Meeting Notes 2008 10 28

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Time and Place[edit | edit source]

8pm, place: Noisebridge, 83C Wiese St. near 16th St. & Mission St., San Francisco

Agenda[edit | edit source]

  • Halloween Open House
    • Invites
    • Times
    • Projects
    • Cleanup
    • Shopping trip
  • Napping Pods
  • Shopping suggestions
    • Shop Vac for cleanup
  • Theft Insurance (David Molnar)
    • Should we install a central alarm system (e.g. from ADT) to obtain theft insurance?
    • Cost for ADT alarm: $250 install, $500/year
    • Cost for theft insurance: TBD based on rating, "around $150" (on top of general/property)
    • One uncertainty: waiting to hear back from insurer who may or may not offer theft insurance w/o alarm
  • Twitter Follow (Steen)
  • Membership Dues, Noisebridge PayPal account, and other Treasurer anouncements
  • Discover magazine story about Noisebridge (Annalee Newitz)
  • Shall we put NYC Resistor sign on front of building, assuming landlord OKs it
  • Proposed membership process

Notes[edit | edit source]

Meeting Notes 28 10 2008

1) Halloween * We are having an Open House on Halloween * Show off projects - ask us now about how to show your project * Snacks + drinks provided * Friday 7pm-11pm * Costume contest, make your own theme. Judges are the Peoples Party Planning Committee * Shopping trip Thursday afternoon * No secure locked facility - take your stuff home!

2) Napping Pods * Explained the idea * Hammocks instead? (again) * Consensus: keep talking and working out details

3) Shopping Suggestions * New chairs, courtesy Seth * Still want folding chairs * Shop Vac - please bring one * In the meantime, broom and dustbin in bathroom - please keep shop clean!

4) Theft insurance * Central station alarm requires police inspection * Alarm means if pulled police will enter the space * What about false alarms? * General update on insurance status for general liability and D&O: we have qotes, waiting for one more, one conditioned on us getting in the 501c3 application * Consensus: David M. will make a decision on insurance once we have quotes, there was one reservation asking for thee quotes but did not block.

5) Twitter * We have a twitter account * Should noisebridge twitter follow everyone? * Run like Planet - have it opt-in * If you want to be followed, ask Steen

6) Treasurer Announcements * CCC model, hacker space patterns * Treasurer must be hardass - Mitch isn't but he can act * Dues are important! * Burn rate includes rent, insurance, utilities * October so far 23 people paid dues * There are > 23 keys * Tell Mitch exactly what you want - if you want some donations to go towards dues say so explicitly * Two membership rates: $80, $40 "starving hacker" * Up to you, no questions asked * Just Jewish Mom Guilt if you're cheap. * "Can we pay with guilt?" * Paypal * Paypal costs 3.2% + 29cents * Rates figured on 55 people paying * Google checkout? * Dues are not tax deductible even after we are 501c3

7) Discover Article? * Annalee approached by Discover * They are interested in science/tech outside traditional labs, universities * Noisebridge is science/tech outside traditional bounds * Article not yet for certain, long period of dancing around * Good chance, however, that would happen * What does this mean? Interview people * Photographer to take pictures * If uncomfortable, understand completely * Not intended to be an "expose" piece! * Timeframe: April-May or a little later, changes can go in up to around 6 months in advance * Andy: press is scary, lots of people involved * Enki: Pres is good, helped metalab * Annalee has experience with doing a piece on a commune, living there, respecting wishes, interviewing under peoples' chosen names * If looks like Discover wants something contrary to Noisebridge interests, Annalee prepared to pull Noisebridge from article * Jake: we all speak for Noisebridge as much as anyone else * "Be excellent to each other" * Annalee trusted, worked with people in past * David M: happy Annalee interviewee * Can have CCC style T-shirt "do not give consent to photograph" * Can have preannouncement * Issue: people who have problems will not raise them in public meeting? * Not taking decision today * Steen: we have to deal with media, trust Annalee * Consensus: think about it, bring it up next week

8) Signs * NYC Resistor made signs for us! * Should we put on the door? * Put it so no one can destroy it * Consensus: put signs up

9) Balance * We have a new precision balance from ACE Junkyard * Donations to ACE * ACE cool place, has power tool drag races

10) Membership Process * Propose now, come prepared to decide next week * Form on wiki * To join, fill out top 3rd, put in applicant binder * Standing agenda item "Read applicant binder", "Joe, Mary applying" * Find two people to sponsor * If have problem, try to resolve problem * If can't, raise objection at meeting. * Name, contact - law says we need it * Why: we have to contact you about meetings and votes * We don't require ID * Suggested amendment: have person say everything is true * Have a nicer logo on the form? * Waiver of liability as part of the form? * Non-members here too - separate waivers needed * Drill press as example of possibly dangerous thing * NIMBY have waivers? * Approve or disapprove process at next meeting * Waivers will be agreed separately - safety committee will discuss - it's important

11) Host Dorkbot in mid-November? * Dorkbot: strange things with Electricity! * Hosted by Marcella * See * Donations at door go to Noisebridge * Talks TBD, noisebridge projects could be involved * Time out to discuss, working on six autonomous spherical orb robots that do cool things * Dorkbot potential dates: 12th or 19th ? * Are we big enough? Yes, dorkbot is limited size but offers webcasts * Consensus: talk about it, bring it up again next week