Noisebridge Orientation Packet
272 Capp St.
San Francisco, CA 94110-1219
Noisebridge is a physical space open and welcoming to everyone, providing infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for any of the above interested in programming, hardware, crafts, science, robotics, art, and technology. We teach, we learn, we share. With no leaders, we have typically promoted a single overriding rule: "Be excellent to each other".
Our Name: A "noise bridge" is a piece of electronic test equipment that injects noise into a system to see how it responds, so you can fix or improve it. Such a device is often used in RF electronics.
Getting Here: Noisebridge is close to the 16th & Mission BART station, and the 14 Mission, 33 Stanyan, and 49 Van Ness-Mission Muni buses. The 22 Fillmore and 12 Folsom Muni buses are within a couple blocks.
Do I need to be a member? No. Noisebridge runs off of one-time and monthly donations. If you use the space, please consider donating when you visit, or setting up a regular monthly donation. Read more about how to Access the space
Meetings are every Tuesday at 8pm at the 2169 Mission space. Meetings are mostly for organizational and planning purposes although anyone who might consider getting more involved with Noisebridge is definitely encouraged to attend these.
Where can I find out more? The wiki is at The “Noisebridge-discuss” email list (and other lists) at
What can I do here? Meet techie, arty, and crafty folks, take a class, teach a class, use the power tools and electronic labs, build something out of stuff on the hack shelves, use our library, surf the web, cook up something in the kitchen, and so on.
Events, workshops, classes! Every week there are lots of activities at Noisebridge, planned and otherwise. Check the wiki for upcoming events, workshops, and classes. And feel free to add your own!
Noisebridge is a open space and the equipment (unless otherwise marked) is generally free to use. Safety first! Feel free to come to Noisebridge to work and play on your project, or help others with theirs.
Noisebridge has significant space available as a community resource for properly validated individuals and organizations to use -- please use it!
Can I leave my stuff here? A good response to this and similar questions can be found within our Guidelines. Noisebridge is not a good place to leave large projects for extended periods, as many people use the space every day. Use your judgment when leaving valuables here. Noisebridge is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please label your items left here with your name, email, and the date.