Hack Politics

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Hey guys, we didn't know whether you were still happening, so we took your entry off the main events page. If you're still running this, feel free to put it back -- love Consenso

When[edit | edit source]

1st and 3rd Sunday of Each Month. Next meeting on Sunday July 1st @ 7pm!

What[edit | edit source]

A biweekly meetup to discuss, think, hack, and launch projects related to politics. Get informed, brainstorm, network and strategize on domestic and international issues - focus on how we can reinvent politics as we know it. Also: getting our community organized in issues involving digital civil liberties in the US and throughout the world. Also: getting other hackerspaces on board with their own meetups!

Ideas include:

  - writing software for useful causes
  - creating proactive legislation in our favor
  - outrunning and outsmarting moneyed and vested interests
  - cloud lobbying
  - media hacking: out of the box thinking on how to make messages that will reach people
  - virality and politics
  - hacking economies and making disruptive technologies and platforms: Making the cost of change cheaper
  - social engineering bureacracies and the electoral process
  - innovation in organizing
  - creating strategic alliances 
  - organizing across hackerspaces throughout the world to be responsive developing events
  - organizing the hacker community to be ready to take legislative badness
  - developing the human network needed for model democracies
  - creating ideas to bridge ideological gaps 
  - Add your ideas!!!!

The politics[edit | edit source]

One rule: be informed.

Democracy is not one perspective like it was in egypt. It's not 2 perspectives like it is in the United States. It's a thousand different perspectives, and through our diversity we find strength.

Why[edit | edit source]

If you have to ask why you haven't been paying attention!

We need new and smart approaches in the global struggle we are currently in -- Whether the arena is Bahrain or Wisconsin. Whether the topic is human rights or the DMCA.

Who[edit | edit source]


Building a movement takes lots of smart people. We need you and your out of the box ideas as it applies to technology, media, and people. We need engineers, politicos, journalists, artists, designers in our community. Forward the message and invite people you know!

TODO[edit | edit source]

- make a noisebridge-poli mailing list - cleanup this wiki
