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NoiseBridge has been working on improving its space since the mists of time when the lease was signed, and it has got a lot further--whether it is finished or not, we can gather and say it is! Celebratory dinner party, July 30, open to all, cooked and arranged by members.

We would like to fundraise so the suggested price is $20, and the extra is going to Noisebridge rather than to cooks. However, Quirk should have an estimate of the actual cost per person closer to the date, so if you'd rather know and pay that, ask. She won't know until more people sign up.

Timing and plan[edit | edit source]

The day is July 30, 2010. Friday. The menu and timing is as follows (it will probably change a little but not too much):

Hors d'oeuvres, 6:30-7

  • Roasted beets with vinegar and crème fraîche (Quirk, Thurs&Fri) [vegan without cream]
  • Roasted whole bulbs of garlic with crackers & cheese (Quirk Thurs) [vegan without cheese]
  • Baba ghannouj and pita bread (Quirk Thurs) (vegan)
  • Devilled goose eggs (Meredith)
  • Small asparagus or prosciutto

Drinks (throughout)

  • Sudopop (a kind of home-made ginger beer) (Miloh)
  • Flavored sake (Sean)
  • Piña coladas (Dr Jesus)
  • Thai iced tea (Quirk+Rebecca)
  • Hibiscus kombucha (Frantisek/Tastebridge)

Dinner, 7:30-ish

  • Sauerkraut soup with beef (Frantisek) [not vegetarian]
  • Couscous with vegetables (Jim) [not vegetarian]
  • Salad of sliced tomatoes, mozzarella and basil, with a dressing of balsamic vinegar+olive oil+salt (Madeleine? Or she'll decide something else)
  • Ratatouille (Madeleine) [vegan]
  • Lentil & tomato thing (Rebecca) [vegan]
  • Ciabatta (Rachel)

Dessert, 8:30-ish

  • Chocolate mousse (Quirk, Rebecca?, Thurs) [will have vegan version]
  • Molasses-bread with molasses (Rebecca) [vegan]
  • Pie (Meredith)
  • Fruit of some sort, or other vegan dessert TBA (Quirk)
  • Chocolate-covered fruit (Frantisek)

Sign up please![edit | edit source]

We would love more help, but we really need attendees. This event won't work well unless we get at least 20 people, preferably 30, 40 would be great. So if you can commit to your stomach and your funds, please

The emails are listed in a strange spam-blocking format; email User:Esqg or Rachel if you want to be reminded but don't want others to have your email. Or even do the same if you don't want your name on that list.

Help[edit | edit source]

Quirk is in charge of cooking and getting the general planning going. You can see on the plan who's in charge of what. Help during the event is probably welcome.