Meeting Notes 2008 04 27
Talk about "members" and "Members", and maybe even nail down the language to complete the Bylaws to present to everyone for comments, so we can mail them in to become incorporated as a CA non-profit corporation.
Talk about possible Noisebridge participation in the Hacker Space Village at The Last HOPE (a hacker conference taking place in New York City from July 18th through the 20th).
Here's my understanding of the consensus we came to at the end of
today's meeting about bylaw structure. Please speak up if you see
something I got wrong, something is unclear, or you have other thoughts.
The next step is to update the bylaws on the wiki to reflect this
consensus, then incorporate.
0) There will be a 5-person Board of Directors: the three execs plus two others. The reason for 5 is to make quorum issues easier. The role of the Board is to moderate and to execute the will of the Members.
1) Every person who makes a sustained contribution over a period of between two-three months (exact time TBD) to Noisebridge will have the opportunity to be a capital-M Member, unless there are objections from current members. We will not have two classes of long-term membership. All will be legal Members of the corporation, with the power to call meetings, turn out the Board if needed, etc.
2) Specifically, a person will become a member after hanging out at Noisebridge for two-three months, usually as a guest of a current member, then having the current members agree to accept the person. There will be a membership meeting or other specific point where a new person becomes a member. The Secretary will keep a current list of members.
3) Members pay dues. People who guests or new people do not.
We also discussed other issues, such as the need to have an explicitly spelled out policy for removing members (by law and just as a good idea) before renting a space. For right now, though, the priority is finishing the writing of bylaws so we can incorporate and get things going.
-David Molnar
Cash donations of $65.00 were collected. We now have a total of $91.00 cash.