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Sensors[edit | edit source]
Accelerometer/Gyro[edit | edit source]
MPU-6000 Six-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer) MEMS MotionTracking™ Devices
- Programmable range
- Accel: +/-2g to +/-16g
- Gyro: +/- 250-2000 degrees per second
$6.50 (@1) $5.59 (@100)
Magnetometer[edit | edit source]
HMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass IC
- I2C Interface
- 160Hz max sample rate
- 1-2 degree accuracy
$3.30 (@1) $1.34 (@4,000)
Level Shifter[edit | edit source]
PCA9306DC Dual bidirectional I2C-bus and SMBus voltage-level translator $0.95 (@1) $0.37 (@3,000)
Breakout Board: