Fundraising/Raising the Fun/Clear Plan: Rent

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Purpose[edit | edit source]

The first step in raising money for a new home is to figure out what that home should look like. We need a set of realistic real estate constraints and a comprehensive financial model to set our fundraising goals, and to demonstrate to individuals and organizations that donations to the Noisebridge new space fund will be carefully and considerately used.

Noisebridge is pursuing two independent plans in parallel to be maximally resilient: rent and buy. This document focuses on renting a new space.

Real estate considerations[edit | edit source]

Requirements[edit | edit source]

  • In San Francisco
  • Close to BART
  • Sufficient space: we are currently in a 5,500 ft^2 space, and are looking for about 11,000 ft^2 to grow into
  • Acceptable zoning: we are a "Community Facility"
  • At least 100A power supply
  • Meets all accessibility requirements
    • Elevator access or ground floor

Cost model[edit | edit source]

  • Cost of acquisition
    • Fundraising: we are consulting with a professional fundraising firm "Scandiuzzi Krebs"
    • Rent: we are investigating many options, most of which are about $2.00 - $2.50 per square foot. About 55% of our budget is rent, and that works out to:
Size ft^2 Rent/month (Low) Rent/month (High) Rent increase Monthly budget
$5,500 $11,000 $13,750 1.7 - 2.1 ~$19,250
$8,250 $16,500 $20,625 2.5 - 3.2 ~$28,875
$11,000 $22,000 $27,500 3.4 - 4.2 ~$38,500
  • Improvements and move
    • We anticipate that our move, like everything else at Noisebridge, will be carried out by volunteers with minimal capital investment. In terms of equipment, we have 5-10 larger pieces of equipment such as table saws, laser cutters, mills, etc that we will need to use the cargo elevator to move, but we should be able to bring most our possessions to the new space with a few days of rental stuff. The cost for this move will likely be $5000 or less, mostly for rental trucks and supplies.
    • Improvements to the space are very dependent on the specifics of the final space chosen, but we're anticipating improvement costs on the order of 1-2 months rent.
  • Annual operating budget
    • Our current budget is about $140,000 at our temporary $6,500/mo rate. Our new yearly operating budget for our target (11,000) building size will be approximately $462,000.

Revenue generation and growth[edit | edit source]

How will Noisebridge sustainably grow into it's new, more expensive digs?