Meeting Notes 2009 04 28
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Crew[edit | edit source]
- Moderator: nils
- Notes: dr jesus
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
Announcements[edit | edit source]
- What Noisebridge is about.
- The Names
- Treasurer's report
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (8PM, 83c)
- Pyclass (Monday at 6:30PM, 83c)
- Machine Learning Wednesdays (8PM, 83c)
- Science/Engineering Huddle (8PM Thursdays, 83c)
- Natural Language Corners
- Cyborg Group (Sundays)
- OpenEEG
- Five Minutes of Fame now accepting submissions for May
- DC3 Digital Forensics Challenge
- Potential OpenAMD deployment
- Go on Sunday 3pm
Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
- Purchasing Soldering Badges -nils
- Removing Membership -rachel
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Reading Names
- New member approvals
Discussion topics[edit | edit source]
- Club Mate - Anyone from NB involved?
- What preparedness measures are we taking to protect Noisebridge against the Swine Flu pandemic?
- Require wearing of masks in the space?
- DIYBio fridge returning to hold vaccines.
- Wash all surfaces with bleach or other chemical disinfectant daily?
- Everyone should go vegan!
- Procedure to ban those displaying flu symptoms?
- Keeping bacon in the Noisebridge fridge.
- Cyborg group wants to make a bracelet that vibrates when someone infected is near by.
- Continuing search for new underground location to move Noisebridge into, take up arms.
- New project license Open Sores for Flubuntu 13.4 STD Sickly Swine.
- Bring religion to 83c to fight the pandemic?
- ToorCamp!
- Soldering Badges
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Please follow the format kindly made by Turkshead and used in Meeting Notes 2009 04 14 when adding items.
- At the end of the meeting I'll ask for volunteers to lead the next meeting.
- Christie has volunteered to lead the next meeting.