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Noisebridge's identity logo was designed originally by the Quilted cooperative. It has mutated since, as these things do. An additional design was by Jonas Frankki of Denmark in 2009 and Mediapathic.

Brand Guidelines[edit | edit source]

Colors[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge enjoys the color red and black. If you Google around you might find some more information about these colors. The original version of our logo had a gradient for the background, and many epic wars were fought but none won to establish a single shade of red. The specific shade was established by mediapathic in December of 2008 when he produced version 2 of our logo.

The canonical red hex RGB color code is...


(Even though...


(aka Persian Red) is better and should be used whenever possible.)

Fonts[edit | edit source]

The circle logo's circular text font family is Eurostile.

Resources[edit | edit source]

Letterhead[edit | edit source]

This is a Letterhead that can be used for Official Noisebridge Documentation File:Letterhead.pdf

You can also download the DOC file here

Sticker[edit | edit source]

This is the PDF vector file we use for making stickers.
(We've used for most of our orders, and make both 1.5" and 3" circle 'Die Cut Stickers'.)


and a B&W version:


Pamphlet[edit | edit source]

More information and resources can be found on the Pamphlet page.

Logos[edit | edit source]

Circle Logos[edit | edit source]

Wrapping gallery view thanks to mw:Help:Images#Row of images that will wrap to browser width.

Animated[edit | edit source]

This first logo is sensitive, fragile, to the exact size it's displayed.

Reboot(s)[edit | edit source]

Black & White[edit | edit source]

Now in fancy black and white!

Print ready versions: B&W Colour

In the spirit of solidarity with other similar groups[edit | edit source]

Or "Typing over the rainbow."

This logo was designed by Jonas Frankki in Denmark with Jacob Appelbaum. It is available under the Creative Commons. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.

This image is inspired by the CCC Sterntastatur (logo here), the RAF (logo here), the Weather Underground (logo here) and San Francisco (hacker) Values.

The image is available as a few different formats:


2008-December version[edit | edit source]


Wallpapers[edit | edit source]

By mediapathic.

2008-July version[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge circuit v2 sm.jpg

I didn't have time to incorporate all the good ideas above, so I threw an extra line in to appease the
electronics crowd. This could definitely use some work to include the other ideas though.
--Sagannotcarl 19:29, 6 February 2008 (PST)

GCode[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge logo rendered from CNC
Noisebridge logo milled into brass

The following gcode renders the Noisebridge logo for CNC.

g00 z1                  ( safe drillbit )
g00 x0 y0               ( move to lower left corner )
g91                     ( relative positioning )

g00 x.025               ( move to lower edge of lower left arc )

g02 y.025 x-.025 r.025 f1 ( arc to left edge of corner arc )
g01 y.0875              ( mill up to beginning of resistor symbol )

g01 y.01875 x.05        ( first zig of resistor )
g01 y.0375 x-.1         ( first zag )
g01 y.0375 x.1          ( second zig )
g01 y.0375 x-.1         ( secong zag )
g01 y.0375 x.1          ( third zig )
g01 y.0375 x-.1         ( third zag )
g01 y.01875 x.05        ( fourth and final zig )

g01 y.0875              ( mill up to lower left corner of upper left arc)
g02 y.025 x.025 r.025  ( arc to top edge )
g01 x.125               ( mill over to upper jump )
g02 x.1 r.05            ( arc over upper jump )
g01 x.125               ( mill over to upper left corner of upper right arc )
g02 x.025 y-.025 r.025 ( arc to right edge )

g01 y-.125              ( mill down to top of speaker )
g01 x.025               ( mill over to speaker cone )
g01 x.075 y.075         ( mill up top edge of speaker cone )
g01 y-.3                ( mill down speaker cone face )
g01 x-.075 y.075        ( mill up bottom edge of speaker cone )
g01 y.15                ( mill up back edge of speaker cone )
g01 x-.15               ( mill across top of speaker driver )
g01 y-.15               ( mill down back of speaker driver )
g01 x.15                ( mill across bottom of speaker driver )
g01 x-.025              ( mill back to lead edge )
g01 y-.125              ( mill down to upper corner of bottom right arc )

g02 x-.025 y-.025 r.025 ( arc to bottom edge )
g01 x-.125              ( mill over to lower jump )
g03 x-.1 r.05           ( arc over lower jump )
g01 x-.125              ( and finally return to beginning of bottom left arc )

m02                     ( end of program )

Suggestions[edit | edit source]

While the color and concept is nice, the circuit is kind of ungrammatical. The little bumps on the top and bottom are used to emphasize that two wires are crossing over one another and not connecting --- but there's no other wire there for them to pass over.

A simple way to fix this would be to add a vertical line through the middle of the logo all the way to the edge of the circle; that would render the circuit grammatically correct, although it still wouldn't be a circuit that did anything useful, except perhaps convert a little sound into heat.

A perhaps cleverer idea would be to incorporate a "bridge" circuit into the logo. A bridge is a square with a diagonal, with things connected to the corners of the square not on the diagonal, and it's the simplest circuit that can't be decomposed into series and parallel subcomponents. A bridge rectifier with a speaker on the diagonal would be both a nice illustration of the name, and also might have interesting nonlinear audio effects (as an output stage, not as a noise generator itself) if you actually built it.

Kragen 16:19, 26 November 2007 (PST)

A bridge[edit | edit source]

After some IRC discussion, I'm uploading a photo of a pencil sketch of a Wheatstone bridge with an AC power source and a speaker in place of the galvanometer.

Kragen 17:04, 26 November 2007 (PST)

pencil sketch[edit | edit source]

Wheatstone-pencil.jpg Kragen 17:17, 26 November 2007 (PST)

A Few Ideas[edit | edit source]

Got to playing with InkScape a bit today, and made a few noisebridge-themed things to consider.

The circuit in the first is an audio signal going through a bridge rectifier to a speaker, which I haven't built (yet), but which would have the effect of kicking the fundamental frequency up an octave and distorting everything. The wheatstone circuit above would fit this layout too. This one had the interesting unintended side effect of being shaped like a cartoon rocket. The other two are just pseudo-oscilloscope buttons showing noise, keeping to the shape and color scheme of the current logo with a simpler theme. I uploaded these as pngs for easy web viewing, but if anyone wants the svgs to play around with let me know.

--Noahbalmer 14:13, 12 May 2008 (PDT)