so that building improvements probably done after lease is finalized can be decided. Some form of small C consensus or big C consensus should decide when the item has ended in effect since it likely will take 3-4 months before we become comfortable in the new space. Also, add in more things related to each building improvement so all will trigger a 24 hour special consensus period.

We agreed to this so the board could sign the lease given that delays could jeapordize the deal and someone could snipe it out from under us.

The Laser Cutter Fume Hood Example[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge had discussed the need for a laser fume hood for weeks and agreed on doing it in principle, but was deciding which and how much to spend on it.

  • We were offered a time-sensitive discount and installation assistance that seemed like the best deal we could find.
  • We agreed to do it unless anyone objected before the date of installation a few days later.
  • We did it and installed the fume hood.