Meeting Notes 2009 05 26
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Crew[edit | edit source]
- Moderator: TBD, previously scheduled Steve is unavailable due to last minute availability change. Sorry.
- Notes:
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
Announcements[edit | edit source]
- What Noisebridge is about.
- Treasurer's report
- Maker Faire 2009
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
- PyClass (Monday 6:30PM, 83c)
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (8PM, 83c)
- Haschool (Tuesday 6:00PM, 83c)
- Machine Learning Wednesdays (8PM, 83c)
- Science/Engineering Huddle (8PM Thursdays, 83c)
- Shop Class - Fridays (8pm, 83c)
- Natural Language Corners
- German Thursdays 6PM 83c, beginning on time, advanced later.
- Sensebridge Cyborg Group (Sundays)
- OpenEEG
- DC3 Digital Forensics Challenge
- Go on Sunday 3pm
- Hologlyphics/Noisebridge Grant Proposal Update - Hologlyphic Video Art
Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Reading Names
- New member approvals
Discussion topics[edit | edit source]
- Lathe + Mill in the shop
- Approval for letter of support for Holo/NB grant
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Add links to every agenda item up.
- Volunteers to lead the next meeting?