Meeting Notes 2008 06 24
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Stuff To Talk About[edit | edit source]
- Progress by Carol Gee on bylaws (and Wendy Seltzer's suggestions if applicable)
- Bank account, see Bank Choices
- Potential spaces for visiting
- Project ideas! Rachel has projects she wants to discuss, bring your own.
Meeting Notes[edit | edit source]
In attendance: Al, Noah, David, Andy, Jake
- No conclusion from Carol yet on bylaws
- Briefly reviewed bank choices. General sense was that most of the banks are good, we should just pick one. Some thought that a credit union would be preferable, but we need to call and firm up terms for bank choices page. Can't open bank account until incorporation goes through in any case.
- We looked at spaces on Craigslist. At least ten spaces passed our first-level filter and will be added to the spaces page. Two especially promising spaces in the Mission.
- Some of the projects and ideas discussed included (add to fill in stuff)
- New Neal Stephenson novel - now with crazy chanting music! (See Al's blog)
- Reprap self-replicating fab machine.
- "Tell me a story!" stuffed animals for the Playa; thought was that an old iRiver plus separately powered mic in a ziploc bag may do part of the trick. Key issue is control, though.
- MyVu goggles, VGA resolution for $299 and 75 grams total, in context of doing Stross Accelerando-style augmentation glasses. Also mentioned CMUCam open source hardware cameras and Intel Open Source Vision Library.
- Cheap ($15-$50) radio localization devices for use in other projects. David M. has a friend who has done work on localization and can ask him about this.