Meeting Notes 2008 08 19
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Time and Place[edit | edit source]
8pm, place: Muddy Waters, 521 Valencia St. @ 16th St., San Francisco
Pre-Meeting Agenda[edit | edit source]
- workshops
- spaces
- paperwork (banks, incorporating, etc)
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Workshops
- Processing is tentatively 2pm, 9/13 (subject to Rachel confirming)
- We looked at different Processing demos on
- Mitch will schedule the soldering workshop when he gets back
- We will plan to record the Processing workshop; volunteers for recording TBD.
- Spaces
- Andy discussed the EFF space.
- Roughly 800-900 square feet
- Roughly class B space (market rate ~$1-$1.50/month)
- No separate entry; we go through same lobby as EFF space (complicates after hours events)
- Have not discussed any terms or numbers
- EFF moving out of the rest of the space around Jan/Feb 2009 - expansion possibility
- Has several walls in there that we could try to cut out
- Can support maybe 40 people in there at once if _very_ crowded?
- Space visit next Monday or Tuesday at roughly 6pm. Watch the list.
- Jim asked about what the configuration of the space might be
- Talked about shelves + workspaces, tables + chairs, but bring your own laptop
- Talked about multi-week reservations of pieces of space for projects
- Andy discussed the EFF space.
- Paperwork
- We talked about vision, inspiration by European hacker spaces, etc.
- Talked about finances
- Expectation that tech job people contribute more
- See Finances page on wiki, put up pledge if you can
- Bylaws: David M. thinks Nolo member bylaws are cool, will edit Wiki for Thursday night meeting
- Question about whether more artists or techies interested
- Some of both, people who do both (e.g. Rachel, Audrey)
- Noah pointed out the distinction is artificial, we're trying to blur it
- Question about whether we want to be a "Chaostreff"
- Discussion of what the costs are (40 euro) and benefits (some money maybe, cool factor).
- Feeling from several people that we should delay that until more established.