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Hack comedy animation.gif
HackComedy! is a recurring hacker comedy night at Noisebridge Hackerspace.

About[edit | edit source]


BarBot[edit | edit source]

Barbot is the robotic bartender of Hack Comedy.


Past Events[edit | edit source]

2021[edit | edit source]

Aug 21 at 272[edit | edit source]


Hack comedy 272 music.png

2020[edit | edit source]

Hackcomedy 2020.jpg

Comedy Game Demo[edit | edit source]

Really special night! There happened to be a Game Jam' hackathon happening the weekend of #hackcomedy @noisebridgehackerspace and by the most awesome of coincidences @djrealsmells has a funny game he wanted to demo in his performance! All the hackers in the back were looking up from their laptops and cheering. Really respect him and @deemakes for their mixed media performances, so fun to watch them both. Thanks to @asifosays for helping produce the night. Thanks to all the performers: @iabenson @lifeoftrying @rialoveftw

2019[edit | edit source]

Come see us next Saturday October 12th! There will be a robot bartender in the style of Futurama, light shows, woodcutting machines arcades, fog machines and many many maybe too many comedians! Co-produced with: @murahdshawki

Hackcomedy oct 12 2019.png